Workshops Workshops at Ubicomp 2017

Workshop Overview and Schedule

Daily Schedule

  • 8:00 am
  • 8:30 am - 10:00 am
  • 10:00 am - 10:30 am
  • 10:30 am -12:00 pm
  • 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
  • 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
  • 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
  • 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
  • 6:00 pm
  • Registration Desk Opens
  • Morning Session 1
  • Coffee Break
  • Morning Session 2
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon Session 1
  • Coffee Break
  • Afternoon Session 2
  • Registration Deck Closes

Workshop and Tutorial Conference Locations

Workshop 1

PURBA 2017: The 6th Workshop on Pervasive Urban Applications

Organizers: Santi Phithakkitnukoon, Teerayut Horanont, Sourav Bhattacharya, Yoshihide Sekimoto

PURBA-2017 is the sixth in this series building upon the successful previous PURBA workshops. It aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss and explore the research challenges and opportunities in applying the pervasive computing paradigm to urban spaces. We are seeking multi-disciplinary contributions that reveal interesting aspects about urban life and exploit the digital traces to create novel urban applications that benefit citizens, urban planners, and policy makers. Preliminary and on-going research work are welcomed.

Workshop 2

UbiMI - Ubiquitous Mobile Instrumentation

Organizers: Aku Visuri, Denzil Ferreira, Susanna Pirttikangas, Yuuki Nishiyama, Vassilis Kostakos, Kåre Synnes, Janne Lindqvist

Mobile devices (smartphones, smartwatches, etc.) allow us to reach people anywhere, anytime. Collectively, these devices form a ubiquitous computer that offers valuable insights on the user. In addition to the benefits for researchers and developers, explored in previous UbiMI workshops, devices can also help individuals understand their own health, activities, and behaviour. The Ubiquitous Mobile Instrumentation (UbiMI) workshop focuses on using mobile devices as instruments to collect sensing data, to understand human-behaviour and routines, and to gather users’ context using sensor instrumentation.

Workshop 3

5th International Workshop on Human Activity Sensing Corpus and Applications: Towards Open-Ended Context Awareness (HASCA)

Organizers: Nobuo Kawaguchi, Nobuhiko Nishio, Daniel Roggen, Sozo Inoue, Susanna Pirttikangas, Kristof van Laerhoven

The objective of this workshop is to share the experiences among current researchers around the challenges of real-world activity recognition, the role of datasets and tools, and breakthrough approaches towards open-ended contextual intelligence. This workshop deals with the challenges of designing reproducible experimental setups, running large-scale dataset collection campaigns, designing activity and context recognition methods that are robust and adaptive, and evaluating systems in the real world.

As a special topic this year, we wish to reflect on the challenges and possible approaches to recognise situations, events or activities outside of a statically pre-defined pool - which is the current state of the art - and instead adopt an "open-ended view" on activity and context awareness. This may take combinations of advances in the automatic discovery of relevant patterns in sensor data, advances in experience sampling and wearable technologies to unobtrusively discover the semantic meaning of such patterns, advances in crowd-sourcing of dataset acquisition and annotation and new "open-ended" human activity modeling techniques.

Workshop 4

2nd Workshop on Intelligent Personal Support of Human Behavior (SmartGuidance)

Organizers: Christian Meurisch, Usman Naeem, Philipp M. Scholl, Muhammad Awais Azam, Sebastian Günther, Paul Baumann, Shafiq ur Réhman, Max Mühlhäuser

In today's fast-paced environment, humans are faced with various problems such as information overload, stress, health and social issues. So-called anticipatory systems promise to approach these issues through personal guidance or proactive support within a user's daily and professional life.

The 2nd Workshop on Intelligent Personal Support of Human Behavior (SmartGuidance'17) aims to build on the success of the previous workshop (namely Smarticipation) organized in conjunction with UbiComp 2016, to continue discussing the latest research outcomes of anticipatory mobile systems and foster collaborations by bringing together researchers of this emerging, interdisciplinary research field. We invite the submission of papers within anticipatory mobile computing that focuses on understanding, design, and development of such ubiquitous systems. We also welcome contributions that investigate human behaviors, underlying recognition and prediction models; conduct field studies; as well as propose novel HCI techniques to provide personal support.

Workshop 5

4th Workshop on Ubiquitous Technologies for Augmenting the Human Mind (WAHM)

Organizers: Sarah Clinch, Passant El.Agroudy, Tilman Dingler, Tsutomu Terada, Kai Kunze

Ubiquitous capture, storage and sensing tools have recently gained attention for their capacity to augment the capabilities of the human mind. For example, the use of lifelogging and other sensors to capture experience to supplement human memory, or the use of AR/VR to extend perception. However, cognition and other activities of the human mind are not purely individual, and the sharing of experiences and knowledge has always been essential for human development, enabling both skill transfer and empathy. Human mind augmentation should therefore extend cognitive and emotional capabilities for, not only oneself, but also the societies and communities with which one engages. In the 4th edition of the WAHM workshop, we therefore focus on novel technological augmentations of the human mind with specific focus on approaches to the sharing of experiences and abilities between individuals. We will discuss questions like: How can we design sensing and interaction modalities to better understand the human behavior and how we share knowledge? What is the interplay between technology interventions and existing cognitive functions? How can a memory prosthetic aid in knowledge acquisition, retention and attenuation? How can we translate research findings into impactful commercial apps while preserving the privacy and individuality of the people?.

This workshop brings together computer scientists with wide-ranging expertise (e.g. wearable computing, HCI, affective computing, virtual and augmented reality) with psychologists, cognitive scientists and others to identify key opportunities and challenges for the augmentation of individual and societal mind (emotions, creativity, attention, cognition). A combination of position presentations and group discussion will explore a range of technical and societal issues.

Workshop 6

Mental Health and Well-being: Sensing and Intervention

Organizers: Saeed Abdullah, Elizabeth Murnane, Mirco Musolesi, Jakob E. Bardram, Tanzeem Choudhury

Mental health issues affect a significant portion of the world’s population and can result in debilitating and life-threatening outcomes. To address this increasingly pressing healthcare challenge, there is a need to research novel approaches for early detection and prevention. In particular, ubiquitous systems can play a central role in revealing and tracking clinically relevant behaviors, contexts, and symptoms. Further, such systems can passively detect relapse onset and enable the opportune delivery of effective intervention strategies.

However, despite their clear potential, the uptake of ubiquitous technologies into clinical mental healthcare is rare, and a number of challenges still face the overall efficacy of such technology-based solutions. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested in identifying, articulating, and addressing such issues and opportunities. Following the success of last year’s inaugural workshop, we aim to continue facilitating the UbiComp community in developing a holistic approach for sensing and intervention in the context of mental health.

Workshop 7

New frontiers of Quantified Self 3: Exploring understudied categories of users (Quantified Self)

Organizers: Amon Rapp, Federica Cena, Judy Kay, Bob Kummerfeld, Frank Hopfgartner, Till Plumbaum, Jakob Eg Larsen, Daniel A. Epstein, Rúben Gouveia

Despite a growing understanding of how self-trackers track, we know far less about how these tools can be used in specific contexts and communities of practice. In this new edition of the workshop we aim at exploring how specific, and still understudied, categories of users might track to address their personal and situated needs, how we can better design for them, and what particular user groups could be impacted by the increasing availability of personal data. This could also provide new opportunities for envisioning how collections of digital traces could go beyond behavior change to investigate new personalized services in e.g. work, education, entertainment, transportation, and health. The workshop will combine a presentation session and a design session, where participants will create fictional prototypes addressed to satisfy the needs of specific categories of potential future self-trackers.

Workshop 8

UbiTtention 2017: 2nd International Workshop on Smart & Ambient Notification and Attention Management

Organizers: Tadashi Okoshi, Anja Exler, Alexandra Voit, Dominik Weber, Martin Pielot, Benjamin Poppinga, Niels Henze, Sven Gehring, Matthias B ​ öhmer, SeungJun Kim, Veljko Pejovic

In the advancing ubiquitous computing, users are increasingly confronted with a tremendous amount of information proactively provided via notifications from versatile applications and services, through multiple devices and screens in their environment. Thus our human's attention have been getting a new significant bottleneck. Further, the latest computing trends with emerging new devices including versatile IoT devices, and contexts, such as Smart Cities, Smart Mobility including vehicles, are even accelerating this situation. In such situations, "attention management", including attention representation, sensing, prediction and analysis, as well as various types of adaptive behavior in smart and ambient notifications, such as scheduling, modality, presentation or destination devices, are obviously needed in our computing systems. Following last year's successful UbiTtention 2016 workshop, the UbiTtention 2017 workshop brings together researchers and practitioners from academy and industry to explore the managements of human attention and notifications with versatile devices and smart situations to overcome information overload and overchoice. We want to focus on a larger understanding of the different roles notifications can play in a wide variety of computing environments including the office, the home, in cars, and other smart environments.

Workshop 9

Learning from Failure: Designing for Complex Sociotechnical Systems

Organizers: Lars Müller, Matthias Budde, Nadir Weibel, Eliah Aronoff-Spencer, Michael Beigl, Don Norman

The road to success is seldomly straight. As soon as one combines a range of Ubicomp devices and a variety of users each with different roles, the result is a complex sociotechnical system with unexpected interactions and emergent properties which may or may not be desirable. We believe that combining insights from human-centered design and failure stories will improve the understanding of specific sociotechnical challenges that characterize modern and complex Ubicomp solutions. This workshop will provide an opportunity to reflect on these failures and juxtapose them with human-centered design methods. Through short participant authored failure reports, hands-on design sessions in groups, and an all-group discussion, we will share challenges and reflect on the lessons learned regarding the design of complex sociotechnical systems.

Workshop 10

UbiMount - 2nd Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing in the Mountains

Organizers: Florian Daiber, Keith Cheverst, Michael Jones, Jonna Häkkilä, Frederik Wiehr, Felix Kosmalla

The 2nd "UbiMount - Ubiquitous Computing in the Mountains" workshop builds upon the successful UbiComp'16 workshop and addresses the challenges that arise when UbiComp technology is applied to activities in the mountains. The ubiquity of technology in our everyday life raises the question if and how ubiquitous computing can inform novel technologies to support rock climbing, hiking, mountain biking, paragliding, or skiing. During this one day workshop the participants will present their positions and research, followed by a demo session and group exercises.

Workshop 11 Cancelled

IWSAR 2017: The 1st International Workshop on Social Activity Recognition

Organizers: Jamie A. Ward, Paul Lukowicz, Kai Kunze, Koichi Kise

Activity recognition has traditionally focused on methods for sensing and recognizing activities of one person at a time. However most real-world activities are social -- they are carried out by, and within, groups of two or more people. People run together, they work together, they solve problems together. Social sensing is a growing paradigm that involves using information gathered from and by (often large) networks of people. Information can be obtained by "crowd sourcing" sensor data (e.g. collecting movement data from smartphones), or using people themselves as sensors (e.g. through information from social media posts).  Within this paradigm, Social Activity Recognition is primarily concerned with detecting the physical activities of people in groups, as well as the overall behavior of those groups. The aim of social activity recognition, as explored in this workshop, is to use ubiquitous and wearable sensing as a basis for research into human activities that involve more than one person, and as a tool for building socially-aware applications. In this 1-day workshop we aim to encourage a broad discussion of social sensing and social activity recognition, and welcome participation from a wide-range of researchers with interests across fields such as ubiquitous and wearable computing, HCI, computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW), as well cognitive and social psychology.