Registration Registration Rates
UbiComp 2017
Conference Registration Rates
To register, visit the UBICOMP/ISWC 2017 conference registration page. Before registering, please read the cancellation and registration transfer conditions, as well as the membership requirements for discounted rates, as stated in our Terms and Conditions outlined on the Registration page.
All prices in US Dollar (USD)
Main Conference - Full Registration (3 Days)
- Early Registration (On or before 7/31)
- Late Registration (7/31-9/10)
- On-site Registration (On or after 9/11)
ACM Members
- $700
- $870
- $1000
Non-ACM Members
- $800
- $950
- $1150
- $450
- $550
- $650
Registration fee includes
- Admission to all conference sessions including ISWC Design Exhibition
- Coffee breaks
- Conference proceedings (USB)
- Conference pack
- Demo/poster reception (Wed, 9/13)
- Conference reception/banquet (Thu, 9/14)
You can also purchase (upon availability)
- One extra ticket for demo/poster reception: $50
- One extra ticket for conference reception: $100 (Early), $150 (Late)
Workshops and tutorials need to be registered separately.
Main Conference - Single Day Passes
- Early Registration (On or before 7/31)
- Late Registration (7/31-9/10)
- On-site Registration (On or after 9/11)
ACM Members
- $270
- $345
- $360
Non-ACM Members
- $345
- $440
- $455
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
Registration fee includes
- 1 day admission to all conference sessions
- Coffee breaks for that day
- Conference proceedings (USB)
- Conference pack
- Note: Conference reception not included
You can also purchase (upon availability)
- One extra ticket for demo/poster reception: $50
- One extra ticket for conference reception: $100 (Early), $150 (Late)
Workshops and tutorials need to be registered separately.
Workshop Registration - Single Day Passes
At least one author of each accepted workshop contribution is required to purchase a workshop registration by the early registration deadline July 22, 2017.
- Early Registration (On or before 7/31)
- Late Registration (7/31-9/10)
- On-site Registration (On or after 9/11)
ACM Members
- $130
- $160
- $200
Non-ACM Members
- $160
- $220
- $250
- $95
- $125
- $140
Registration fee includes
- Admission to all workshop sessions on Monday, Sept. 11 or Tuesday Sept. 12
- Coffee breaks
Doctoral Consortium Registration
The Doctoral Consortium will occur on Monday September 11 and can only be attended by students accepted to participate in the Doctoral Consortium. The DC Chairs will provide these attendees with access codes to use when registering for the conference.
Tutorial Registration - Single Day Passes
- Early Registration (On or before 7/31)
- Late Registration (7/31-9/10)
- On-site Registration (On or after 9/11)
ACM Members
- $200
- $250
- $300
Non-ACM Members
- $250
- $300
- $350
- $95
- $125
- $140
Registration fee includes
- Admission to a tutorial on Monday, Sept. 11 or Tuesday, Sept. 12
- Coffee breaks
- The Startup 101 tutorial is on Monday Sep. 11 and has a limit of 50 attendees
- The VR tutorial is on Tuesday Sep. 12 and has a limit of 50 attendees
- The Deep Learning tutorial is a two-day tutorial held Monday Sep. 11 & Tuesday Sep. 12. Attendees must get 2 passes to attend this tutorial. It has a limit of 100 attendees.
ISWC Design Exhibition Passes
- Early Registration (On or before 7/31)
- Late Registration (7/31-9/10)
- On-site Registration (On or after 9/11)
ACM Members
- $150
- $200
- $200
Non-ACM Members
- $150
- $200
- $200
- $150
- $200
- $200
Registration fee includes
- Coffee breaks
- Demo/poster reception
Remote attendance via Telepresence Robots is a new option available to a limited number of UBICOMP/ISWC attendees this year. The goal is to provide people who will not attend Ubicomp in person with an alternative means for conference attendance. Currently remote attendance is still at an exploratory stage. Remote participants must understand that they are likely to experience technology weaknesses and glitches, so their experience will likely be not as good as an in-person attendee’s. We aim to support at least 10 remote attendees.
- Early Registration (On or before 7/31)
- Late Registration (7/31-9/10)
- On-site Registration (On or after 9/11)
ACM Members
- $450
- $550
- $650
Non-ACM Members
- $450
- $550
- $650
- $450
- $550
- $650
If you have any questions regarding Ubicomp 2017 registration please send an email to