Program Tutorials

Ubicomp 2017 Tutorials

Daily Schedule


  • 8:00 am
  • 8:30 am - 10:00 am
  • 10:00 am - 10:30 am
  • 10:30 am -12:00 pm
  • 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
  • 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
  • 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
  • 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
  • 6:00 pm

Pikake 1 / Pikake 2

  • Registration Desk Opens
  • Morning Session 1
  • Coffee Break
  • Morning Session 2
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon Session 1
  • Coffee Break
  • Afternoon Session 2
  • Registration Deck Closes

The Ubicomp/ISWC Tutorials 2017 are designed to provide fundamental knowledge and experience on topics related to ubiquitous and wearable computing through interactive discussions and hands-on exercises. Tutorials encourage participation of researchers, students, practitioners, educators and welcome people with different backgrounds and technical skills. Three tutorials will occur in parallel with workshops before the main conference starts.


Monday, September 11th

  • Pikake 1: T1. Deep Learning for Ubicomp: Introduction, Foundations and Practicals.
  • T2. Startup 101: Presentations, Panel Discussions, and Small Group Activities (cancelled)

Tuesday, September 12th

  • Pikake 2: T3. Introduction to Designing VR: VR Introduction, VR Hands on

Tutorial Program Details

T1. Deep Learning for Ubicomp


Nic Lane (University College of London & Nokia Bell Labs), Thomas Ploetz (Georgia Tech), Yu Guan (Newcastle University), Sourav Bhattacharya (Nokia Bell-Labs)

About the Session

This tutorial will provide an introduction to deep learning with a core focus on how it relates to various Ubicomp technologies. It will provide a mixture of the key theoretical underpinnings combined with hands-on coding examples based on popular learning frameworks. In keeping with our aim to maintain a Ubicomp focus: participants will be shown how to use various deep architectures (e.g., convolutional networks, recurrent networks) to model a range of learning tasks related to context and user behaviors/activities using sensors commonly found in pervasive systems (such as inertial sensors, microphones and cameras). Furthermore, we will teach the latest ideas in how to optimize the inference algorithms and model representations of such classifiers to enable them to run locally on mobile and embedded devices. We will cover all major technical and practical content (i.e., coding examples) and provide ample opportunities for attendees to participate in hands-on activities, either individually or as a group.

For more details, please go to


All levels and backgrounds welcome to apply

How to Attend

To allow us to regulate the participant interest we are receiving, please first complete this form: Based on this information, participants will be selected and a registration code for the tutorial provided to be used when registering for the conference. Notification is on a rolling basis -- upon submitting the form please wait at most 5 days for a reply.


  • Monday September 11th: 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:30pm-5:30pm (and later)


Laptop for programming during the tutorial session, prior to the event attendees must install specified deep learning software frameworks (please consult our website) -- note, a Raspberry Pi will be provided for testing and prototyping deep learning-powered Ubicomp applications.

T2. Startup 101


Shwetak Patel (GIX Program at University of Washington), Hossein Rahnama (Flybits), Noble Ackerson (Dublabs, LLC)

About the Session

Panel session on startup 101 to hear from panels on their experience on various topic covering how-to, tips for pitching ideas, success and failures. The discussion will be moderated by the chairs/panelists. This tutorial session will provide an unique experience for participants to learn different aspects of founder’s personal journey, tactics over the success stories. The tutorial session is divided by three sub-topics: a short keynote presentation from each panelist, panel discussions, followed by small group activities.


All levels


One Full Day:

  • Monday September 11th: 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:30pm-5:30pm


Bring your ideas.

T3. Introduction to designing VR


Frank Li (Google Daydream), David Dearman (Google Daydream), Jinghua Zhang (Google Daydream)

About the Session

The tutorial will provide an introduction to designing for VR. We will present some fundamental design guidelines. Then there will be a hands-on exercise to develop your own application and a chance to try breaking those guidelines. You will learn how to develop for VR using Unity deploying on Android or iOS. Later in the day, we will present things you should know about when running user studies for VR applications and devices.




One Full Day:

  • Tuesday September 12th: 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:30pm-5:30pm


Laptop, phone & usb cable (Android preferred), Unity (free version for personal download for phone app development. Note that for iOS users need a Macbook to run their VR apps on an iPhone (minimum is iOS 8.0). Closer to the tutorial date, we will send out a Unity project to download onto your laptop.