Ubicomp 2009
Orlando, Florida
Eleventh Internation Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
Download the one-page Ubicomp2009 brochure. |
Student Volunteers
UbiComp 2009 continues the tradition of calling for student volunteers to assist in managing the small but important details of a conference. In doing so, student volunteers provide the backbone of a successful conference.
Accepted volunteers are expected to work in multiple functions during the conference, but will also be given great opportunities to attend the program and socialize. All student volunteers will receive a free registration to the conference (including meals & special events). Please note that if you are an author on a paper, your free registration as an SV will not count toward the requirement that every paper have a paid registration by one or more of the authors.
The deadline for SV applications for UbiComp 2009 is June 28th, 2009.
To apply to be a student volunteer, please submit the online application. Notification of acceptance will be by July 19th, 2009.
<-->Contact the student volunteer chairs for more information: Alireza Sahami, and Erich Stuntebeck, svchairs2009@ubicomp.org.
Ubicomp 2009 is locally organized by the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida.