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Papers & Notes

Paper Session 1 – Places & Location

Thursday, 1 October, 10.45-12.30

Location: Salons 1-3

Session Chair: Anind Dey (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

From Spaces to Places: Emerging Contexts in Mobile Privacy

Clara Mancini (The Open University), Keerthi Thomas (The Open University), Yvonne Rogers (The Open University), Blaine A. Price (The Open University), Lukasz Jedrzejczyk (The Open University), Arosha K. Bandara (The Open University), Adam N. Joinson (University of Bath), Bashar Nuseibeh (The Open University)

The Commodification of Location: Dynamics of Power in Location-Based Systems

Irina Shklovski (IT University of Copenhagen), Janet Vertesi, Emily Troshynski, Paul Dourish (University of California, Irvine)

Discovering Semantically Meaningful Places from Pervasive RF-Beacons

Donnie H. Kim (University of California, Los Angeles), Jeffrey Hightower (Intel Labs Seattle), Ramesh Govindan (University of Southern California), Deborah Estrin (University of California, Los Angeles)

Privately Querying Location-based Services with SybilQuery

Pravin Shankar, Vinod Ganapathy, Liviu Iftode (Rutgers University)


Paper Session 2 – Activity Recognition

Thursday, 1 October, 13.45-15.30

Location: Salons 1-3

Session Chair: Paul Lukowicz (University of Passau, Germany)

Eye Movement Analysis for Activity Recognition

Andreas Bulling (ETH Zurich), Jamie A. Ward (Lancaster University), Hans Gellersen (Lancaster University), Gerhard Tröster (ETH Zurich)

Recognizing Daily Activities with RFID-Based Sensors

Michael Buettner, Richa Prasad (University of Washington), Matthai Philipose (Intel Labs Seattle), DavidWetherall (Intel Labs Seattle and University of Washington)

Cross-Domain Activity Recognition

Vincent Wenchen Zheng, Derek Hao Hu, Qiang Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Recognizing Stereotypical Motor Movements in the Laboratory and Classroom: A Case Study with Children on the Autism Spectrum

Fahd Albinali (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Matthew S. Goodwin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and The Groden Center), Stephen S. Intille (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Paper Session 3 – Notes

Friday, 2 October, 8.30-10.15

Location: Salons 1-3

Session Chair: John Krumm (Microsoft Research, USA)

inAir: Measuring and Visualizing Indoor Air Quality

Sunyoung Kim, Eric Paulos (Carnegie Mellon University)

Wearable Therapist: Sensing Garments for Supporting Children Improve Posture

Holger Harms, Oliver Amft, Mirjam Appert, Roland Müller, Gerhard Tröster (ETH Zurich), Andreas Meyer-Heim (Rehabilitation Centre Affoltern a. A., University Children’s Hospital Zurich)

Sonar-based Measurement of User Presence and Attention

Stephen P. Tarzia (Northwestern University), Robert P. Dick (University of Michigan), Peter A. Dinda (Northwestern University), Gokhan Memik (Northwestern University)

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Pedestrians using only Foot-Mounted Inertial Sensors

Patrick Robertson, Michael Angermann, Bernhard Krach (German Aerospace Center)

BlueTone: A Framework for Interacting with Public Displays Using Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency through Bluetooth

David Dearman, Khai N. Truong (University of Toronto)

Toward Emergent Technology for Blended Public Displays

Angie Chandler, Joe Finney, Carl Lewis, Alan Dix (Lancaster University)

Paper Session 4 – Security & Access

Friday, 2 October, 10.45-12.30

Location: Salons 1-3

Session Chair: Urs Hengartner (University of Waterloo, Canada)

A Spotlight on Security and Privacy Risks with Future Household Robots: Attacks and Lessons

Tamara Denning, Cynthia Matuszek, Karl Koscher, Joshua R. Smith, Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington)

Authenticating Ubiquitous Services: A Study of Wireless Hotspot Access

Tim Kindberg (HP Labs), Chris Bevan, Eamonn O’Neill, James Mitchell, Jim Grimmett, Dawn Woodgate (University of Bath)

SessionMagnifier: A Simple Approach to Secure and Convenient Kiosk Browsing

Chuan Yue, HainingWang (The College of William and Mary)

Understanding File Access Mechanisms for Embedded Ubicomp Collaboration Interfaces

Anthony Collins (University of Sydney), Anastasia Bezerianos (National ICT Australia and École Centrale Paris), Gregor McEwan (National ICT Australia), Markus Rittenbruch (National ICT Australia and University of Sydney), Rainer Wasinger, Judy Kay (University of Sydney)

Paper Session 5 – UbiComp Worldwide

Friday, 2 October, 13.45-15.00

Location: Salons 1-3

Session Chair: Richard Beckwith (Intel, USA)

Broadening UbiComp’s Vision: An Exploratory Study of Charismatic Pentecostals and Technology Use in Brazil

Susan P. Wyche (Georgia Institute of Technology), Camila M. Magnus (University of Barcelona), Rebecca E. Grinter (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Ubicomp4D: Infrastructure and Interaction for International Development—the Case of Urban Indian Slums

Nithya Sambasivan (University of California, Irvine), Nimmi Rangaswamy (Microsoft Research India), Ed Cutrell (Microsoft Research), Bonnie Nardi (University of California, Irvine)

Encountering SenseCam: Personal Recording Technologies in Everyday Life

David H. Nguyen, Gabriela Marcu, Gillian R. Hayes (University of California, Irvine), Khai N. Truong (University of Toronto), James Scott (Microsoft Research Cambridge), Marc Langheinrich, Christof Roduner (ETH Zurich)

Paper Session 6 – Behavior Change

Friday, 2 October, 15.30-16.20

Location: Salons 1-3

Session Chair: Khai Truong (University of Toronto, Canada)

Applying Pervasive Technologies to Create Economic Incentives that Alter Consumer Behavior

Tetsuo Yamabe (Waseda University), Vili Lehdonvirta (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology), Hitoshi Ito, Hayuru Soma, Hiroaki Kimura, Tatsuo Nakajima (Waseda University)

Playful Bottle: a Mobile Social Persuasion System to Motivate Healthy Water Intake

Meng-Chieh Chiu, Shih-Ping Chang, Yu-Chen Chang, Hao-Hua Chu, Cheryl Chia-Hui Chen, Fei-Hsiu Hsiao, Ju-Chun Ko (National Taiwan University)

Paper Session 7 – Context-Aware & Wearable Systems

Saturday, 3 October, 8.30-10.15

Location: Salons 1-3

Session Chair: Jadwiga Indulska (University of Queensland, Australia)

Assessing Demand for Intelligibility in Context-Aware Applications

Brian Y. Lim, Anind K. Dey (Carnegie Mellon University)

Interactive Dirt: Increasing Mobile Work Performance with a Wearable Projector-Camera System

Daniel C. McFarlane, Steven M. Wilder (Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories)

SwimMaster: A Wearable Assistant for Swimmer

Marc Bächlin, Kilian Förster, Gerhard Tröster (ETH Zurich)

Validated Caloric Expenditure Estimation using a Single Body-Worn Sensor

Jonathan Lester, Carl Hartung, Laura Pina, Ryan Libby, Gaetano Borriello, Glen Duncan (University of Washington)

Paper Session 8 – Sensing & Sustainability

Saturday, 3 October, 10.45-12.30

Location: Salons 1-3

Session Chair: Hao-Hua Chu (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

HydroSense: Infrastructure-Mediated Single-Point Sensing of Whole-Home Water Activity

Jon Froehlich, Eric Larson, Tim Campbell, Conor Haggerty, James Fogarty, Shwetak N. Patel (University of Washington)

ViridiScope: Design and Implementation of a Fine Grained Power Monitoring System for Homes

Younghun Kim, Thomas Schmid, Zainul M. Charbiwala, Mani B. Srivastava (University of California, Los Angeles)

It’s Not All About “Green”: Energy Use in Low-Income Communities

Tawanna Dillahunt, Jennifer Mankoff, Eric Paulos (Carnegie Mellon University), Susan Fussell (Cornell University)

Experiences of Participatory Sensing in the Wild

Mark Paxton, Steve Benford (University of Nottingham)

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Ubicomp 2009 is locally organized by the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida.




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