Ubicomp 2009
Orlando, Florida
Eleventh Internation Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
Download the one-page Ubicomp2009 brochure. |
Call for Panel Proposals (.pdf)
Important Dates
Submission deadline |
March 20, 2009 (23:59 PST) |
Notification of acceptance |
May 20, 2009 |
Call for Panel Proposals
You are invited to submit proposals for Panels for Ubicomp 2009.
Panel sessions will be up to 90 minutes long. Proposers should seek to invite three or four panelists with academic and/or business expertise in the featured topical area. Proposers should be willing to frame the issues and moderate discussion, or propose a separate moderator who will do so. The objective of panels is an examination of the subject matter at hand, with an invitation to audience members to actively participate in the discussion through the posing of questions to panelists.
Possible Topic Areas
We invite panel proposals that address technological, design, social, and cultural issues related to ubiquitous computing. The best panels involve debate. We actively encourage panel proposals that deal with interdisciplinary and controversial issues.
Ubicomp visions, roadmaps, bottlenecks, and road blocksGaps between laboratory ubicomp and real-life ubicompUbicomp research methodologies and approaches, theories and modelsLegal and ethical issuesAdoption in social and cultural context
Furthermore, submissions which are in the scope of the Call for Papers and satisfy the previously stated criteria are welcome.
Submission Procedure
A proposal for a panel session is a commitment to organize it if being accepted. A proposal should be no more than 4 pages including:
Name, affiliation, and email address of the person making the proposal.Title for the proposed panel session.Suggested moderator for the panel session. It can be, but is not necessarily, the person making the proposal.A description of topic(s) and themes to be included in the panel discussion.If available, names and affiliations of possible panelists.
To submit a proposal and for more information please contact Michael Weber, the panels chair at panels2009@ubicomp.org.
Ubicomp 2009 is locally organized by the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida.