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Doctoral Colloquium (.pdf)

Important Dates

Submission deadline

June 25, 2009 (23:59 PST)

Notification of acceptance

July 26, 2009

Final version due

August 1, 2009

Doctoral Colloquium

September 29, 2009


The Doctoral Colloquium at the UbiComp 2009 conference offers students in the final stages of their Ph.D. research a unique forum for presenting their work and engaging in discussion with top experts in the field of ubiquitous computing. The Colloquium offers students the valuable opportunity to receive feedback and perspectives on their research from recognized experts in the field and other senior doctoral students, and to hear about and offer feedback on cutting-edge research being performed by other doctoral candidates.

The scope of the Doctoral Colloquium includes all major areas of ubiquitous computing. Participants will give high-level presentations of their dissertation research, followed by discussion with the faculty and other colloquium students. Applicants should be late-stage Ph.D. students with a well-established direction of research in ubiquitous computing, who are at still a stage sufficiently far from completion that their dissertations can benefit from the advice and feedback of the Colloquium.


This year's Doctoral Colloquium will be a whole-day event taking place one day before the main Ubicomp 2009 conference. The event will consist of short student presentations and interactive discussions. Each participant will have time allotted for a short presentation about his/her research followed by an in-depth and constructive discussion led by the panel. The colloquium will be divided into multiple student presentation sessions with appropriate breaks in between. The event will conclude with a final session, in which panelists will have an opportunity to describe their own Ph.D. experiences and to provide useful suggestions, tips and advice on how to successfully navigate through a Ph.D and enrich one's Ph.D experience.


Doctoral Colloquium submissions should clearly state the following:

  • The original key idea/ideas of the dissertation.
  • The problem domain and the specific problems addressed.
  • An overview of the most relevant related work.
  • Methodological approach and description of research including results obtained so far.
  • The contributions or expected contributions of the research to the field of ubiquitous computing, the domain area, and/or real world.
  • A description of work that remains to be completed and any potential challenges that may arise.

Please note that the final camera-ready version of the manuscript is due by August 1, 2009 (5pm PST). It can be submitted using the PCS system at, in PDF format. Please note that the final camera-ready manuscript must strictly follow the MS Word template for the DC, which is available here: The maximum number of pages allowed in the camera-ready submission is six (6). Failure to adhere to the template and/or page limit will prevent your submission from being published.


Gregory Abowd, Georgia Tech, USA

Tico Ballagas, Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA

AJ Brush, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Tanzeem Choudhury, Darmouth College, USA

Hani Hagras, University of Essex, UK

Joe McCarthy, Strands, USA


Andreas Butz, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Munich, Germany

Raja Bose, Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA

In case of any questions or concerns, please e-mail us at

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Ubicomp 2009 is locally organized by the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida.




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