Ubicomp 2009
Orlando, Florida
Eleventh Internation Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
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Ubicomp 2009 Panel
"Achievements, challenges, obstacles, and perspectives – where shall we be in another decade of ubicomp research"
After almost 20 years of the birth of ubiquitous computing and 10 years of Ubicomp conference the field has reached a certain level of maturity. Mobile applications are ubiquitous, location and navigation systems are common, smart houses are getting to be deployed, major steps have been taken. However, we are still far from the vision of truly ubiquitous and pervasive computing serving everyday needs of everyday people. Many applications and technologies are currently still only in the lab and not real-life. Methodologies for ubiquitous deployment are requested. There are open legal and ethical issues, and the adoption in social and cultural context is not well understood. Many more issues arise.
The panel will address achievements, challenges, obstacles, and perspectives of ubiquitous computing research from the panelists’ perspectives. Questioning and commenting from the audience and among panelists shall lead to debating about the issues coming to an interdisciplinary view from the community how the future research agenda should be shaped and where the trends are.
Panelists (alphabetical order)
Jeffrey Hightower, Intel research, US
Tim Kindberg, HP labs, UK
Shwetak N. Patel, University of Washington
James Scott, Microsoft research, UK
Michael Weber (Chair), University of Ulm, Germany
Ubicomp 2009 is locally organized by the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida.