Ubicomp 2009
Orlando, Florida
Eleventh Internation Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
Download the one-page Ubicomp2009 brochure. |
Important Dates
1. Papers & Notes
- Submission: April 17, 2009 (5pm PST) (closed)
- Author notification: June 15, 2009
- Final manuscript: July 17, 2009 (5pm PST)
2. Workshops
- Submission of proposals: March 6, 2009 (23:59 PST) (closed)
- Notification of proposal acceptance: April 6, 2009
- Workshop Call for Papers distribution: April 17, 2009
- Submission of WS Papers: June 25, 2009 (closed)
- Notification of acceptance of WS papers: July 20, 2009
- Final Manuscript: August 1, 2009
3. Demonstrations
- Submission: June 25, 2009 (23:59 PST) (closed)
- Author notification: July 20, 2009
- Final manuscript: August 1, 2009
4. Posters
- Submission: June 25, 2009 (23:59 PST) (closed)
- Author notification: July 20, 2009
- Final manuscript: August 1, 2009
5. Video
- Submission: June 25, 2009 (23:59 PST) (closed)
- Author notification: July 20, 2009
- Final manuscript: August 1, 2009
6. Panels
- Submission: March 20, 2009 (23:59 PST) (closed)
- Notification: May 20, 2009
7. Doctoral Colloquium
- Submission: June 25, 2009 (23:59 PST) (closed)
- Author notification: July 26, 2009
- Final manuscript: August 1, 2009
- Doctoral Colloquium will take place on September 29, 2009.
8. Program Committee Meeting:
- June 6-7,2009, Gainesville, Florida, USA
- September 30-October 3,2009, Orlando, Florida, USA
Ubicomp 2009 is locally organized by the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida.