UbiComp 2011 Post Conference Survey (Sep. 21, 2011)
UbiComp 2011 slides (permanently) & videos (for a limited time) (Sep. 21, 2011)
UbiComp 2012 will be held in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, during Sep. 5-9, 2012 (Sep. 21, 2011)
UbiComp 2011 Awards have been announced (Sep. 21, 2011)
- Ten Year Impact Award: Privacy by Design - Principles of Privacy-Aware Ubiquitous Systems, Marc Langheinrich, UbiComp 2001
- Best Paper Awards:
- Nurturing Natural Sensors, Stacey Kuznetsov, William Odom, James Pierce, Eric Paulos
- Haptic Reassurance in the Pitch Black for an Immersive Theatre Experience, Janet van der Linden, Yvonne Rogers, Maria Oshodi, Adam Spiers, David McGoran, Rafael Cronin, Paul O’Dowd
- Best Video Award: Lighting Choreographer: an LED Control System for Dance Performances
- Best Poster Award: LightWave: Using Compact Fluorescent Lights as Sensors
- Best Demo Award: PANDAA: Physical Arrangement Detection of Networked Devices through Ambient-Sound Awareness
Registration desk location and hours have been announced (September 14, 2011)
- Sep. 17, Saturday, Building A, Academy of Arts and Design, 8:00-17:30
- Sep. 18, Sunday, Building A, Academy of Arts and Design, 8:00-17:30
- Sep. 19, Monday, Main Building, 7:30-19:00
- Sep. 20, Tuesday, Main Building, 8:00-17:00
- Sep. 21, Wednesday, Main Building, 8:00-17:00
- Click [here] for the map of registration location.
Accessibility Information has been announced (September 14, 2011)
Final Program has been announced (September 12, 2011)
Program at a glance has been updated (August 22, 2011)
Panel information has been announced (August 17, 2011)
Jan Chipchase will be our keynote speaker (July 4, 2011)