Papers and Notes
Session 1 - Being Human
Monday, September 19, 10:30-12:00
Chair: A.J. Brush, Microsoft Research
- Smiling Makes Us Happier: Enhancing Positive Mood and Communication with Smile-Encouraging Digital Appliances
Hitomi Tsujita, Jun Rekimoto
How to Nudge In Situ: Designing Lambent Devices to Deliver Salience Information in Supermarkets
Vaiva Kalnikaitė, Yvonne Rogers, Jon Bird, Nicolas Villar, Khaled Bachour, Stephen Payne, Peter M. Todd, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger, Stefan Kreitmayer
CoDine: An Interactive Multi-sensory System for Remote Dining
JunWei, XuanWang, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Yongsoon Choi, Xavier Roman Martinez, Remi Tache, Jeffrey Tzu Kwan Valino Koh, Veronica Halupka, Adrian David Cheok
Promoting Intergenerational Communication Through Location-Based Asynchronous Video Communication
Frank Bentley, Santosh Basapur, Sujoy Kumar Chowdhury
Living in a Glass House: A Survey of Private Moments in the Home
Eun Kyoung Choe, Sunny Consolvo, Jaeyeon Jung, Beverly Harrison, Julie A. Kientz
FlyingBuddy: Augment Human Mobility and Perceptibility
Dan He, Haoyi Ren, Weidong Hua, Gang Pan, Shijian Li, Zhaohui Wu
Ready-To-Live: Wearable Computing Meets Fashion
Mirco Rossi, Burcu Cinaz, Gerhard Tröster
Session 2 - Novel Ubiquitous Technologies
Monday, September 19, 14:00-15:30
Chair: Yu Zheng, Microsoft Research Asia
- Leveraging Conductive Inkjet Technology to Build a Scalable and Versatile Surface for Ubiquitous Sensing
Nan-Wei Gong, Steve Hodges, Joseph A. Paradiso
- HeatProbe: A Thermal-based Power Meter for Accounting Disaggregated Electricity Usage
Bo-Jhang Ho, Hsin-Liu (Cindy) Kao, Nan-Chen Chen, Chuang-Wen You, Hao-Hua Chu, Ming-Syan Chen
- LightWave: Using Compact Fluorescent Lights as Sensors
Sidhant Gupta, Ke-Yu Chen, Matthew S. Reynolds, Shwetak N. Patel
- Interactive 3D Modeling of Indoor Environments with a Consumer Depth Camera
Hao Du, Peter Henry, Xiaofeng Ren, Marvin Cheng, Dan B Goldman, Steven M. Seitz, Dieter Fox
- Tactile Feedback without a Big Fuss: Simple Actuators for High-Resolution Phantom Sensations
Hendrik Richter, Benedikt Blaha, Alexander Wiethoff, Dominikus Baur, Andreas Butz
- Lighting Choreographer: an LED Control System for Dance Performances
Minoru Fujimoto,Naotaka Fujita,Tsutomu Terada,Masahiko Tsukamoto
- Qviz: Visualizer of Ramen Queues
Kazumasa Oshima,Niwat Thepvilojanapong,Yuta Iwasawa, Tatsuya Morita, Yoshito Tobe
Session 3 - On the Move
Monday, September 19, 16:00-17:30
Chair: Shwetak Patel, University of Washington
- Urban Computing with Taxicabs
Yu Zheng, Yanchi Liu, Jing Yuan, Xing Xie
- iBAT: Detecting Anomalous Taxi Trajectories from GPS Traces
Daqing Zhang, Nan Li, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Chao Chen, Lin Sun, Shijian Li
- Where to Find My Next Passenger?
Jing Yuan, Yu Zheng, Liuhang Zhang, Xing Xie, Guangzhong Sun
- Out of the Lab and Into the Woods: Kinematic Analysis in Running Using Wearable Sensors
Christina Strohrmann, Holger Harms, Gerhard Troster, Stefanie Hensler, Roland Muller
- Route Classification using Cellular Handoff Patterns
Richard A. Becker, Ramon Caceres, Karrie Hanson, Ji Meng Loh, Simon Urbanek, Alexander Varshavsky and Chris Volinsky
- Ubira: A Mobile Platform for an Integrated Online/Offline Shopping Experience
Udana Bandara, James Chen
Session 4 - Near and Far
Tuesday, September 20, 8:30-10:00
Chair: Patrick L. Olivier, Newcastle University
- Reflections on the Long-term Use of an Experimental Digital Signage System
Sarah Clinch, Nigel Davies, Adrian Friday, Christos Efstratiou
- Haptic Reassurance in the Pitch Black for an Immersive Theatre Experience
Janet van der Linden, Yvonne Rogers, Maria Oshodi, Adam Spiers, David McGoran, Rafael Cronin, Paul O’Dowd
- When Recommendation Meets Mobile: Contextual and Personalized Recommendation On The Go
Jinfeng Zhuang, Tao Mei, Steven C. H. Hoi, Ying-Qing Xu, Shipeng Li
- Getting Closer: An Empirical Investigation of the Proximity of User to Their Smart Phones
Anind K. Dey, Katarzyna Wac, Denzil Ferreira, Kevin Tassini, Jin-Hyuk Hong, Julian Ramos
- The Danger of Loose Objects in the Car: Challenges and Opportunities for Ubiquitous Computing
Daniel Avrahami, Michael Yeganyan, Anthony LaMarca
- A Ubiquitous Wireless Video Surveillance System Based on Pub/Sub
Jiannong Cao, Xuefeng Liu, Steven Lai, Yang Zou, Jun Zhang, Yang Liu, Chisheng Zhang
Session 5 - How Close?
Tuesday, September 20, 14:00-15:30
Chair: Adrian Friday, Lancaster University
- Who's your best friend? Targeted privacy attacks in location-sharing social networks
Vassilis Kostakos, Jayant Venkatanathan, Bernardo Reynolds, Norman Sadeh, Eran Toch, Siraj A. Shaikh, Simon Jones
- On the Limitations of Query Obfuscation Techniques for Location Privacy
Sai Teja Peddinti, Nitesh Saxena
- Are you close with me? Are you nearby? Investigating social groups, closeness, and willingness to share
Jason Wiese, Patrick Gage Kelley, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Laura Dabbish, Jason I. Hong, John Zimmerman
- Understanding How Visual Representations of Location Feeds Affect End-User Privacy Concerns
Karen P. Tang, Jason I. Hong, Daniel P. Siewiorek
- Employing User Feedback for Semantic Location Services
Donnie H. Kim, Kyungsik Han, Deborah Estrin
Session 6 - DIY and Design
Tuesday, September 20, 15:45-17:15
Chair: Scott Saponas, Microsoft Research
- Nurturing natural sensors
Stacey Kuznetsov, William Odom, James Pierce, Eric Paulos
- Red Balloon, Green Balloon, Sensors in the Sky
Stacey Kuznetsov, George Noel Davis, Eric Paulos, Mark Gross, Jian Chiu Cheung
- Data Broadcasting using Mobile FM Radio: Design, Realization and Application
Hang Yu, Ahmad Rahmati, Ardalan Amiri Sani, Lin Zhong, Jehan Wickramasuriya, Venu Vasudevan
- Myngle: Unifying and Filtering Web Content For Unplanned Access Between Multiple Personal Devices
Timothy Sohn, Frank Chun Yat Li, Agathe Battestini, Vidya Setlur, Koichi Mori, Hiroshi Horii
- Mechanical Hijacking: How Robots Can Accelerate Ubicomp Deployments
Scott Davidoff, Nicolas Villar, Alex S. Taylor, Shahram Izadi
- Core functionality and new applications for tabletops and interactive surfaces
Anthony Collins, Christopher James Ackad, Trent Apted, Paul Sztajer, PeterWard, Hanley Weng, Judy Kay
Session 7 - Home and Away
Wednesday, September 21, 8:30-10:00
Chair: Hao-hua Chu, Taiwan University
- MAQS: A Personalized Mobile Sensing System for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Yifei Jiang, Kun Li, Lei Tian, Ricardo Piedrahita, Xiang Yun, Omkar Mansata, Qin Lv, Robert P. Dick, Michael Hannigan, Li Shang
- PreHeat: Controlling Home Heating Using Occupancy Prediction
James Scott, A.J. Bernheim Brush, John Krumm, Brian Meyers,Mike Hazas, Steve Hodges, Nicolas Villar
- How Smart is Your Smartcard? Measuring Travel Behaviours, Perceptions, and Incentives
Neal Lathia, Licia Capra
- Mediated Tabletop Interaction in the Biology Lab -- Exploring the Design Space of The Rabbit
Juan David Hincapié-Ramos, Aurélien Tabard, Jakob E. Bardram
- Hand Shape Classification with a Wrist Contour Sensor: Development of a Prototype Device
Rui Fukui, MasahikoWatanabe, Masamichi Shimosaka, Tomomasa Sato,Tomoaki Gyota
- IteMinder: Finding items in a room using passive RFID and an autonomous robot
Mizuho Komatsuzaki, Koji Tsukada, Itiro Siio, Pertti Verronen, Mika Luimula,Sakari Pieskä
- Qooqle: Search with Speech, Gesture, and Social Media
Li Bian, Henry Holtzman
Session 8 - Energy and Networking
Wednesday, September 21, 10:30-12:00
Chair: Anthony LaMarca, Intel
- Deliberation for Intuition: A Framework for Energy-Efficient Trip Detection on Cellular Phones
Yifei Jiang, Du Li, Guang Yang, Qin Lv, Zhigang Liu
- SiFi: Exploiting VoIP Silence for WiFi Energy Savings in Smart Phones
Andrew J. Pyles, Zhen Ren, Gang Zhou, Xue Liu
- LEAP: A Low Energy Assisted GPS for Trajectory-Based Services
Heitor S. Ramos,Tao Zhang,Jie Liu, Nissanka B. Priyantha, Aman Kansal
- An Empirical Approach to Smartphone Energy Level Prediction
Earl Oliver, Srinivasan Keshav
- Enabling Large-scale Human Activity Inference on Smartphones using Community Similarity Networks (CSN)
Nicholas D. Lane, Ye Xu, Hong Lu, Shaohan Hu, Tanzeem Choudhury, Andrew T. Campbell, Feng Zhao
Session 9 - How Healthy?
Wednesday, September 21, 14:00-15:30
Chair: Julie Kientz, University of Washington
- Sundroid: Solar Radiation Awareness with Smartphones
Thomas Fahrni, Michael Kuhn, Philipp Sommer, Roger Wattenhofer, Samuel Welten
- Accurate and Privacy Preserving Cough Sensing using a Low-Cost Microphone
Eric C. Larson, TienJui Lee, Sean Liu, Margaret Rosenfeld, Shwetak N. Patel
- Passive and In-situ Assessment of Mental and Physical Well-being using Mobile Sensors
Mashf qui Rabbi, Shahid Ali, Tanzeem Choudhury, Ethan Berke
- The Place for Ubiquitous Computing in Schools: Lessons Learned from a School-Based Intervention for Youth Physical Activity
Erika Shehan Poole, Andrew D. Miller, Yan Xu, Elsa Eiriksdottir, Richard Catrambone,Elizabeth D. Mynatt
- Understanding My Data, Myself: Supporting Self-Reflection with Ubicomp Technologies
Ian Li, Anind K. Dey, Jodi Forlizzi
Session 10 - Measuring and Understanding
Wednesday, September 21, 16:00-17:30
Chair: Tanzeem Choudhury, Cornell University
- Investigating Intelligibility for Uncertain Context-Aware Applications
Brian Y. Lim, Anind K. Dey
- PANDAA: Physical Arrangement Detection of Networked Devices through Ambient-Sound Awareness
Zheng Sun, Aveek Purohit, Kaifei Chen, Shijia Pan, Trevor Pering, Pei Zhang
- Exploring Micro-Incentive Strategies for Participant Compensation in High-Burden Studies
Mohamed Musthag, Andrew Raij, Deepak Ganesan, Santosh Kumar, Saul Shiffman
- The Social fMRI: Measuring, Understanding and Designing Social Mechanisms in the Real World
Nadav Aharony, Wei Pan, Cory Ip, Inas Khayal, Alex Pentland
- Recognition of Visual Memory Recall Processes Using Eye Movement Analysis
Andreas Bulling,Daniel Roggen