Doctoral Colloquium
The purpose of the Consortium is to provide doctoral students with a forum, in which to discuss their PhD thesis proposal with experienced Ubicomp researchers and other doctoral students.
Julie Kientz, University of Washington;
Hao-Hua Chu, National Taiwan University;
Anind Dey, CMU;
Cho-li Wang, the University of Hong Kong
The schedule is:
- 8:30: Overview of the Doctoral Consortium
- 9:00: A Data-Rich Approach for Investigating Social Mechanisms in the Wild, Nadav Aharony, MIT, USA
- 9:35: Design of Persuasive Technologies for Healthy Sleep Behavior, Eun Kyoung Choe, University of Washington, USA
- 10:10: Coffee break
- 10:40: A User's Perspective of Design for Context-Awareness, Xiaohui Zhang, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
- 11:15: Enriching Location Information: An Energy-efficient Approach, Sourav Bhattacharya, University of Helsinki, Finland
- 11:50: Communication around Home-Energy Monitoring Devices: Connecting Stakeholders in Low-Income Communities, Tawanna Dillahunt, CMU, USA
- 12:25: Lunch
- 14:00: A Framework for User Controlled Remembering and Forgetting in Long Term User Models, Debjanee Barua, University of Sydney, Australia
- 14:35: Research on User Activity and Context Model Based Mobile Context-aware Interaction Design Method, Yuanyuan Chen, Dalian Maritime University, China
- 15:10: Don't Let Me Down: Using Contextual Information to Aid Diabetics, Tom Owen, Swansea University, UK
- 15:45: Coffee break
- 16:15: A Dependable Middleware for the Development of Applications for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks, Jaime Chen, University of Málaga, Spain
- 16:50: Facilitating the Consumption of Content on Social Networking Services with Mobile Devices, Yanqing Cui, Nokia Research Center, Finland
- 17:25: Wrap-up