Demos on Tuesday 20th September
Demos In Adjunct Proceedings
- Qooqle: Search with Speech, Gesture, and Social Media

Li Bian, Henry Holtzman
- Lupe: Information Access Method based on Distance between User and Sensor Nodes using AR technology
Takuya Takimoto, Yutaka Karatsu, Takuro Yonezawa,Jin Nakazawa, Kazunori Takashio, Hideyuki Tokuda
- Smart Home on Smart Phone
Yu Zhong, Yue Suo, Wenchang Xu, Chun Yu, Xinwei Guo, Yuhang Zhao, Yuanchun Shi
- A Stabilization Method of Projected Images for Wearable Projector Applications
Satoshi Murata, Kaori Fujinami
- Tilt & Touch: mobile phone for 3D interaction
Yuan Du, Haoyi Ren, Gang Pan, Shijian Li
- Demonstrating Generation Y Interactions through Interactive Prototyping
Wei Liu, Pieter Jan Stappers, Gert Pasman, Aadjan van der Helm
- Connecting People through Physical Resources in an Office Environment
Alvin Chin, Hao Wang, Lijun Zhu, Bin Xu, Hao Wang
- Near Ultrasonic Directional Data Transfer for Modern Smartphones
Will Archer Arentz, Udana Bandara
- ContextCapture: Using Context-based Awareness Cues to Create Narrative Events for Status Updates
Ville Antila, Jussi Polet
- Smart Makeup System: Supporting Makeup using Lifelog Sharing
Maki Nakagawa, Koji Tsukada, Itiro Siio
- CAMPUS: Context Aware Mobile Platform for Uniformed Security
Hossein Rahnama, Sina Jamshidi, Stephen Johns, Alan Shepard
- Harmonicare: A Novel Wind Instrument Easy to Learn and Play
Pin Tao, Xuan Zhang, Lin Yang, Yinqiao Wang
Demos Accompanying Full Papers/Notes
- How to Nudge In Situ: Designing Lambent Devices to Deliver Salience Information in Supermarkets
Vaiva Kalnikaitė, Yvonne Rogers, Jon Bird, Nicolas Villar, Khaled Bachour, Stephen Payne, Peter M. Todd, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger, Stefan Kreitmayer
- Mediated Tabletop Interaction in the Biology Lab -- Exploring the Design Space of The Rabbit
Juan David Hincapié-Ramos, Aurélien Tabard, Jakob E. Bardram
- PreHeat: Controlling Home Heating Using Occupancy Prediction
James Scott, A.J. Bernheim Brush, John Krumm, Brian Meyers, Mike Hazas, Steve Hodges, Nicolas Villar
- SiFi: Exploiting VoIP Silence for WiFi Energy Savings in Smart Phones
Andrew J. Pyles, Zhen Ren, Gang Zhou, Xue Liu
- Where to Find My Next Passenger?
Jing Yuan, Yu Zheng, Liuhang Zhang, Xing Xie, Guangzhong Sun
- Urban Computing with Taxicabs
Yu Zheng, Yanchi Liu, Jing Yuan, Xing Xie
Demos on Wednesday 21st September
Demos In Adjunct Proceedings
- MixPad: Augmenting Interactive Paper with Mice & Keyboards for Fine-grained Cross-media Interaction with Documents
Chunyuan Liao, Qiong Liu
- Ubira: A Mobile Platform for an Integrated Online/Offline Shopping Experience

Udana Bandara, James Chen
- Emoti-bots: A Line of Emotional Products for Automated Future Homes
Katie Koepfinger, Burcum Turkmen
- A Ring-shaped Interactive Device for Large Remote Display and Mobile Device Control
Boning Zhang, Yiqiang Chen, Yueliang Qian, Xiangdong Wang
- Sharing Availability Information with InterruptMe
Juan David Hincapié-Ramos, Stephen Voida, Gloria Mark
- Transferring Information from Mobile Devices to Personal Computers by Using Vibration and Accelerometer
Takuro Yonezawa, Tomotaka Ito, Hideyuki Tokuda
- Self-Adaptive Middleware for the Design of Context-Aware Software Applications in Public Transit Systems
Hossein Rahnama, Petar Kramaric, Alireza Sadeghian, Alan Shepard
- MAQS: A Mobile Sensing System for Indoor Air Quality
Yifei Jiang, Kun Li, Lei Tian, Ricardo Piedrahita, Xiang Yun, Omkar Mansata, Qin Lv, Robert P. Dick, Michael Hannigan, Li Shang
- DrawerBrowser: Practical Picture Browser for Finding Items in Drawers
Keisuke Kambara, Koji Tsukada
- Air Finger: Enabling Multi-scale Navigation by Finger Height above the Surface
Chun Yu, Xu Tan, Yue Shi, Yuanchun Shi
Demos Accompanying Full Papers/Notes
- PANDAA: Physical Arrangement Detection of Networked Devices through Ambient-Sound Awareness
Zheng Sun, Aveek Purohit, Kaifei Chen, Shijia Pan, Trevor Pering, Pei Zhang
- Sundroid: Solar Radiation Awareness with Smartphones
Thomas Fahrni, Michael Kuhn, Philipp Sommer, Roger Wattenhofer, Samuel Welten
- Interactive 3D Modeling of Indoor Environments with a Consumer Depth Camera
Hao Du, Peter Henry, Xiaofeng Ren, Marvin Cheng, Dan B Goldman, Steven M. Seitz, Dieter Fox
- iBAT: Detecting Anomalous Taxi Trajectories from GPS Traces
Daqing Zhang, Nan Li, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Chao Chen, Lin Sun, Shijian Li
- Hand Shape Classification with a Wrist Contour Sensor: Development of a Prototype Device
Rui Fukui, MasahikoWatanabe, Masamichi Shimosaka, Tomomasa Sato, Tomoaki Gyota
- CoDine: An Interactive Multi-sensory System for Remote Dining
Jun Wei, Xuan Wang, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Yongsoon Choi, Xavier Roman Martinez, Remi Tache, Jeffrey Tzu Kwan, Valino Koh, Veronica Halupka, Adrian David Cheok
- Loci: a service for managing my personal places and paths
Donnie H. Kim, Kyungsik Han, Deborah Estrin
- Smiling Makes Us Happier: Enhancing Positive Mood and Communication with Smile-Encouraging Digital Appliances
Hitomi Tsujita, Jun Rekimoto