Accepted Workshop Proposals
Workshops at UbiComp provide an opportunity to discuss and explore emerging areas of ubiquitous computing research with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners. This year at UbiComp we are particularly happy to announce a strong workshop program, with both well-known recurrent workshops that address core UbiComp topics, as well as new exciting workshops picking up on novel fascinating themes.
Workshop attendees need to explicitly register for the workshop, which will include a separate workshop fee, in addition to registering for the main conference. Workshop titles and organizers are listed below. General questions about the workshops can be addressed to the Workshop Chairs (workshop2011@ubicomp.org); specific questions about any individual workshop should be directed to the organiser(s) of the workshop.
W1 - Second International Workshop on Ubiquitous
Crowdsourcing: Towards a Platform for Crowd Computing
Maja Vukovic and Soundar Kumar
Crowdsourcing, a successful mechanism to harvest knowledge from the masses in domains ranging from healthcare, software development to managing disaster relief effort, offers endless opportunities to engage the networked crowds. With the adoption of mobile, digital and social media the crowds are increasingly reporting and acting upon events in smart environments; and sharing their data and experiences. Building upon First International Workshop on Ubiqitous Crowdsourcing, in this edition we challenge researchers and practitioners to identify requirements for a platform for crowd computing, arising from experiences in deployment crowdsourcing applications, which engage crowd members as sensors, controllers and actuators in smart cities and environments. This workshop will bring together researchers to produce a vision for the universal crowdsourcing platform, documenting it in a theme publication. In addition, accepted workshop papers will be shaped as the chapters for a book on “Scientific Foundations of a Crowd Computing Platform” following the workshop.
W2 - Mobile Sensing: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Directions
Nic Lane (Microsoft Research Asia); Tanzeem Choudhury (Dartmouth College); Feng Zhao (Microsoft Research Asia)
Mobile sensing is increasingly becoming part of everyday life due to the rapid evolution of the mobile phone into a powerful sensing platform. Popular consumer smartphones are now equipped with the necessary sensors to monitor a diverse range of human activities and commonly encountered contexts. The technical challenges of mobile sensing have attracted interest from various research communities, such as experts in machine learning, human computer interaction and mobile systems, who approach this emerging field with their own perspective due to differences in their interests and expertise. Progress within mobile sensing can be accelerated by increased cooperation and interaction between the different communities. This workshop seeks to provide a forum for a broad cross-section of mobile sensing researchers with diverse technical backgrounds to discuss key challenges and opportunities in mobile sensing research. We invite the submission of short position papers with multi-disciplinary perspectives on mobile sensing along with longer technical papers that represent the latest innovations in the field.
W3 - Second Workshop on 'Research in the Large'; Using App
Stores, Wide Distribution Channels & Big Data in UbiComp Research
Henriette Cramer, Frank Bentley, Mattias Rost,
and David Ayman Shamma
The proliferation of app stores and advancement of mobile devices has
enabled gathering large datasets from wide audiences for research
purposes, even for small research teams. In addition, existing
ubiquitous services are providing researchers with data sets or access
to content via APIs, greatly expanding the ability to study the use of
these systems on a global scale. This offers huge opportunities, but
also requires adaptations of existing methods and strategies to
overcome the challenges inherent to wide deployment and dealing with
large data sets in a UbiComp research context. This workshop provides
a forum for researchers to exchange experiences and strategies for
wide distribution of applications as well as gathering and analyzing
large scale data sets.
W4 - The First International Workshop on Mobile
Location-Based Service (MLBS)
Gary Chan, Edward Chang, and Michael Lyu
Developing LBS encounters technical challenges in several research
disciplines, which often requires multi-disciplinary approaches.
These areas include signal processing, signal fusion, data quality,
data mining, machine learning, query processing, networking and
distributed systems, and innovative applications. Furthermore, LBS
must safeguard privacy, and conserve battery power, and takes minimal
processing. This workshop aims to address these main issues. More
specifically, the workshop encourages contributions on (but not
limited to) the following topics:
- Outdoor location signals, e.g., GPS and AGPS
- Indoor location signals, e.g., WIFI, RFID, and NFC
- Signal processing, filtering, error correction
- Inertial navigation systems
- Signal fusion
- Data quality issues
- Motion tracking
- Privacy-award algorithms
- Image-based location detection
- Location-based image processing
- Location-aware query processing and optimization
- Location-aware distributed indexing
- Stream-based one-pass data mining techniques
- Spatially-enabled data mining techniques
- Spatio-temporal query languages
- Software architectures for mobile sensor networks
- Novel applications, e.g., social, gaming
- Experimental evaluations
- Development and deployment efforts
W5 - International Workshop on Networking and Object
Memories for the Internet of Things (NOMe-IoT 2011)
Harold Liu, Alexander Kroener, Chris Speed, Pan Hui, Fahim Kawsar,
Wenjie Wang, Dan Wang, Boris Brandherm, Thomas Ploetz, Michael
Schneider, Jens Haupert, adn Peter Stephan
Following the prognosis that predicts 50 to 100 billion of Internet
connected things by 2020, we are now at the cross section of a
paradigm shift and observing the metamorphosis that everyday things
are going through - from things that learned-to-do to things that are
learning–to-think to things that will learn-to-perceive (sense and
The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is at the heart of this
metamorphosis, and is rapidly gaining global attention from academia,
industries, and governments. Manifold definitions of IoT trace back to
the ITU vision, and also available from European Commission. In
general, the IoT concept allows bidirectional communications among
device, network, and backend data centers. It covers a wide scope of
technologies including wireless/wired sensing, networking, computing
and control, which together build feasible complex cyber physical
systems (CPS) to support diverse applications, including smart grid,
healthcare, intelligent transportation, and logistics, etc. An
integral part of IoT systems is object memories, comprise hardware and
software components that physically and/or conceptually associate
digital information with real-world objects in an
application-independent manner. Such information can take many
different forms (structured data and documents, pictures, audio/video
streams, etc.) and originate from a variety of sources (automated
processes, sensors in the environment, users, etc.). If constantly
updated, Digital Object Memories over time provide a meaningful record
of an object's history and use. NOMe-IoT seeks to provide a foundation
for discussing these challenges and to layout the future roadmap for
IoT research. NOMe-IoT is the successor of two successful workshop
series, DIPSO/DOMe-IoT 2007-10 in conjunction with UbiComp 2007-10. By
bringing in several system and networking experts from academia and
industry, this year's event extends the workshop's scope and aims to
provide a forum to discuss and exchange ideas on recent research work,
point out the directions for future research, and seek collaboration
opportunities on all aspects of the IoT Systems.
W6 - Casemans 2011: The 5th ACM international workshop on
Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems
Tomoko Yonezawa and Waltenegus Dargie
Recent advances in mobile and wireless technologies have contributed
to the global availability and sharing of large-scale information. As
a result, many noble and ubiquitous applications are emerging in the
areas of healthcare, social networking, disaster avoidance and
overcoming, independent living, etc.
The desirable progress in the availability and sharing of information
is not without side-effects or formidable challenges. Firstly,
extracting the useful information from a large quantity of information
in a seamless and timely manner is not simple. Secondly, the devices
or mechanisms by which the information is gathered and processed are
often limited in their processing and storing capability, which in
turn has an effect on the quality of the information. Third, in a
ubiquitous computing environment, it is not always possible to expect
stable and reliable (as well as always available) sources to obtain
critical data from the environment.
Hence, noble data gathering, processing and delivery mechanisms are
required for robust and reliable adaptation to take place in
ubiquitous computing. With this respect, the Casemans 2011 workshop
aims to complement the main UbiComp 2011 conference by setting the
focus of the workshop on:
Investigating ways of self-managing paradigms to seamlessly acquire
and process context related data from various context
Investigating ways of building self-managing systems that employ
context information to support seamless adaptation
W9 - The First International Symposium on Social and
Community Intelligence (SCI-11)
Daqing Zhang, Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu, and Francesco
Social and community intelligence
(SCI) defines a new paradigm that aims at revealing the
individual/group behaviors, social interactions, as well as community
dynamics (e.g., city hot spots, traffic jams) by mining the digital
traces left by people while interacting with cyber-physical spaces
. The digital traces are generated mainly from three information
sources: Internet and Web applications, wireless sensor networks,
mobile/wearable devices. The scale and richness of the multi-modal,
mixed data sources present us an opportunity to compile the digital
footprints into a comprehensive picture of individual’s daily life
facets, transform our understanding of our lives, organizations and
societies, and enable completely innovative services in areas like
human health, public safety, city resource management, environme1354nt
monitoring, and transportation management. SCI shares many commons
with several close related areas: social computing, reality mining,
human-centric sensing, and urban computing. Different from these
areas that generally rely on one of the data sources for information
extraction, SCI explores the fusion/aggregation of the three
information sources to infer intelligence at the social and community
level, ranging from individual activities, group behaviours, and
social interaction within a community, to dynamics of a whole
community (e.g., hot spot detection). This workshop aims at bringing
together researchers exploring the future of this emerging field.
W10 - PETMEI 2011 - 1st International Workshop on Pervasive
Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction
Andreas Bulling, Andrew T. Duchowski, and Päivi
PETMEI 2011 will focus on pervasive
eye tracking as a trailblazer for mobile eye-based interaction and
eye-based context-awareness. We provide a forum for researchers from
human-computer interaction, context-aware computing, and eye tracking
to discuss techniques and applications that go beyond classical eye
tracking and stationary eye-based interaction. We want to stimulate
and explore the creativity of these communities with respect to the
implications, key research challenges, and new applications for
pervasive eye tracking in ubiquitous computing. The long-term goal is
to create a strong interdisciplinary research community linking these
fields together and to establish the workshop as the premier forum for
research on pervasive eye tracking.
W11 - The Role of Design in UbiComp Research and Practice
Zhiyong Fu, John Zimmerman,Jiayu Wu, Chen
Zhao, and Christopher Mustafa Kirwan
The workshop aims to provide a
disciplinary forum for researchers and experts from design, computer
science, psychology, and anthropology to exchange ideas on the issue
of collaboration. It will build the understanding across disciplines
and explore the potential opportunity for design in UbiComp research
and practice. Industry has shown the power of collaboration among
design, technology, and sociology. Looking at the successful examples
in UbiComp products and services such as smart phones and tablet
computers, design is always a critical discipline. It brings new
insights by integrating many disciplines, and it has being a mediator
to speak to every actors. Therefore, rethinking the construction of
the current system and hearing the voice of design will determine the
future of UbiComp. Especially in China, it is a challenge as well as
an opportunity to balance the western and eastern and the disciplinary
differences in the stage of manufacturing boom.
W12 - International Workshop on Situation, Activity and Goal
Awareness (SAGAware2011)
Liming Chen, Ismail Khalil, Zhiwen Yu,
Christian Becker, William K. Cheung, and Parisa Rashidi
Ubiquitous computing enables and supports anywhere, anytime,
context-aware applications. Sensing, interpretation and integration of
events, behaviours and environmental states are key to the success of
such ubiquitous systems. Over the past two decades, there has been a
constant shift of sensor observation modeling, representation,
interpretation and usage, namely from low-level raw observation data
and their direct/hardwired usage, data aggregation and fusion, to
high-level formal context modeling and context-based computing. It is
envisioned that this trend will continue towards a further higher
level of abstraction, allowing situation, activity and goal modeling,
representation and inference, thus realizing the vision of ubiquitous
computing. This workshop intends to bring together researchers and
practitioners from relevant fields to present and disseminate the
latest accomplished and/or ongoing research on Situation, Activity and
Situation Awareness (SAGAware) and their novel application in
ubiquitous computing. It aims to facilitate knowledge transfer and
synergy, bridge gaps between different research communities/groups,
lay down foundation for common purposes, and help identify
opportunities and challenges for interested researchers and technology
and system developers.
W13 - Ubiquitous Affective Awareness and Intelligent Interaction
Bin Hu, Jurg Gutknecht, and Li Liu /font>
This workshop aims to build a forum for researchers from academy and
industry to investigate challenging and innovative research issues in
the subject,which combines Affective Interaction within ubiquitous
environment and to expore creative concepts,theories,innovative
technologies and intelligent solutions.Potential participants may come
from communities of ubiquitous computing,intelligent computing,brain
computer interaction,affective computing,neuroergonomics, cognitive
neuroscience etc.
W14 - Trajectory Data Mining and Analysis
Feng Lu, Xing Xie, and Shih-Lung Shaw
Trajectory data mining has been a hot topic in the interdisciplinary
field of computer science and geographic information
science. Particularly, recent advancements of information and
location-aware technologies have enhanced our capability of collecting
individual trajectory data for people, vehicles, or other moving
objects. An individual trajectory can reveal the individual’s
activities in space and over time. Large amounts of individual
trajectories could reflect people’s preferences and behavior
patterns. Thus, trajectory data mining and analysis can be useful to
ubiquitous computing. The objective of this workshop is to share
knowledge of ongoing research among researchers and practitioners, to
present and discuss work related to novel methods of trajectory data
mining and analysis, innovative applications, and future trends in the
Please click here for call for workshps.