Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors
Become a UbiComp 2011 Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Recognition as Gold Sponsor in print, on the Web, registration brochures, conference
program, conference tote bag, and during opening and closing of conference.
Company logo on UbiComp banner in entrance area to conference site.
10m2 of exhibition space in the conference lobby.
One-page insert and two company-provided promotion items for the conference tote
Three free conference registrations.
4 graduate student travel grants in your company's name.
Silver Sponsor:
Recognition as Silver Sponsor in print, on the Web, registration brochures, conference
program, conference tote bag, and during opening and closing of conference.
7.5m2 of exhibition space in the conference lobby.
One-page insert and one company-provided promotion items for the conference tote
Two free conference registrations.
2 graduate student travel grants in your company's name.
Bronze Sponsor:
Recognition as Bronze Sponsor in print, on the Web, registration brochures,
conference program, and conference tote bag.
One-page insert placed in conference tote bag.
50% discount on conference registration for the company representative.
July 25: After this date, you have no naming right for student travel grants and your logo will not appear in the Proceeding of ACM Digital Library.
August 25: After this date, your logo will not appear in print, e.g., conference tote bag and program booklet.
September 15: After this date, you have an exhibition space in the conference lobby. There is no external publicity.