13th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
  September 17-21, 2011
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Call for Doctoral Colloquium

The doctoral colloquium (DC) will provide a friendly, supportive, and constructive atmosphere where PhD students can present their research-in-progress for an open discussion, guided by a panel of experienced researchers and practitioners. The colloquium offers students the valuable opportunity to receive feedback and perspectives from recognized experts in the field, and to engage with senior doctoral students.

Applicants should be far enough into their PhD to have a concrete proposal, and have initially outlined the salient issues and proposed research methodology. Preference will be given to applicants who have ample time before thesis submission to incorporate feedback received at the colloquium.


The DC will be a seminar-style event taking place the day before the UbiComp main sessions. Time will be allotted to each student not only for their research presentation, but also for careful, in-depth consideration and constructive discussion amongst the panelists and DC participants. In order to provide such individual attention, the number of accepted DC participants will be limited to a maximum of fifteen.


Topic scope is the same as those listed in the UbiComp call for papers. DC submissions should consist of the following:

1. Research summary (4 pages) describing the work in progress, and including a 100 word abstract. Things to consider for inclusion in the research summary are: the expected contribution to the field; the original idea or thesis statement; the problem domain and the specific problem addressed; a brief overview of related work; the methodological approach; research carried out and results so far. All research summaries should outline what work remains to be done for the dissertation and indicate the plan for completion.

2. Student biographical sketch, including the names and affiliations of the research advisor(s), the date that the student began their PhD programme, and the expected date of dissertation submission.

The above can be emailed doctoral2011@ubicomp.org, in PDF format, on or before the submission date of June 22, 2011

Research summaries will be reviewed by the chairs and advisory committee. If accepted, an applicant may be expected to make clarifications and improvements to their research summary before the final version is due.

The final manuscript must strictly follow the template, available from the templates page. Please note that the final version will be due by July 11, 2011.


[panelists will be announced later.]


  • Anind Dey, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

  • Cho-Li Wang, The University of Hong Kong, China

In case of any questions or concerns, please e-mail us at doctoral2011@ubicomp.org

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline - June 22, 2011

  • Notification of acceptance - July 6, 2011

  • Final version due - July 11, 2011

  • Doctoral Colloquium - September 17, 2011

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