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- UbiComp 2013 Adjunct Publication
UbiComp 2013 Adjunct Publication Jonna Häkkila, Kamin Whitehouse, Antonio Krüger, Yoshito Tobe, Otmar Hilliges, Koji Yatani, Anind K. Dey, Hans-Werner Gellersen, Elaine M. Huang, Timo Ojala, Silvia Santini, Friedemann Mattern (editors), Adjunct Publication of the 2013 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp'13 Adjunct, September 8–12, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland. ACM 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2215-7. Table of Contents Message
from the Adjunct Chairs |
(Return to Top) | |||||||||||
(Return to Top) | Session: Poster, Demo, & Video Presentations
Interaction in Public Space with Electrical Muscle Stimulation (Page
5) SVD-based
Hierarchical Data Gathering for Environmental Monitoring (Page
9) Browsing
Reality: Dynamic Contextualization in Human Scale Smart Spaces (Page
(Return to Top) |
In-Pocket Detection with Mobile Phones (Page
31) Lab
of Things: A Platform for Conducting Studies with Connected Devices
in Multiple Homes (Page
35) Portable
CAVE Using a Mobile Projector (Page
39) Demo
Abstract: Saving Energy in Smart Commercial Buildings Through Social
Gaming (Page
43) |
(Return to Top) | Bridging
the Last Gap: LedTX - Optical Data Transmission of Sensor Data for
Web-Services (Page
47) Control
and Scheduling Interface for Public Displays (Page
51) Social
Networked Displays: Integrating Networked Public Displays with Social
Media (Page 55) Resonant
Magnetic Coupling Indoor Localization System (Page
59) Some
Like It Hot: Automating an Electric Kettle Using PalCom (Page
63) |
(Return to Top) | MoodRhythm:
Tracking and Supporting Daily Rhythms (Page
Area Artworks: Collaborative Art Interpretation On-site (Page
79) PriFi
Beacons: Piggybacking Privacy Implications on WiFi Beacons (Page
83) |
(Return to Top) | conteXinger
: A Context-aware Song Generator (Page
87) Giving
Context to Sounds Through Mediation of Physical Objects (Page
91) Smartphone
Bluetooth Based Social Sensing (Page
95) TaskShadow-W:
NFC-triggered Migration of Web Browsing across Personal Devices (Page
99) Smartphone-based
Monitoring System for Activities of Daily Living for Elderly People
and Their Relatives Etc. (Page
103) Scaling
Up Ubiquitous Robotic Systems from Home to Town (and Beyond) (Page
107) |
(Return to Top) | Context-Aware
Frame Rate Adaption for Video Chat on Smartphones (Page
111) Working-Relationship
Detection from Fitbit Sensor Data (Page
115) Digital
Interventions for Sustainable Urban Mobility: A Pilot Study (Page
119) Inferring
Social Ties in Pervasive Networks: An On-Campus Comparative Study (Page
123) Systematic
Evaluation of Social Behaviour Modelling with a Single Accelerometer (Page
(Return to Top) | Vasque:
A Privacy Preserving Casual Communication System Based on a Circular
Mirror Metaphor (Page
135) Using
Wearable Sensor Badges to Improve Scholastic Performance (Page
139) BlueView:
A Perception Assistant System for the Visually Impaired (Page
143) Compressed
Signal Representation for Inertial Sensor Signals (Page
147) Towards
Context-Oriented Programming in Wireless Sensor Networks (Page
151) Activity
Recognition and Nutrition Monitoring in Every Day Situations with
a Textile Capacitive Neckband (Page
155) |
(Return to Top) | Virtual
Uniforms: Using Sound Frequencies for Grouping Individuals (Page
159) FaceLog:
Capturing User's Everyday Face Using Mobile Devices (Page
163) Prophet:
What App You Wish to Use Next (Page
167) MPower:
Gain Back Your Android Battery Life! (Page
171) Gesture
Interaction for Wall-Sized Touchscreen Display (Page
175) |
(Return to Top) | Antonius:
A Mobile Search Engine for the Physical World (Page
179) Inch-scale
Interactive Displays for Social Object Annotation (Page
183) Numerical
Modeling of Image Discriminability for Home Storage and Organization
System on a Smart Device (Page
187) Designing
Generation Y Interaction by Eliciting Interaction Qualities (Page
191) Constructing
Trip Routes with User Preference from Location Check-in Data (Page
195) An
Exploration with Online Complex Activity Recognition Using Cellphone
Accelerometer (Page
199) |
(Return to Top) | SpiroVest:
An e-Textile-Based Wearable Spirometer with Posture Change Adaptability (Page
203) E-Textile
Pressure Sensor Based on Conductive Fiber and Its Structure (Page
207) Optical
Bow Position, Speed and Contact Point Detection (Page
211) Towards
a Micro-Blog Platform for Sensing and Easing Adolescent Psychological
Pressures (Page
215) Applying
Mobile and Internet of Things Technologies in Managing Parking Spaces
for People with Disabilities (Page
219) PriCal:
Dynamic Privacy Adaptation of Collaborative Calendar Displays (Page
223) |
(Return to Top) | MatkaHupi:
A Persuasive Mobile Application for Sustainable Mobility (Page
Task-Management System Using Future Prediction Based on Personal Lifelogs
and Plans (Page
235) Device
Recognition for Intuitive Interaction with the Web of Things (Page
239) Embedded
Semantic Metadata to Support Device Interaction in Smart Environments (Page
243) Consumer
Experience Modeling and Enrichment Using RFID (Page
247) |
(Return to Top) | Ubiquitous
Support for Midwives to Leverage Daily Activities (Page
A Tele-Immersive Photograph System for Distributed Parents and Children (Page
259) PDR-based
Adaptation for User-Progress in Interactive Navigation System (Page
263) Inferring
Social Contextual Behavior from Bluetooth Traces (Page
267) Visualizing
Web Mash-ups for In-Situ Vision-Based Mobile AR Applications (Page
271) |
(Return to Top) |
of a Monopulse System with RFID Antennas for Applications Oriented
to Retail Industry (Page
(Return to Top) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Doctoral School - Senior The
UbiComp 2013 Doctoral School (Page
315) Evaluating
Impact of Storage on Smartphone Energy Efficiency (Page
319) Digital
Naturalism: Interspecies Performative Tool Making for Embodied Science (Page
325) Measuring
Joint Movement Through Garment-Integrated Wearable Sensing (Page
331) Towards
Food Waste Interventions: An Exploratory Approach (Page
337) Understanding
and Augmenting a Paper Arrangement-Based Method (Page
343) Pervasive
Monitoring to Support Reflective Learning (Page
349) Practical
Food Journaling (Page
355) Supporting
Self-Experimentation of Behavior Change Strategies (Page
361) Device-Free
People Counting and Localization (Page
367) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Doctoral School - Junior
Clockwise: Inferring Chronotype and Daily Patterns from Smartphone Use
Process Mining and Activity Recognition on Mobile Devices using Crowdsourcing and User Information from the Cloud
Sustainable Load Shifting in the Context of Domestic Energy Generation
Unconventional Applications of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Designing UbiComp Infrastructure for Deployment in Life-Critical Environments
Improving Personal Informatics Through Social Sharing
Providing Best-of-Breed User Experiences Across Pervasive Systems
Transportation Behavior Sensing Using Smartphones
Supporting Novice Cooks through Sensor-Enhanced Computing Technology
Towards an Open Ecosystem for Embedded Tamper Resistant Hardware in Mobile Devices
Exploring the Role of Materiality in Physical Activity
The Use of Public Visualizations to Encourage Social Connectedness in Urban Communities
A Generic Concept for Task-driven Remote Usability Testing in Mobile Ecosystems
Social Collaboration of Intelligent Electrical Devices to Enhance Energy Consumption
A Transparent and Continuous Biometric Authentication Framework for User-Friendly Secure Mobile Environments
Using Electrocardiogram Sensors to Detect Cocaine Use
Improving the Self-care of Parkinsons through Ubiquitous Computing
Application as a Sensor (AaaS) Approach for User Attention Sensing
Exploring New On-Body Input & Output Modalities for Mobile Computing
Towards the Principal Applicability of a Zone Concept to Create a User-Friendly Secure Mobile Environment
Human Activity Recognition Using Heterogeneous Sensors
Opportunistic Data Dissemination in Mobile Phone Sensor Networks
''Happiness'': Can Pervasive Computing Assist Students to Achieve Success?
Tailorable Persuasive Agent: A Long-Term Framework for Persuasive Conversational Agents
BeyondTouch: A Framework for Extending Input on Commodity Smartphones
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - Adaptive Security and Privacy Management for the Internet of Things Adaptive
Security & Privacy Management for the Internet of Things (ASPI 2013) (Page
373) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - Atelier of Smart Garments and Accessories Atelier
of Smart Garments and Accessories (Page
379) Smart
Garments - The Issue of Usability and Aesthetics (Page
385) Illumee:
Aesthetic Light Bracelet as a Wearable Information Display for Everyday
Life (Page 393) State
of the Art and Perspectives on the Fabrication of Functional Contact
Lenses (Page
397) WagTag™:
A Dog Collar Accessory for Monitoring Canine Activity Levels (Page
405) Wearable
Accessories for Cycling: Tracking Memories in Urban Spaces (Page
415) Designing
a Desirable Smart Bracelet for Older Adults (Page
425) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - 2nd Workshop on Recent Advances in Behavior Prediction and Pro-active Pervasive Computing 2nd
Workshop on Recent Advances in Behavior Prediction and Pro-active
Pervasive Computing (Page
435) Collective
Suffix Tree-based Models for Location Prediction (Page
441) Synthesizing
Daily Life Logs Through Gaming and Simulation (Page
451) Learning
and User Adaptation in Location Forecasting (Page
461) On
the Stability of Context Prediction (Page
471) Wait
Time Prediction: How to Avoid Waiting in Lines? (Page
481) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - CoSDEO 2013: Device-free Radio-based Recognition CoSDEO
2013: Device-free Radio-based Recognition (Page
491) Adaptive
Clustering for Device Free User Positioning Utilizing Passive RFID (Page
499) Ambient
Intelligence Sensing Using Array Sensor: Device-Free Radio Based Approach (Page
509) Joint
Localization and Activity Recognition from Ambient FM Broadcast Signals (Page
521) RF-Based
Device-Free Recognition of Simultaneously Conducted Activities (Page
531) New
Insights into WiFi-based Device-free Localization (Page
541) Device-Free
Indoor Localization Using Ambient Radio Signals (Page
549) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - Green Food Technology: Ubicomp Opportunities for Reducing the Environmental Impacts of Food Green
Food Technology: Ubicomp Opportunities for Reducing the Environmental
Impacts of Food (Page
553) EatChaFood:
Challenging Technology Design to Slice Food Waste Production (Page
559) Collective
Spaces and Collected Action: Towards Reconnecting Food, Consumers
and Nature (Page
563) Understanding
Underutilisation: Methods for Studying Fruit and Vegetable Buying
Behaviours (Page
571) Wild
Food Practices: Understanding the Wider Implications for Design and
HCI (Page 575) Designing
a Smart Phone App for Sustainable Cooking (Page
585) UbiComp
for Grassroots Urban Food-Growing Communities (Page
589) Green
Food Through Green Food: A Human Centered Design Approach to Green
Food Technology (Page
595) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - International Workshop on Human Activity Sensing Corpus and Its Application (HASCA2013) Chairs'
Summary/Proposal for International Workshop on Human Activity Sensing
Corpus and Its Application (HASCA 2013) (Page
Indoor Pedestrian Sensing Corpus with a Balance of Gender and Age
for Indoor Positioning and Floor-plan Generation Researches (Page
605) Labeling
Method for Acceleration Data Using an Execution Sequence of Activities (Page
611) Evaluation
Function of Sensor Position for Activity Recognition Considering Wearability (Page
623) Improving
Fault Tolerance of Wearable Sensor-based Activity Recognition Techniques (Page
633) |
(Return to Top) | Pointing
Gesture Recognition Using Compressed Sensing for Training Data Reduction (Page
645) Parameter
Exploration for Response Time Reduction in Accelerometer-Based Activity
Recognition (Page
653) Detecting
Wi-Fi Base Station Behavior Inappropriate for Positioning Method in
Participatory Sensing Logs (Page
665) Automatic
Correction of Annotation Boundaries in Activity Datasets by Class
Separation Maximization (Page
673) Monitor
and Understand Pilgrims: Data Collection Using Smartphones and Wearable
Devices (Page
679) Parallel,
Distributed, and Differential Processing System for Human Activity
Sensing Flows (Page
689) Sharing
Training Data Among Different Activity Classes (Page
701) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - Human Interfaces for Civic and Urban Engagement Human
Interfaces for Civic and Urban Engagement: HiCUE '13 (Page
713) Engaging
in Island Life: Big Data, Micro Data, Domestic Analytics and Smart
Islands (Page
721) Digital
Soapboxes: Towards an Interaction Design Agenda for Situated Civic
Innovation (Page
725) A
Mobile Brain Sensing System for Recommending Third Places (Page
729) Mobile
Observatory: An Exploratory Study of Mobile Air Quality Monitoring
Application (Page
733) Reinforcing
Co-Located Communication Practices Through Interactive Public Displays (Page
737) |
(Return to Top) | Geovisual
Interfaces to Find Suitable Urban Regions for Citizens: A User-Centered
Requirement Study (Page
741) A
Mobile Phone-Based Exploratory Citizen Sensing Environment (Page
745) Zone
Based Indoor Mobile Air Pollution Monitoring (Page
749) Accessibility
for People Who Are Blind in Public Transportation Systems (Page
753) Designing
for Smart Cities: Connecting and Binding Citizens to Urban Spaces
Through a New Wearable Interactive System (Page
757) Tending
a Virtual Garden: Exploring Connectivity Between Cities (Page
761) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - HomeSys 2013: Workshop on Design, Technology, Systems and Applications for the Home HomeSys
2013: Workshop on Design, Technology, Systems and Applications for
the Home (Page
765) On
Managed Services Lanes and Their Use in Home Networks (Page
769) The
Digital Bookshelf: Decorating with Collections of Digital Books (Page
777) The
Smart Home Controller on Your Wrist (Page
785) Taking
Smart Space Users into the Development Loop (Page
(Return to Top) | Exploring
the Hidden Impacts of HomeSys: Energy and Emissions of Home Sensing
and Automation (Page
809) HomeFlow:
Inferring Device Usage with Network Traces (Page
815) Human
Localization at Home Using Kinect (Page
821) Communities
in the Clouds: Support for High-Rise Living (Page
829) Always
Beta: Cooperative Design in the Smart Home (Page
837) The
Furniture of Ubiquitous Computing (Page
845) Living++:
A Platform for Assisted Living Applications (Page
853) Towards
User Identification in the Home from Appliance Usage Patterns (Page
861) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - 2nd ACM International Workshop on Mobile Systems for Computational Social Science 2nd
ACM International Workshop on Mobile Systems for Computational Social
Science (Page
875) An
Evaluation of Method for Encouraging Participation (Page
883) The
Price Is Right? Economic Value of Location Sharing (Page
891) Understanding
Customer Malling Behavior in an Urban Shopping Mall Using Smartphones (Page
901) Open
Source Smartphone Libraries for Computational Social Science (Page
911) Speech
Stress Assessment Using Physiological and Psychological Measures (Page
921) Robust
Voice Activity Detection for Social Sensing (Page
931) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - Workshop on Personal and Pervasive Fabrication (PerFab 2013) Workshop
on Personal and Pervasive Fabrication (PerFab 2013) (Page
939) Wordpress
of Objects: Addressing Layman Participation in a Post-Industrial Society (Page
945) From
Sketches to CAM Models: Perceiving Pockets and Steps in Single-view
Wireframe Sketches of Polyhedral Shapes (Page
951) "3D
Effects box" for Bridging 3D Scan and 3D Print (Page
959) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - PeTRE: Workshop on Pervasive Technologies in Retail Environment PeTRE
- Workshop on Pervasive Technologies in Retail Environments (Page
963) Wi-Fi
Fingerprinting Through Active Learning Using Smartphones (Page
- An Innovative System for Location Sensing, Customer Flow Analysis
and Persuasive Information Presentation (Page
985) Enriching
Shopping Experiences with Pervasive Displays and Smart Things (Page
991) Towards
the Counter Free Store: Requirements for Mobile Sales Assistants (Page
999) |
(Return to Top) | A
Plugin Framework to Control Electronic Shelf Labels (Page
1007) Augmented
Reality-Based Advertising Strategies for Paper Leaflets (Page
1015) Cricking:
Customer-Product Interaction in Retail Using Pervasive Technologies (Page
1023) Enhancing
the Shopping Experience Through RFID in an Actual Retail Store (Page
1029) STORE
VIEW: Pervasive RFID & Indoor Navigation Based Retail Inventory Management (Page
1037) A
Supermarket Stress Map (Page
1043) Healthy
Shopping: A Longitudinal Study of a Mobile App to Encourage a Balanced
Diet (Page 1047) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - PUCAA: 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Urban Crowdsensing Architecture and Applications PUCCA:
1st International Workshop on Pervasive Urban Crowdsensing Architecture
and Applications (Page
1055) Decentralised
Approach for a Reusable Crowdsourcing Platform Utilising Standard
Web Servers (Page
1063) effSense:
Energy-Efficient and Cost-Effective Data Uploading in Mobile Crowdsensing (Page
1075) On
Heterogeneity in Mobile Sensing Applications Aiming at Representative
Data Collection (Page
1087) Publish/Subscribe
Middleware for Energy-Efficient Mobile Crowdsensing (Page
1099) CrowdMeter:
An Emulation Platform for Performance Evaluation of Crowd-Sensing
Applications (Page
1111) |
(Return to Top) | Locating
Emergencies in a Campus Using Wi-Fi Access Point Association Data (Page
1123) BlueEye
- A System for Proximity Detection Using Bluetooth on Mobile Phones (Page
1135) A
Model-Based Back-End for Air Quality Data Management (Page
1143) Combining
Smart Phone and Infrastructure Sensors to Improve Security in Enterprise
Settings (Page
1151) FLEAD:
Online Frequency Likelihood Estimation Anomaly Detection for Mobile
Sensing (Page
1159) ConferenceSense:
Monitoring of Public Events Using Phone Sensors (Page
1167) A
Generic Platform for Ubiquitous and Subjective Data (Page
1175) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - PURBA 2013: Workshop on Pervasive Urban Applications PURBA
2013: Workshop on Pervasive Urban Applications (Page
1183) Gaussian
Process-Based Predictive Modeling for Bus Ridership (Page
1189) Characterizing
Social Response to Urban Earthquakes Using Cell-Phone Network Data:
The 2012 Oaxaca Earthquake (Page
1199) Revisiting
the Generality of the Rank-Based Human Mobility Model (Page
1209) Anomalous
Event Detection on Large-Scale GPS Data from Mobile Phones Using Hidden
Markov Model and Cloud Platform (Page
1219) Exploring
Relationship Between Taxi Volume and Flue Gases' Concentrations (Page
1229) Mining
Temporal Patterns of Transport Behaviour for Predicting Future Transport
Usage (Page 1239) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - 1st Workshop on Human Factors and Activity Recognition in Healthcare, Wellness and Assisted Living 1st
Workshop on Human Factors and Activity Recognition in Healthcare,
Wellness and Assisted Living: Recognise2Interact (Page
1249) UbiHeld
- Ubiquitous Healthcare Monitoring System for Elderly and Chronic
Patients (Page
1255) Touch-less
Interaction with Medical Images Using Hand & Foot Gestures (Page
1265) MyConverse:
Recognising and Visualising Personal Conversations Using Smartphones (Page
1275) |
(Return to Top) | How
Lonely Is Your Grandma? Detecting the Visits to Assisted Living Elderly
from Wireless Sensor Network Data (Page
1285) When
Do You Light a Fire? Capturing Tobacco Use with Situated, Wearable
Sensors (Page
1295) Demo:
Touch-less Interaction with Medical Images Using Hand & Foot Gestures (Page
1305) MyConverse
in Action: Monitoring Conversations Using Smartphones (Page
1307) When
Do You Light a Fire? Capturing Tobacco Use with Situated Wearable
Sensors (Page
1309) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - Uncovering the Hidden Pulse of a City SenCity:
Uncovering the Hidden Pulse of a City (Page
1311) Towards
Healthier Urban Mobility (Page
1317) Sense
of Space: Mapping Physiological Emotion Response in Urban Space (Page
1321) The
Advantages of Passive Mobile Positioning as a Type of Community Sensing
for Analyzing Space-Time Behaviour of a Citizen (Page
1325) Creating
Smart Information Services for Tourists by Means of Dynamic Open Data (Page
1329) UbiComp'13
SenCity Workshop: Sensing Festivals as Cities (Page
1331) Rapid
Prototyping of Semantic Applications in Smart Spaces with a Visual
Rule Language (Page
1335) |
(Return to Top) | From
Crowding Detection to Community Fieldwork: Supporting Sensing Work
in Context (Page
1339) Informing
the Design of Future Transport Information Services with Travel Behaviour
Data (Page 1343) On
the Use of Participatory Sensing to Better Understand City Dynamics (Page
1347) Geographical
Perspective in City Sensing (Page
1351) Congestrian:
Monitoring Pedestrian Traffic and Congestion (Page
1355) A
Middleware Framework for Urban Data Management (Page
1359) emoTicSpace:
When the Built Environments Get Emotional… (Page
1363) Using
Technology to Reveal the Politics of the Built Environment (Page
1367) Living
Light Lab: Exploring Instant Feedback in Mediated Urban Space (Page
1369) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - SOFTec 2013: Second Workshop on Computer Mediated Social Offline Interactions SOFTec
2013: Second Workshop on Computer Mediated Social Offline Interactions (Page
1373) A
Pervasive Game to Promote Social Offline Interaction (Page
1381) TrainRoulette:
Promoting Situated In-Train Social Interaction Between Passengers (Page
1385) |
(Return to Top) | Linking
Mobile Learning and Offline Interaction - A Case Study (Page
1389) Utilizing
Emerging Technologies to Promote More Efficient Face-to-Face Patient-Clinician
Communication (Page
1393) A
New Urban Technoscape Component: The Smart2Poster (Page
1397) Exploring
Design Opportunities for Social Intimacy Through Everyday Objects
and Practices (Page
1401) Sharing
Bubbles: Reflections on Offline Multi-Surface Scenarios (Page
1405) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - Ubiquitous Mobile Instrumentation Ubiquitous
Mobile Instrumentation (Page
1409) Smartphone
Sensing for Distributed Swim Stroke Coaching and Research (Page
1413) Combination
and Abstraction of Sensors for Mobile Context-Awareness (Page
1417) What's
in the Apps for Context? Extending a Sensor for Studying App Usage
to Informing Context-awareness (Page
1423) |
(Return to Top) | User,
Device and Orientation Independent Human Activity Recognition on Mobile
Phones: Challenges and a Proposal (Page
1427) CrowdHelp:
Application for Improved Emergency Response Through Crowdsourced Information (Page
1437) Evaluation
of Challenges in Human Subject Studies "In-the-Wild" Using Subjects'
Personal Smartphones (Page
1447) How
AdkintunMobile Measured the World (Page
1457) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - Wearable Systems for Industrial Augmented Reality Applications Wearable
Systems for Industrial Augmented Reality Applications (Page
1463) Towards
a Component-Based Platform for Industrial AR (Page
1467) pARnorama:
360 Degree Interactive Video for Augmented Reality Prototyping (Page
1471) Evaluating
Customer Expectance of Mixed Reality Applications in Order Picking (Page
1475) Diffractive
and Holographic Optics as Optical Combiners in Head Mounted Displays (Page
1479) The
Bumpy Road of Bringing Wearable Augmented Reality Systems to Market (Page
1483) |
(Return to Top) | Session: Workshop - WoT 2013: Fourth International Workshop on the Web of Things WoT
2013: Fourth International Workshop on the Web of Things (Page
1487) CoAP
for the Web of Things: From Tiny Resource-constrained Devices to the
Web Browser (Page
1495) Semantic
Metadata to Support Device Interaction in Smart Environments (Page
1505) A
RESTful and Decentralised Implementation of Open Objects (Page
1515) |
(Return to Top) | Temporally-Relaxed
Conditions for Activation of Services in the Web of Things (Page
1525) Reconsidering
the Social Web of Things: Position Paper (Page
1535) Thing
Broker: A Twitter for Things (Page
1545) Offering
Web-of-Things Connectivity to Building Networks (Page
1555) Toward
Interoperability in a Web of Things (Page
1565) |