Ubicomp Recordings

Endophasia: Utilizing Acoustic-Based Imaging for Issuing Contact-Free Silent Speech Commands
Yongzhao Zhang; Wei-Hsiang Huang; Chih-Yun Yang; Wen-Ping Wang; Yi-Chao Chen; Chuang-Wen You; Da-Yuan Huang; Guangtao Zue; Jiadi Yu;
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D3P: Data-driven Demand Prediction for Fast Expanding Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems
Man Luo; Bowen Du; Konstantin Klemmer. Hongming Zhu; Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu; Hongkai Wen;
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Teacher Tracking with Integrity: What Indoor Positioning Can Reveal About Instructional Proxemics
Roberto Martinez-Maldonado; Katerina Mangaroska; Jurgen Schulte; Doug Elliott; Carmen Axisa; Simon Buckingham Shum;
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Liquid Level Sensing Using Commodity WiFi in a Smart Home Environment
Yili Ren; Sheng Tan; Linghan Zhan; Zi Wang; Zhi Wang; Jie Yang;
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Relacks: Reliable Backscatter Communication in Indoor Environments
Mohamad Katanbaf; Vivek Jain; Joshua R Smith;
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When Sharing Economy Meets IoT: Towards Fine-grained Urban Air quality Monitoring through Mobile Crowdsensing on Bike-share System
Di Wu; Tao Xiao; Xuewen Liao; Jie Luo; Chao Wu; Shigeng Zhang; Yong Li; Yike Guo;
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Hello There! Is Now a Good Time to Talk?: Opportune Moments for Proactive Interactions with Smart Speakers
Narae Cha; Auk Kim; Cheul Young Park; Soowon Kang; Mingyu Park; Jae-Gil Lee; Sangsu Lee; Uichin Lee;
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SmileAuth: Using Dental Edge Biometrics for User Authentication on Smartphones
Hongbo Jiang; Hangcheng Cao; Daibo Liu; Jie Xiong; Zhichao Cao;
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Assessing Cognitive Performance Using Physiological and Facial Features: Generalizing Across Contexts
Kshitij Sharma; Evangelos Niforatos; Michail Giannakos; Vassilis Kostakos;
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Peer-to-Peer Localization for Single-Antenna Devices
Xianan Zhang; Wei Wang; Xuedou Xiao; Hang Yang; Xinyu Zhang; Tao Jiang;
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Designing Interactions beyond Conscious Control: A New Model for Wearable Interfaces
Abhinandan Jain; Adam Haar Horowitz; Felix Schoeller; Sang-won Leigh; Pattie Maes; Misha Sra;
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Understanding Physical Practices and the Role of Technology in Manual Self-Tracking
Parastoo Abtahi; Victoria Ding; Anna C. Yang; Tommy Bruzzese; Alyssa B. Romanos; Elizabeth L. Murnane; Sean Follmer; James A. Landay;;
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The Effect of Goal Moderation on the Achievement and Satisfaction of Physical Activity Goals
Deemah Alqahtani; Caroline Jay; Markel Vigo;
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Automated Detection of Stressful Conversations Using Wearable Physiological and Inertial Sensors
Rummana Bari; Md. Mahbubur Rahman; Nazir Saleheen; Megan Battles Parsons; Eugene H. Buder; Santosh Kumar;
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It Didn’t Sound Good with My Cochlear Implants: Understanding the Challenges of Using Smart Assistants for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users
Johnna Blair; Saeed Abdullah;
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AiSee: An Assistive Wearable Device to Support Visually Impaired Grocery Shoppers
Roger Boldu; Denys J.C. Matthies; Haimo Zhang; Suranga Nanayakkara;
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Teaching RF to Sense without RF Training Measurements
Hong Cai; Belal Korany; Chitra R. Karanam; Yasamin Mostofi;
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Prompto: Investigating Receptivity to Prompts Based on Cognitive Load from Memory Training Conversational Agent
Samantha W. T. Chan; Shardul Sapkota; Rebecca Mathews; Haimo Zhang; Suranga Nanayakkara;
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ComFeel: Productivity is a Matter of the Senses Too
Marios Constantinides; Sanja Šćepanović; Daniele Quercia; Hongwei Li; Ugo Sassi; Michael Eggleston;
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VibroMap: Understanding the Spacing of Vibrotactile Actuators across the Body
Hesham Elsayed; Martin Weigel; Florian Müller; Martin Schmitz; Karola Marky; Sebastian Günther; Jan Riemann; Max Mühlhäuser;
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Mapping and Taking Stock of the Personal Informatics Literature
Daniel A. Epstein; Clara Caldeira; Mayara Costa Figueiredo; Xi Lu; Lucas M. Silva; Lucretia Williams. Jong Ho Lee; Qingyang Li; Simran Ahuja; Qiuer Chen; Payam Dowlatyari; Craig Hilby; Sazeda Sultana; Elizabeth V. Eikey; Yunan Chen;
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Acoustic Strength-based Motion Tracking
Linfei Ge; Qian Zhang; Jin Zhang; Qianyi Huang;
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QwertyRing: Text Entry on Physical Surfaces Using a Ring
Yizheng Gu; Chun Yu; Zhipeng Li; Zhaoheng Li; Xiaoying Wei; Yuanchun Shi;
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Authenticating Drivers Using Automotive Batteries
Liang He; Yuanchao Shu; Youngmoon Lee; Dongyao Chen; Kang G. Shin;
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Deriving Effective Human Activity Recognition Systems through Objective Task Complexity Assessment
Shruthi K. Hiremath; Thomas Plötz;
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ShadowSense: Detecting Human Touch in a Social Robot Using Shadow Image Classification
Yuhan Hu; Sara Maria Bejarano; Guy Hoffman;
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Acoussist: An Acoustic Assisting Tool for People with Visual Impairments to Cross Uncontrolled Streets
Wenqiang Jin; Mingyan Xiao; Huadi Zhu; Shuchisnigdha Deb; Chen Kan; Ming Li;
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Understanding User Contexts and Coping Strategies for Context-aware Phone Distraction Management System Design
Inyeop Kim; Hwarang Goh; Nematjon Narziev; Youngtae Noh; Uichin Lee;
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BFree: Enabling Battery-free Sensor Prototyping with Python
Vito Kortbeek; Abu Bakar; Stefany Cruz; Kasim Sinan Yildirim; Przemysław Pawełczak; Josiah Hester;
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Not Quite Yourself Today: Behaviour-Based Continuous Authentication in IoT Environments
Andraž Krašovec; Daniel Pellarini; Dimitrios Geneiatakis; Gianmarco Baldini; Veljko Pejović;
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Aquilis: Using Contextual Integrity for Privacy Protection on Mobile Devices
Abhishek Kumar; Tristan Braud; Young D. Kwon; Pan Hui;;
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PMC: A Privacy-preserving Deep Learning Model Customization Framework for Edge Computing
Bingyan Liu; Yuanchun Li; Yunxin Liu; Yao Guo; Xiangqun Chen;
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Real-time Arm Gesture Recognition in Smart Home Scenarios via Millimeter Wave Sensing
Haipeng Liu; Yuhengwang; Anfuzhou;Hanyue He; Weiwang; Kunpengwang; Peilin Pan; Yixuan Lu; Liang Liu; Huadong Ma;
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BitLight: Turning DLP Projections into an Interactive Surface through Bit-level Light Encoding
Song Liu; Tian He;
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DeepRange: Acoustic Ranging via Deep Learning
Wenguang Mao; Wei Sun; Mei Wang; Lili Qiu;
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Knitted Sensors: Designs and Novel Approaches for Real-Time, Real-World Sensing
Denisa Qori Mcdonald; Richard Vallett; Erin Solovey; Geneviève Dion; Ali Shokoufandeh;
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Evaluating the Reproducibility of Physiological Stress Detection Models
Varun Mishra; Sougata Sen; Grace Chen; Tian Hao; Jeffrey Rogers; Ching-Hua Chen; David Kotz;
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3D Point Cloud Generation with Millimeter-Wave Radar
Kun Qian; Zhaoyuan He; Xinyu Zhang;
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MIMU: Mobile WiFi Usage Inference by Mining Diverse User Behaviors
Zhou Qin; Yikun Xian; Fan Zhang; Desheng Zhang;
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Teaching American Sign Language in Mixed Reality
Qijia Shao; Amy Sniffen; Julien Blanchet; Megan E. Hillis; Xinyu Shi;Themistoklis K. Haris; Jason Liu; Jason Lamberton; Melissa Malzkuhn; Lorna C. Quandt; James Mahoney ;David J. M. Kraemer; Xia Zhou; Devin Balkcom;
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VerHealth: Vetting Medical Voice Applications through Policy Enforcement
Faysal Hossain Shezan; Hang Hu; Gang Wang; Yuan Tian;
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GAN-based Style Transformation to Improve Gesture-recognition Accuracy
Noeru Suzuki; Yuki Watanabe; Atsushi Nakazawa;
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Mobile Mood Tracking: An Investigation of Concise and Adaptive Measurement Instruments
Helma Torkamaan; Jürgen Ziegler;
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Understanding User Behavior in Car Sharing Services Through The Lens of Mobility: Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Studies
Guang Wang; Harsh Rajkumar Vaish; Huijun Sun; Jianjun Wu; Shuai Wang; Desheng Zhang;
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MorphingCircuit: An Integrated Design, Simulation, and Fabrication Workflow for Self-morphing Electronics
Guanyun Wang; Fang Qin;. Haolin Liu; Ye Tao; Yang Zhang; Yongjie Jessica Zhang; Lining Yao;
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Toward Lightweight In-situ Self-reporting: An Exploratory Study of Alternative Smartwatch Interface Designs in Context
Xinghui Yan; Shriti Raj; Bingjian Huang; Sun Young Park; Mark W. Newman;;
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MIFF: Human Mobility Extractions with Cellular Signaling Data under Spatio-temporal Uncertainty
Yiwei Song; Yunhuai Liu; Wenqing Qui; Zhou Qin; Chang Tan; Can Yang; Desheng Zhang;
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Evaluating the Gradual Delivery of Knowledge-focused and Mindset-focused Messages for Facilitating the Acceptance of COPD
Steven Y. Zeng; Robert Wu; Khai N. Truong; Fanny Chevalier;
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Your Smart Speaker Can “Hear” Your Heartbeat!
Fusang Zhang; Zhi Wang; Beihong Jin; Jie Xiong; Daqing Zhang;
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TouchID: User Authentication on Mobile Devices via Inertial-Touch Gesture Analysis
Xinchen Zhang; Yafeng Yin; Lei Xie; Hao Zhang; Zefan Ge; Sanglu Lu;
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D2Park: Diversified Demand-aware On-street Parking Guidance
Dong Zhao; Zijian Cao; Chen Ju; Desheng Zhang; Huadong Ma;
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BlinKey: A Two-Factor User Authentication Method for Virtual Reality Devices
Huadi Zhu; Wenqiang Jin; Mingyan Xiao; Srinivasan Murali; Ming Li;
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User-Based Collaborative Filtering Mobile Health System
Hsien-Te Kao; Shen Yan; Homa Hosseinmardi; Shrikanth Narayanan; Kristina Lerman; Emilio Ferrara;
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GAME: Game As a Measurement Environment - Scheme to Evaluate Interfaces and Game Contents Based on Test Theories
Takahiro Miura; Masaki Matsuo; Ken-Ichiro Yabu; Atsushi Katagiri; Masatsugu Sakajiri; Junji Onishi; Takeshi Kurata; Takeshi Kurata; Tohru Ifukube;;
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Where You Go Matters: A Study on the Privacy Implications of Continuous Location Tracking
Benjamin Baron; Mirco Musolesi;
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Ok Google, What Am I Doing? Acoustic Activity Recognition Bounded by Conversational Assistant Interactions
Rebecca Adaimi; Howard Yong; Edison Thomaz;
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ViscoCam: Smartphone-based Drink Viscosity Control Assistant for Dysphagia Patients
Kechang An; Qian Zhang; Elaine Kwong;
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Modelling Memory for Individual Re-identification in Decentralised Mobile Contact Tracing Applications
Luca Bedogni; Shakila Khan Rumi; Flora D. Salim;
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Outliers in Smartphone Sensor Data Reveal Outliers in Daily Happiness
Teodora Sandra Buda; Mohammed Khwaja; Aleksander Matic;
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Investigating the Effect of Sensory Concurrency on Learning Haptic Spatiotemporal Signals
Iain Carson; Aaron Quigley; Loraine Clarke; Ute Hinrichs;
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Full-Dimension Relative Positioning for RFID-Enabled Self-Checkout Services
Chunhui Duan; Jiajun Liu; Xuan Ding; Zhenhua Li; Yunhao Liu;
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S3: Side-Channel Attack on Stylus Pencil through Sensors
Habiba Farrukh; Tinghan Yang; Hanwen Xu; Yuxuan Yin; He Wang; Z. Berkay Celik;
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RF-Identity: Non-Intrusive Person Identification Based on Commodity RFID Devices
Chao Feng; Jie Xiong; Liqiong Chang; Fuwei Wang; Ju Wang; Dingyi Fang;
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User Expectations and Mental Models for Communicating Emotions through Compressive & Warm Affective Garment Actuation
Esther W. Foo; Lucy E. Dunne; Brad Holschuh;
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11 Years withWearables: Quantitative Analysis of Social Media, Academia, News Agencies, and Lead User Community from 2009-2020 on Wearable Technologies
Yanglei Gan; Tianyi Wang; Alireza Javeheri; Elaheh Momeni-Ortner; Milad Dehghani; Mehdi Hosseinzadeh; Reza Rawassizadeh;
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Voice In Ear: Spoofing-Resistant and Passphrase-Independent Body Sound Authentication
Yang Gao; Yincheng Jin; Jagmohan Chauhan; Seokmin Choi; Jiyang Li; Zhangpeng Jin;
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PREFER: Point-of-interest REcommendation with efficiency and privacy-preservation via Federated Edge leaRning
Yeting Guo; Fang Liu; Zhiping Cai; Hui Zeng; Li Chen; Tongqing Zhou; Nong Xiao;
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Unravelling Spatial Privacy Risks of Mobile Mixed Reality Data
Jaybie Agullo De Guzman; Aruna Seneviratne; Kanchana Thilakarathna;
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To See or Not to See: Exploring Inattentional Blindness for the Design of Unobtrusive Interfaces in Shared Public Places
Linda Hirsch; Christina Schneegass; Robin Welsch; Andreas Butz;
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Ray Tracing-based Light Energy Prediction for Indoor Batteryless Sensors
Daeyong Kim; Junick Ahn; Jun Shin; Hojung Cha;
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When Do Drivers Interact with In-VehicleWell-being Interventions? An Exploratory Analysis of a Longitudinal Study on Public Roads
Kevin Koch; Varun Mishra; Shu Liu; Thomas Berger; Elgar Fleisch; David Kotz; Felix Wortmann;
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DronePrint: Acoustic Signatures for Open-set Drone Detection and Identification with Online Data
Harini Kolamunna; Thilini Dahanayaka; Junye Li; Suranga Seneviratne; Kanchana Thilakaratne; Albert Y. Zomaya; Aruna Seneviratne;
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CrossGR: Accurate and Low-cost Cross-target Gesture Recognition Using Wi-Fi
Xinyi Li; Liqiong Chang; Fangfang Song; Ju Wang; Xiaojiang Chen; Zhanyong Tang; Zheng Wang;
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Towards Finding the Optimum Position in the Visual Field for a Head Worn Display Used for Task Guidance with Non-registered Graphics
Georgianna Lin; Malcolm Haynes; Sarthak Srinivas; Pramod Kotipalli; Thad Starner;
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WiPhone: Smartphone-based Respiration Monitoring Using Ambient Reflected WiFi Signals.
Jinyu Liu; Youwei Zeng; Tao Gu; Leye Wang; Daqing Zhang;
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AdaSpring: Context-adaptive and Runtime-evolutionary Deep Model Compression for Mobile Applications
Sicong Liu; Bin Guo; Ke Ma; Zhiwen Yu; Junzhao Du;
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One More Bite? Inferring Food Consumption Level of College Students Using Smartphone Sensing and Self-Reports
Lakmal Meegahapola; Salvador Ruiz-Correa; Viridiana Del Carmen Robledo-Valero; Emilio Ernesto Hernandez-Huerfano; Leonardo Alvarez-Rivera; Ronald Chenu-Abente; Daniel Gatica-Perez;
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Pantomime: Mid-Air Gesture Recognition with Sparse Millimeter-Wave Radar Point Clouds
Sameera Palipana; Dariush Salami; Luis A. Leiva; Stephan Sigg;
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Efficient Schedule of Energy-Constrained UAV Using Crowdsourced Buses in Last-Mile Parcel Delivery
Yan Pan; Shining Li; Qianwu Chen; Nan Zhang; Tao Cheng; Zhigang Li; Bin Guo; Qingye Han; Ting Zhu;
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The Design and Evaluation of a Mobile System for Rapid Diagnostic Test Interpretation
Chunjong Park; Hung Ngo; Libby Rose Lavitt; Vincent Karuri; Shiven Bhatt; Peter Lubell-Doughtie; Anuraj H. Shankar; Leonard Ndwiga; Victor Osoti; Juliana K. Wambua; Philip Bejon; Lynette Isabella Ochola-Oyier; Monique Chilver; Nigel Stocks; Victoria Lyon; Barry R. Lutz; Matthew Thompson; Alex Mariakakis; Shwetak Patel;
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LSVP: Towards Effective On-the-go Video Learning Using Optical Head-Mounted Displays
Ashwin Ram; Shengdong Zhao;
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A Scalable Solution for Signaling Face Touches to Reduce the Spread of Surface-based Pathogens.
Camilo Rojas; Niels Poulsen; Mileva Van Tuyl; Daniel Vargas; Zipporah Cohen; Joe Paradiso; Pattie Maes; Kevin Esvelt; Fadel Adib;
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Person-Centered Predictions of Psychological Constructs with Social Media Contextualized by Multimodal Sensing
Koustuv Saha; Ted Grover; Stephen M. Mattingly; Vedant Das Swain; Pranshu Gupta; Gonzalo J. Martinez; Pablo Robles-Granda; Gloria Mark; Aaron Striegel; Munmun De Choudhury;
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Fine-Grained and Context-Aware Behavioral Biometrics for Pattern Lock on Smartphones
Dai Shi; Dan Tao; Jiangtao Wang; Muyan Yao; Zhibo Wang; Houjin Chen; Sumi Helal;
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TagFi: Locating Ultra-Low Power WiFi Tags Using Unmodified WiFi Infrastructure
Elahe Soltanaghaei; Adwait Dongare; Akarsh Prabhakara; Swarun Kumar; Anthony Rowe; Kamin Whitehouse;
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Multimodal Joint Head Orientation Estimation in Interacting Groups via Proxemics and Interaction Dynamics
Stephanie Tan; David M.J. Tax; Hayley Hung;
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Ride Substitution Using Electric Bike Sharing: Feasibility, Cost, and Carbon Analysis
John Wamburu; Stephen Lee; Mohammad H. Hajiesmaili; David Irwin; Prashant Shenoy;
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EarDynamic: An Ear Canal Deformation Based Continuous User Authentication Using In-Ear Wearables
Zi Wang; Sheng Tan; Linghan Zhang; Yili Ren; Zhi Wang; Jie Yang;
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Objective Measures of Cognitive Load Using Deep Multi-Modal Learning — A Use-Case in Aviation
Justin C. Wilson; Suku Nair; Sandro Scielzo; Eric C. Larson;
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Leveraging Collaborative-Filtering for Personalized Behavior Modeling: A Case Study of Depression Detection among College Students
Xuhai Xu; Prerna Chikersal; Janine M. Dutcher; Yasaman S. Sefidgar; Woosuk Seo; Michael J. Tumminia; Daniella K. Villalba; Sheldon Cohen; Kasey G. Creswell; J.David Creswell; Afsaneh Doryab; Paula S. Nurius; Eve Riskin; Anind K. Dey; Jennifer Mankoff;
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Listen2Cough: Leveraging End-to-End Deep Learning Cough Detection Model to Enhance Lung Health Assessment Using Passively Sensed Audio
Xuhai Xu; Ebrahim Nemati; Korosh Vatanparvar; Viswam Nathan; Tousif Ahmed; Md Mahbuburrahman; Daniel Mccaffrey; Jilong Kuang; Jun Alex Gao;
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SoundLip: EnablingWord and Sentence-level Lip Interaction for Smart Devices
Qian Zhang; Dong Wang; Run Zhao; Yinggang Yu;
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A Feature Adaptive Learning Method for High-Density sEMG-Based Gesture Recognition
Yingwei Zhang; Yiqiang Chen; Hanchao Yu; Xiaodong Yang; Ruizhe Sun; Bixiao Zeng;
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ViFin: Harness Passive Vibration to Continuous Micro Finger Writing with a Commodity Smartwatch
Wenqiang Chen; Lin Chen; Meiyi Ma; Farshid Salemi Parizi; Shwetak Patel; John Stankovic;
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Orbuculum – Predicting When Users Intend to Leave Large Public Displays
Florian Alt; Daniel Buschek; David Heuss; Jörg Müller;
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Urban Map Inference by Pervasive Vehicular Sensing Systems with Complementary Mobility
Zhihan Fang; Guang Wang; Xiaoyang Xie; Fan Zhang; Desheng Zhang;
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Unsupervised Human Activity Representation Learning with Multi-task Deep Clustering
Haojie Ma; Zhijie Zhang; Wenzhong Li; Sanglu Lu;
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Passive Health Monitoring Using Large Scale Mobility Data
Yunke Zhang; Fengli Xu; Tong Li; Vassilis Kostakos; Pan Hui; Yong Li;
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CrowdAct: Achieving High-Quality Crowdsourced Datasets in Mobile Activity Recognition
Nattaya Mairittha; Tittaya Mairittha; Paula Lago; Sozo Inoue;
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Acoustic-based Upper Facial Action Recognition for Smart Eyewear
Wentao Xie; Qian Zhang; Jin Zhang;
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CoolMoves: User Motion Accentuation in Virtual Reality
Karan Ahuja; Eyal Ofek; Mar Gonzalez-Franco; Christian Holz; Andrew D. Wilson;
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mTeeth: Identifying Brushing Teeth Surfaces UsingWrist-Worn Inertial Sensors
Sayma Akther; Nazir Saleheen; Mithun Saha; Vivek Shetty; Santosh Kumar;
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Every Byte Matters: Traffic Analysis of BluetoothWearable Devices
Ludovic Barman; Alexandre Dumar; Apostolos Pyrgelis; Jean-Pierre Hubaux;
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MemX: An Attention-Aware Smart Eyewear System for Personalized Moment Auto-capture
Yuhu Chang; Yingying Zhao; Mingzhi Dong; Yujiang Wang; Yutian Lu; Qin Lv; Robert P. Dick; Tun Lu; Ning Gu; Li Shang;
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ApneaDetector: Detecting Sleep Apnea with Smartwatches
Xianda Chen; Yifei Xiao; Yeming Tang; Julio Fernandez-Mendoza; Guohong Cao;
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Investigating Retention in Passive Haptic Learning of Piano Songs
Rumen Donchev; Erik Pescara; Michael Beigl;
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Towards Position-Independent Sensing for Gesture Recognition with Wi-Fi
Ruiyang Gao; Mi Zhang; Jie Zhang; Yang Li; Enze Yi; Dan Wu; Leye Wang; Daqing Zhang;
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Robust Inertial Motion Tracking through Deep Sensor Fusion across Smart Earbuds and Smartphone
Jian Gong; Xinyu Zhang; Yuanjun Huang; Ju Ren; Yaoxue Zhang;
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Toward User-Driven Sound Recognizer Personalization with People Who Are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Steven M. Goodman; Ping Liu; Dhruv Jain; Emma J. Mcdonnell; Jon E. Froehlich; Leah Findlater;
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Who Will Survive and Revive Undergoing the Epidemic: Analyses about POI Visit Behavior inWuhan via Check-in Records
Zhenyu Han; Haohan Fu; Fengli Xu; Zhen Tu; Yang Yu. Pan Hui; Ben Y. Zhao; Yong Li;
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Contrastive Predictive Coding for Human Activity Recognition
Harish Haresamudram; Irfan Essa; Thomas Plötz;
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Douleur: Creating Pain Sensation with Chemical Stimulant to Enhance User Experience in Virtual Reality
Chutian Jiang; Yanjun Chen; Mingming Fan; Liuping Wang; Luyao Shen; Nianlong Li; Wei Sun; Yu Zhang; Feng Tian; Teng Han;
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SonicASL: An Acoustic-based Sign Language Gesture Recognizer Using Earphones
Yincheng Jin; Yang Gao; Yanjun Zhu; Wei Wang; Jiyang Li; Seokmin Choi; Zhangyu Li; Jagmohan Chauhan; Anind K. Dey; Zhanpeng Jin;
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EDEN: Enforcing Location Privacy through Re-identification Risk Assessment: A Federated Learning Approach
Besma Khalfoun; Sonia Ben Mokhtar; Sara Bouchenak; Vlad Nitu;
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Designing Kitchen Technologies for Ageing in Place: A Video Study of Older Adults’ Cooking at Home
Sanna Kuoppamäki; Sylvaine Tuncer; Sara Eriksson; Donald Mcmillan;
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A Survey and Taxonomy of Electronics Toolkits for Interactive and Ubiquitous Device Prototyping
Mannu Lambrichts; Raf Ramakers; Steve Hodges; Sven Coppers; James Devine;
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AmbientBreath: Unobtrusive Just-in-time Breathing Intervention Using Multi-sensory Stimulation and its Evaluation in a Car Simulator
Jinmo Lee; Neska Elhaouij; Rosalind Picard;
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DropMonitor: Millimeter-level Sensing for RFID-based Infusion Drip Rate Monitoring
Yuancan Lin; Lei Xie; Chuyu Wang; Yanling Bu; Sanglu Lu;
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BlinkListener: “Listen” to Your Eye Blink Using Your Smartphone
Jialin Liu; Dong Li; Lei Wang; Jie Xiong;
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Detecting Receptivity for mHealth Interventions in the Natural Environment
Varun Mishra; Florian Künzler; Jan-Niklas Kramer; Elgar Fleisch; Tobias Kowatsch; David Kotz;
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ShaZam: Charge-FreeWearable Devices via Intra-Body Power Transfer from Everyday Objects
Noor Mohammed; Rui Wang; Robert W. Jackson; Yeonsik Noh; Jeremy Gummeson; Sunghoon Ivan Lee;
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FabHandWear : An End-to-End Pipeline from Design to Fabrication of Customized Functional HandWearables
Luis Paredes; Sai Swarup Reddy; Subramanian Chidambaram; Devashri Vagholkar; Yunbo Zhang; Bedrich Benes; Karthik Ramani;
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Enabling Real-time Sign Language Translation on Mobile Platforms with On-board Depth Cameras
Hyeonjung Park; Youngki Lee; Jeonggil Ko;
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IriTrack: Face Presentation Attack Detection Using Iris Tracking
Meng Shen; Yaqian Wei; Zelin Liao; Liehuang Zhu;
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Exploration of Person-Independent BCIs for Internal and External Attention-Detection in Augmented Reality
Lisa-Marie Vortmann; Felix Putze;
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Leveraging Activity Recognition to Enable Protective Behavior Detection in Continuous Data
Chongyang Wang; Yuan Gao; Akhil Mathur; Amanda C. De C. Williams; Nicholas D. Lane; Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze;
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Watching Your Phone’s Back: Gesture Recognition by Sensing Acoustical Structure-borne Propagation
Lei Wang; Xiang Zhang; Yuanshuang Jiang; Yong Zhang; Chenren Xu; Ruiyang Gao; Daqing Zhang;
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Embracing Collisions to Increase Fidelity of Sensing Systems with COTS Tags
Jiaqi Xu; Wei Sun; Kannan Srinivasan;
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Unlocking the Beamforming Potential of LoRa for Long-range Multi-target Respiration Sensing
Fusang Zhang; Zhaoxin Chang; Jie Xiong; Rong Zheng; Junqi Ma; Kai Niu; Beihong Jin; Daqing Zhang;
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Inverse Foraging: Inferring Users’ Interest in Pervasive Displays
Maria L. Montoya Freire; Antti Oulasvirta; Mario Di Francesco;
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Model-based Head Orientation Estimation for Smart Devices
Qiang Yang; Yuanqing Zheng;
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The Crowd Wisdom for Location Privacy of Crowdsensing Photos: Spear or Shield?
Tongqing Zhou; Zhiping Cai; Fang Liu;
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SenseCollect: We Need Efficient Ways to Collect On-body Sensor-based Human Activity Data!
Wenqiang Chen; Shupei Lin; Elizabeth Thompson; John Stankovic;
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GlucoMine: A Case for Improving the Use of Wearable Device Data in Diabetes Management
Abigail Bartolome; Sahaj Shah; Temiloluwa Prioleau;
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SquiggleMilli: Approximating SAR Imaging on Mobile Millimeter-Wave Devices
Hem Regmi; Moh Sabbir Saadat; Sanjib Sur; Srihari Nelakuditi;
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Duco: Autonomous Large-Scale Direct-Circuit-Writing (DCW) on Vertical Everyday Surfaces Using A Scalable Hanging Plotter
Tingyu Cheng; Bu Li; Yang Zhang; Yunzhi Li; Charles Ramey; Eui Min Jung; Yepu Cui; Sai Ganesh Swaminathan; Youngwook Do; Manos Tentzeris; Gregory D. Abowd; HyunJoo Oh;
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Approaching the Real-World: Supporting Activity Recognition Training with Virtual IMU Data
Hyeokhyen Kwon; Bingyao Wang; Gregory D. Abowd; Thomas Ploetz;
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Sensing to Hear: Speech Enhancement for Mobile Devices Using Acoustic Signals
Qian Zhang; Dong Wang; Run Zhao; Yinggang Yu; Junjie Shen;
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DualRing: Enabling Subtle and Expressive Hand Interaction with Dual IMU Rings
Chen Liang; Chun Yu; Yue Qin; Yuntao Wang; Yuanchun Shi;
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HERMAS: A Human Mobility Embedding Framework with Large-scale Cellular Signaling Data
Yiwei Song; Dongzhe Jiang; Yunhuai Liu; Zhou Qin; Chang Tan; Desheng Zhang;
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Reducing Muscle Activity when Playing Tremolo by Using Electrical Muscle Stimulation to Learn Efficient Motor Skills
Arinobu Niijima; Toki Takeda; Kentaro Tanaka; Ryosuke Aoki; Yukio Koike;
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Audio Keyword Reconstruction from On-Device Motion Sensor Signals via Neural Frequency Unfolding
Tianshi Wang; Shuochao Yao; Shengzhong Liu; Jinyang Li; Dongxin Liu; Huajie Shao; Ruijie Wang; Tarek Abdelzaher;
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SyncUp: Vision-based Practice Support for Synchronized Dancing
Zhongyi Zhou; Anran Xu; Koji Yatani;
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Honeysuckle: Annotation-Guided Code Generation of In-App Privacy Notices
Tianshi Li; Elijah B Neundorfer; Yuvraj Agarwal; Jason I. Hong;
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RF Vital Sign Sensing Under Free Body Movement
Jian Gong; Xinyu Zhang; Kaixin Lin; Ju Ren; Yaoxue Zhang; Wenxun Qiu;
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Anti-Spoofing Voice Commands: A Generic Wireless Assisted Design
Cui Zhao; Zhenjiang Li; Han Ding; Wei Xi; Ge Wang; Jizhong Zhao;
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OpiTrack: A Wearable-based Clinical Opioid Use Tracker with Temporal Convolutional Attention Networks
Bhanu Teja Gullapalli; Stephanie Carreiro; Brittany P Chapman; Deepak Ganesan; Jan Sjoquist; Tauhidur Rahman;
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A City-Wide Crowdsourcing Delivery System with Reinforcement Learning
Yi Ding; Baoshen Guo; Lin Zheng; Mingming Lu; Desheng Zhang; Shuai Wang; Sang Hyuk Son; Tian He;
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Write, Attend and Spell: Streaming End-to-end Free-style Handwriting Recognition Using Smartwatches
Qian Zhang; Dong Wang; Run Zhao; Yinggang Yu; Jiazhen Jing;
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ULoc: Low-Power, Scalable and cm-Accurate UWB-Tag Localization and Tracking for Indoor Applications
Minghui Zhao; Tyler Chang; Aditya Arun; Roshan Ayyalasomayajula; Chi Zhang; Dinesh Bharadia;
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Demystifying the Vetting Process of Voice-controlled Skills on Markets
Dawei Wang; Kai Chen; Wei Wang;
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Examining the Social Context of Alcohol Drinking in Young Adults with Smartphone Sensing
Lakmal Buddika Meegahapola; Florian Labhart; Thanh-Trung PHAN; Daniel Gatica-Perez;
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VeriMask: Facilitating Decontamination of N95 Masks in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Safeguarding the Future
Yan Long; Alexander Curtiss; Sara Rampazzi; Josiah Hester; Kevin Fu;
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CardiacWave: A mmWave-based Scheme of Non-Contact and High-Definition Heart Activity Computing
Chenhan Xu; Huining Li; Zhengxiong Li; Hanbin Zhang; Aditya Singh Rathore; Xingyu Chen; Kun Wang; MING-CHUN HUANG; Wenyao Xu;
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Overthere : A Simple and Intuitive Object Registration Method for an Absolute Mid-air Pointing Interface
Hyunggoog Seo; Jaedong Kim; Kwanggyoon Seo; Bumki Kim; Junyong Noh;
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Captivates: A Smart Eyeglass Platform for Across-Context Physiological Measurement
Patrick Chwalek; David Ramsay; Joe Paradiso;
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LAX-Score: Quantifying Team Performance in Lacrosse and Exploring IMU Features towards Performance Enhancement
Patrick Chwalek; David Ramsay; Joe Paradiso;
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FG-LiquID: A Contact-less Fine-grained Liquid Identifier by Pushing the Limits of Millimeter-wave Sensing
Yumeng Liang; Anfu Zhou; Huanhuan Zhang; XinZhe Wen; Huadong Ma;
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REHASH: A Flexible, Developer Focused, Heuristic Adaptation Platform for Intermittently Powered Computing
Abu Bakar; Alexander G Ross; Kasim Sinan Yildirim; Josiah Hester;
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DriverSonar: Fine-Grained Dangerous Driving Detection Using Active Sonar
Hongbo Jiang; Jingyang Hu; Daibo Liu; Jie Xiong; Minjie Cai;
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Pushing the Limits of Long Range Wireless Sensing with LoRa
Binbin Xie; Yuqing Yin; Jie Xiong;
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The Empathetic Car: Exploring Emotion Inference via Driver Behaviour and Traffic Context
Shu Liu; Kevin Koch; Zimu Zhou; Simon Föll; Xiaoxi He; Tina Menke; Elgar Fleisch; Felix Wortmann;
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ISACS: In-Store Autonomous Checkout System for Retail
Joao Diogo Falcao; Carlos Ruiz; Adeola M Bannis; Hae Young Noh; Pei Zhang;
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DANA: Dimension-Adaptive Neural Architecture for Multivariate Sensor Data
Mohammad Malekzadeh; Richard Clegg; Andrea Cavallaro; Hamed Haddadi;
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MetaTP: Traffic Prediction with Unevenly-Distributed Road Sensing Data via Fast Adaptation
Weida Zhong; Qiuling Suo; Abhishek Gupta; Xiaowei Jia; Chunming Qiao; Lu Su;
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ScraTouch: Extending Interaction Technique Using Fingernail on Unmodified Capacitive Touch Surfaces
Kaori Ikematsu; Shota Yamanaka;
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Wearable Computing Technology for Assessment of Cognitive Functioning of Bipolar Patients and Healthy Controls
Pegah Hafiz; Kamilla Woznica Miskowiak; Alban Maxhuni; Lars Vedel Kessing; Jakob Eyvind Bardram;
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SelfHAR: Improving Human Activity Recognition through Self-training with Unlabeled Data
Chi Ian Tang; Ignacio Perez-Pozuelo; Dimitris Spathis; Soren Brage; Nick Wareham; Cecilia Mascolo;
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We Hear Your PACE: Passive Acoustic Localization of Multiple Walking Persons
Chao Cai; Henglin Pu; Peng Wang; Zhe Chen; Jun Luo;
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Learning When Agents Can Talk to Drivers using the INAGT Dataset and Multisensor Fusion
Tong Wu; Nikolas Martelaro; Simon Stent; Jorge Ortiz; Wendy Ju;
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Multi-Head Spatio-Temporal Attention Mechanism For Urban Anomaly Event Prediction
Huiqun Huang; Xi Yang; Suining He;
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Is Someone Listening? Audio Related Privacy Perceptions and Design Recommendations from Guardians, Pragmatists, and Cynics
Julia C. Dunbar; Emily Bascom; Ashley Boone; Alexis Hiniker;
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Fall Detection via Inaudible Acoustic Sensing
Jie Lian; Xu Yuan; Ming Li; Nian-Feng Tzeng;
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BreathTrack: Detecting Regular Breathing Phases from Unannotated Acoustic Data Captured by a Smartphone
Md Mahbubur Rahman; Bashima Islam; Tousif Ahmed; Mohsin Yusuf Ahmed; Mehedi Hasan; Viswam Nathan; Korosh Vatanparvar; Ebrahim Nemati; Jilong Kuang; Jun Alex Gao;
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How Low Can You Go? Performance Trade-offs in Low-Resolution Thermal Sensors for Occupancy Detection: A Systematic Evaluation
Mikko Juhani Rinta-Homi; Naser Hossein Motlagh; Agustin Zuniga; Huber Flores; Petteri Nurmi;
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CellSense: Human Mobility Recovery via Cellular Network Data Enhancement
Zhihan Fang; Yu Yang; Guang Yang; Yikun Xian; Fan Zhang; Desheng Zhang;
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RF-ray: Joint RF and Linguistics Domain Learning for Object Recognition
Han Ding; Linwei Zhai; Cui Zhao; Songjiang Hou; Ge Wang; Wei Xi; Jizhong Zhao; Yihong Gong;
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WR-Hand: Wearable Armband can Track User's Hand
Yang Liu; Chengdong Lin; Zhenjiang Li;
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Self-supervised Learning for Reading Activity Classification
Md. Rabiul Islam; Shuji Sakamoto; Yoshihiro Yamada; Andrew W. Vargo; Motoi Iwata; Masakazu Iwamura; Koichi Kise;
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EchoSpot: Spotting Your Locations via Acoustic Sensing
Jie Lian; Jiadong Lou; Li Chen; Xu Yuan;
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WiStress: Contactless Stress Monitoring using Wireless Signals
Unsoo Ha; Sohrab Madani; Fadel Adib;
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Who Am I? A Design Probe Exploring Real-Time Transparency About Online and Offline User Profiling Underlying Targeted Ads
Natã M. Barbosa; Gang Wang; Blase Ur; Yang Wang;
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FaceSense: Sensing Face Touch with an Ear-worn System
Vimal Kakaraparthi; Qijia Shao; Charles J. Carver; Tien Pham; Nam Bui; VP Nguyen; Xia Zhou; Tam Vu;
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ExpressEar: Sensing Fine-Grained Facial Expressions with Earables
Dhruv Verma; Sejal Bhalla; Dhruv Sahnan; Jainendra Shukla; Aman Parnami;
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Context-aware Adaptive Surgery: A Fast and Effective Framework for Adaptative Model Partition
Hongli Wang; Bin Guo; Jiaqi Liu; Sicong Liu; Yungang Wu; Zhiwen Yu;
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ALWAES: Automatic Location-Aware Correction System for Online Delivery Platforms
Dongzhe Jiang; Yi Ding; Hao Zhang; Yunhuai Liu; Tian He; Yu Yang; Desheng Zhang;
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SwingNet: Ubiquitous Fine-Grained Swing Tracking Framework via Stochastic Neural Architecture Search and Adversarial Learning
Hong Jia; Jiawei Hu; Wen Hu;
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LightGuide: Directing Visually Impaired People along a Path Using Light Cues
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UVLens: Urban Village Boundary Identification and Population Estimation Leveraging Open Government Data
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ISWC Recordings

Audio-Based Onset Detection applied to Chewing Cycle Segmentation
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On the Role of Context Length for Feature Extraction and Sequence Modeling in Human Activity Recognition
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Assisting Motor Skill Transfer for Dance Students Using Wearable Feedback
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Mindless Load Changer: A Method for Manipulating Load Perception by Feedback of Myoelectricity Sensor Information
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Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Support: Comparison of Wrist-, Chest-, and Ear-Worn Devices and Estimation Algorithms
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Detecting Freezing of Gait with Earables Trained from VR Motion Capture Data
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Fast Deep Neural Architecture Search for Wearable Activity Recognition by Early Prediction of Converged Performance
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Improving Deep Learning for HAR with shallow LSTMs
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Using additional training sensors to improve single-sensor-based complex activity recognition
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A Pilot Study using Covert Visuospatial Attention as an EEG- based Brain Computer Interface to Enhance AR Interaction
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Where Should I Look? Comparing Reference Frames for Spatial Tactile Cues
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A Method to Manipulate Subjective Time by using Tactile Stimuli of Wearable Device
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Delocalizing Strain in Interconnected Joints of On-Skin Interfaces
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Brainwear: towards multi-modal garment integrated EEG
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Simulation of garment-embedded contact sensor performance under motion dynamics
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A 10-Year Review of the Methods and Purposes of On-Skin Interface Research in ACM SIGCHI
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IBSync: Intra-body Synchronization of Wearable Devices Using Artificial ECG Landmarks
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HeatSight: Wearable Low-power Omni Thermal Sensing
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disp2ppg: Pulse Wave Generation to PPG Sensor using Display
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Self-supervised Wearable-based Activity Recognition by Learning to Predict Cross-Dimensional Motion
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Exploiting the Slowness of Electrochromic Displays
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Accurate Reaction Times on Smartphones: The Challenges of Developing a Mobile Psychomotor Vigilance Task
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Tunnel Vision -- Dynamic Peripheral Vision Blocking Glasses for Reducing Motion Sickness Symptoms
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