September 21 — 26
All Over the World
UbiComp is a premier interdisciplinary venue in which leading international researchers, designers, developers, and practitioners in the field present and discuss novel results in all aspects of ubiquitous and pervasive computing. This includes the design, development, and deployment of ubiquitous and pervasive computing technologies and the understanding of human experiences and social impacts that these technologies facilitate.
The conference will be held on 21-26th September 2021.
UbiComp 2021 is the premier conference for Ubiquitous Computing. UbiComp 2021 is collocated with the 2021 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC’21) with shared Workshops and Tutorials.
Registration Opens: 15th July’21
Early Registration Deadline: 7 September’21
Virtual Conference: 21 – 26th Sept. ’21
Main Tracks: 21 – 24th Sept. ’21
Post-conference tracks: 25 – 26th Sept. ’21
Latest News
March 2021
ISWC Paper Submission Deadline: June 18
The ISWC Paper (Note & Brief)Submission Deadline is June 18
February 2021
Website Online
It's finally here. We are looking forward to UbiComp'21. 🙂