September 11—14, 2005 | Tokyo, Japan
The Seventh International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing

Call for Participation

Ubicomp 2005
The 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing

Semptember 11 - 14, 2005
Tokyo, JAPAN

Call For Participation

Registration is available at

There is a discounted rate until August 1, 2005.

UbiComp 2005, the Seventh International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, will be held September 11-14, 2005 in Tokyo, Japan. The annual conference provides the premier forum in which to present research results in all areas relating to the design, implementation, application and evaluation of ubiquitous computing technologies, bringing together leading researchers from a variety of disciplines and geographical areas who are exploring the frontiers of computing as it moves beyond the desktop and becomes increasingly interwoven into the fabrics of our lives. Last year, over 400 people attended the UbiComp 2004 conference, representing 4 continents, 24 countries and a wide variety of disciplines and perspectives.

Technical Program.

The program consists of a single track with 22 papers. The authors present state-of-the-art results on various topics, such as
technologies, methodologies and formalisms to support ubiquitous computing and the development of ubiquitous computing applications
(e.g. novel devices, system software, software engineering techniques and interaction methods); reports on experiences of designing,
developing, deploying and living with ubiquitous computing systems; and, studies of the wider implications of ubiquitous computing. The
conference program can be found at

Posters and Demonstrations.

The program also includes a number of posters and technical demonstrations of experimental systems. The posters present
late-breaking, preliminary, or exploratory work, smaller projects or results not suitable for a full paper, and any other research that
authors wish to present in an interactive, open forum. The demonstrations provide hands-on experience with the latest innovations
and ubiquitous computing technologies, such as showing off the newest sensor technology, demonstrating cool new interaction techniques, or presenting novel miniature displays. They also visualize how ubiquitous computing can make a difference in the real world: be it in plants or in emergency rooms, at school or in the office.


Videos are a great way to present innovations in ubiquitous computing, especially for those systems that would be particularly difficult to
deploy at the conference for a live demonstration. The video screening is planned prior to the conference banquet on 13 Sept. to give
opportunity to authors to show their works in a public setting to all Ubicomp attendees. The videos will also be playing continuously in a dedicated space during the duration of the conference.


Workshops provide an opportunity to discuss and explore emerging areas of ubiquitous computing research with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners. Workshops will be held on Sunday 11 September, the day before the main conference. The following workshops take place:

W1. Ubiquitous Computing in Next Generation Conference Rooms: Interweaving Rich Media, Mobile Devices and Smart Environments
W2. Pervasive Image Capture and Sharing: New Social Practices and Implications for Technology
W3. Smart Object Systems
W4. Privacy in Context
W5. Ubiquitous Computing, Entertainment, and Games
W6. The Spaces in-between: Seamful vs. Seamless Interactions
W7. Situating Ubiquitous Computing in Everyday Life: Bridging the Social and Technical Divide
W8. UbiPhysics: Designing for Physically Integrated Interaction
W9. Smart Environments and Their Applications to Cultural Heritage
W10. Monitoring, Measuring, and Motivating Exercise: Ubiquitous Computing to Support Physical Fitness
W11. Metapolis and Urban Life
W12. ubiPCMM: Personalized Context Modeling and Management for Ubicomp Applications
W13. Ubiquitous Wireless Communications


Gold Sponsors




Silver Sponsors







Bronze Sponsors

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Network Equipment Support