List of Accepted Videos
Call for Videos (Closed)
V1: The Smart Tachograph
Vlad Coroama, Marc Langheinrich (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
V2: ubiTV Scenario for a Family in Smart Home
Yoosoo Oh, Choonsung Shin, Woojin Jung, Woontack Woo (GIST, Korea)
Youngmi Kim(Ewha womans University, Korea)
V3: An Abstraction for Ubiquitous Video
Neil McCurdy, William G. Griswold (UCSD, U.S.A.)
V4: Living with Sentient Artefacts
Kaori Fujinami, Kanako Okada, Fahim Kawsar, Tatsuo Nakajima (Waseda University, Japan)
V5: Invisible Media: Attention-sensitive informational augmentation for physical objects
David Merrill, Pattie Maes (MIT, U.S.A.)
V6: Yellow Chair Stories
Anab Jain (Royal College of Art, London, UK)
V7: From Ubiquitous Computing to Culturally Reflective Computing: THE ETERNAL GANDHI MULTIMEDIA MUSEUM
Ranjit Makkuni(Sasikumar) (Sacred World Research Laboratory, India)
Message from co-chairs
As Ubicomp is no longer a new, young conference, and as our field comes into its own, we await a certain maturity in the research. In the meanwhile, we begin to witness a critical mass of work accumulating, at times resulting in a duplication of precedent. Related fields are undergoing similar rites of passage, where terms such as "New Media" refer to media which is no longer new in the proper sense of the word, or as conferences continue exhibitions of "Emerging Technologies" where fundamental concepts have already been laid out. The mission of the video committee was to select from a body of submissions where the overall quality of work was high, and where the pertinence to the theme of ubiquitous computing was almost always intact. From this rich body of work we sought to make a selection that brought new insight to a maturing field.
This situation can be seen like a self-fulfilling prophecy in the sense that what were once visionary notions of ubiquity of computation are more and more part of today's reality. Industry standards such as IPv6, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, RFID, and Zig-bee endow an increasing range of devices with the possibility to render services to the user throughout their daily life. While yet at times clumsy, the seamlessness of such experiences are sure to be enhanced as work progresses on interconnectivity and interoperability. This important task of engineering, however, should not be the only focus of our field. Where then do we go as computing becomes increasingly ubiquitous in everyday life?
We hope that societal and cultural concerns can accompany technical issues to indicate new directions in research for Ubicomp. A field continues to renew itself by daring to question its own foundations. In our selection for the video program of Ubicomp2005, we wanted to highlight work that bears out relevance to society. We also wished to support work that does not make assumptions about the positive nature of ubiquity, and that instead formulates critical examinations of the true impact of these technologies on the quality of life. Finally, we sought to bring forth work that stresses creativity - to broaden our horizons about the place of computation not just throughout the day, but across cultures.
As Co-chairs of the Ubicomp2005 Video Program, we were aided by a diverse and enthusiastic committee. Michael Coburn, Usman Haque, Aaron Quigley, and Christine Satchell cover a broad cross section of our field from cultural studies in avatars, to Bangalore interaction research, to technology embedded architecture. We are also indebted to Daisuke Morikawa and Shouichi Yamazaki for their assistance in managing the submission server and preparing the DVD master. We hope you enjoy and are inspired by the program.
Masayoshi OHASHI
Ubicomp2005 Video Co-chairs
Videos Co-Chairs |
Masayoshi OHASHI
(KDDI R&D Laboratories, Japan)
(Sony CSL Paris, France)
Formats accepted: |
MPEG (MPEG1 and MPEG2), AVI with MPEG4 (.mov, .mpeg) or QuickTime files.. |
Submission Deadline:
June 10, 2005
Acceptance Notification: July 01, 2005
Final Version Due: July 15, 2005
Further submission details to follow.
(Last update; May 23, 2005).