September 11—14, 2005 | Tokyo, Japan
The Seventh International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing

Accepted List

Sunday, September 11th 2005

08:30-09:15 Enrico Rukzio, Germany
Physical Mobile Interactions: Mobile Devices as Pervasive Mediators for Interactions with the Real World

09:15-10:00 Sara Ljungblad, Sweden
Designing Interaction from the Use of Everyday Objects

10:30-11:15 Jonathan Bunde-Pedersen, Denmark
Architectural Support for Activity-Based and Ubiquitous Computing

11:15-12:00 Monica Tentori, Mexico
Privacy Aware Computing in Ubiquitous Hospitals Environments

13:30-14:15 Mads Ingstrup, Denmark
Declarative Reflection in Ubiquitous Computing Environments

14:15-15:00 Clemens Holzmann, Austria
Spatial Orientation in Pervasive Computing

15:30-16:15 Lalya Gaye, Sweden
Enabling the Emergence of New Everyday Aesthetic Practices with Ubiquitous Computing

16:15-17:00 Derek Reilly, Canada
Pointing, Pictures and Places. Pointer-based interaction with static real-world artefacts to express location-specific statements and queries


Every PhD student benefits from a discussion and critical review of her / his research work. Ubicomp 2005 offers a limited number of PhD students (max 10 students will be accepted) the opportunity to present and discuss their ongoing work and research in ubiquitous computing under the supervision and guidance of an advisory team of scientific experts at the conference.

The doctoral colloquium will be held on September 11, 2005, from 9am to 6pm at the conference hotel.

Students who would like to participate in the doctoral colloquium are expected to prepare and submit a position paper (max 5000 words) of their research work. The paper outlining the candidate's research should be in the form of an abbreviated dissertation proposal. This paper should provide the research question or topic, a justification for the importance of the research with reference to information systems literature, a presentation of the theoretical basis or framework underlying the research, and a description of research approach and methodology.
In addition to the position paper, students are kindly asked to submit their CV including a list of publications.

The advisory team will decide upon acceptance of students based on the material submitted. All students will receive a short feedback on their submitted position paper.

The students that have been selected for attending the doctoral colloquium will have a slot of approx. 45 minutes for presentation and discussion. All participants of the doctoral colloquium (admitted students and members of the advisory team) will get access to all the accepted position papers and are expected to study those papers ahead of the colloquium to facilitate a more detailed discussion. When preparing their presentations, students should consider that the audience already knows their position papers and should therefore focus in their presentation on open issues and problems they would like to discuss within the group. It is suggested to split the 45 minutes in approx. 15-20 minutes presentation and 30-25 minutes discussion.

Submissions to the doctoral colloquium (position paper and CV, preferably in PDF) must be sent via email to no later than June 10th 2005.

Doctoral Colloquium Chair Gabriele KOTSIS
(Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)

Advisory Team Alois FERSCHA
(Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)

(University of Sussex, UK)

(Viktoria Institute, Sweden)

Nobuhiko NISHIO
(Ritsumeikan University, Japan)

Albrecht SCHMIDT
(University of Munich, Germany)

(Keio University, Japan)


Submission Format: Position paper (max 5000 words) and CV, both preferably in PDF


Submission Deadline: June 10, 2005
Notification: June 30, 2005






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