List of Accepted Posters
P01: Security in UbiComp: Protection through Commandments
Günter Müller, Rafael Accorsi, Martin Kähmer(University of
Freiburg, Germany)
P02: Through the Looking Glass...(an Interactive Mirror for Children with Disabilities)
Tom Ainslie, Vanessa Khan, Gabriela Richard(New York University, USA)
P03: Design and Applications of a Beer Mat for Pub Interaction
Andreas Butz(University of Munich Germany), Michael Schmitz(Saarland University,
P04: Urban Space and Pervasive Systems
Ava Fatah gen. Schieck, Irene Lopez de Vallejo, Alan Penn(University College
London, UK)
P05: Floatingtones: A tool to Build an Acoustic Space
Sarit Youdelevich(New York University, USA)
P06: A Context Information Acquisition Framework for
Personal Devices
Ayako Takagi(1), Tetsuo Yamabe(2), Tatsuo Nakajima(1,3)
(1 Waseda University, Japan) (2 Nokia Research Center, Japan) (3 Nokia Research
Center, Finland)
P07: Generic Commuinication Structure to Integrate Widely
Distributed Wireless Sensor Nodes by P2P Technology
Manabu Isomura, Christian Decker, Michael Beigl(University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
P08: Text Input Disambiguation Supported by a Hierarchy
of User Models
Nuno Gil, Carlos Bento(University of Coimbra, Portugal)
P09: Tracking Objects using 3D Shape Transformation Tags
Yutaka Yanagisawa, Takashi Hattori, Kaoru Hiramatsu, Tatsumi Yamada, Takeshi
Okadome(NTT Corp., Japan)
P10: Context Metadata: A New Hope
Pertti Huuskonen, Antti Aaltonen, Juha Lehikoinen(Nokia Research Center, Finland)
P11: FlexSpace: Portable Media Habitat
Saranont Limpananont(New York University, USA)
P12: A Context-Aware Framework to Support Human Communication
Considering Both Contexts of Callers and Callees
Taro Nakao, Tadaaki Arimura, Tatsuya Nakamura, Shigetoshi Yokoyama(NTT DATA,
Japan), Christian Rack, Thomas Bauer, Christoph Weckerle(FOKUS, Germany)
P13: Pervasive Computing with OWL-S and a Formal Method
Jose Ignacio, Rendo Fernandez, Iain W. Phillips(Loughborough University, UK)
P14: A REST Based Coordination Middleware for Personal
Mobile Servers
Xuan Li, Daisuke Osahara, Shuuta Komatsubara, Eiji Tokunaga, Tatsuo Nakajima(Waseda
University, Japan)
P15: Group Detection Using Bluetooth
Oscar Järkvik, Björn Ljungquist(Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology,
P16: Indoor location based on GSM footprints
Marco Veloso, Carlos Bento(University of Coimbra, Portugal)
P17: An Emulation Framework for Ubiquitous Service Discovery
Mike Heidrich, Andriy Golovko, Sven Siorpaes(Fraunhofer Institute, Germany)
P18: A Positioning System Using Distributed Mobility
Pattern Speculation
Takamichi Ishihara, Nobuhiko Nishio(Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
P19: QR-QB and Z-agon: An Integration of A 2D-barcode
Cube and A Cubic Display Device
Takashi Matsumoto, Hiroya Tanaka, Naohito Okude(Keio University, Japan)
P20: A Panorama-Based Interface for Interacting with
the Physical Environment Using Orientation-Aware Handhelds
Li-Wei Chan, Ya-Ying Hsu, Yi-Ping Hung, Jane Yung-jen Hsu(National Taiwan University,
P21: Serious Bioplay: A Computer Integrated Building
Service Game applying Psychophysiological Input
Steffen P. Walz, Odilo Schoch, Philipp Schaerer, Sebastian Gmelin, Tobias Bonwetsch,
Bergit Hillner, Rafael Georg Schmidt, Bart Mermans, Jan Przerwa, Arno Schlueter(ETH
Zurich, Switzerland)
P22: BASE: An Interactive Location-aware Development
Tool for Sentient Environments
Kaori Fujinami, Takeshi Kambe, Tatsuo Nakajima(Waseda University, Japan)
P23: Towards Social Role-Aware Agents in Ubiquitous Computing
Akio Sashima(1,2), Noriaki Izumi(1), Koichi Kurumatani(1), Yoshiyuki Kotani(2)
(1 AIST, Japan)(2 TUAT, Japan)
P24: vrFlora: Reactive Multimedia Contents in Smart Home
Sejin Oh, Youngho Lee, Woontack Woo(GIST, Korea)
P25: Growable media design: Integrating plants and digital
media for information visualization
Satoshi Kuribayashi, Akira Wakita(Keio University, Japan)
P26: Ubiquitous Semantic Spaces
Reto Krummenacher, Thomas Strang(University of Innsbruck, Austria)
P27: What Makes a Closet "Smart"?
Jennifer A. Rode, Justin Harris (University of California, Irvine, USA)
P28: Sensors Driven Information Access and Platform Power
Management in Cultural Heritage Applications
Marina Pettinari, Giuseppe Raffa, Elisa Sacchi, Luca Roffia, Tullio Salmon Cinotti,
Andrea Tortoriello(University of Bologna, Italy)
P29: Designing Augmented Refrigerator Magnets
Rachel Eardley(1), Laurel Swan(2), Abigail Sellen(1), Alex S. Taylor(1), Steve
Hodges(1), Ken Wood(1), Lyndsay Williams(1)
(1 Microsoft Research, UK)(2 Brunel University, UK)
P30: PetTracker- Pet Tracking System Using Motes
Zhengming Tang(1), Harlan Hile(2), Sushil Bajracharya(1), Raja Jurdak(1)
(1 University of California - Irvine, USA)(2 University of Washington, USA)
P31: Two key points of Applications in Ubiquitous Computing:
Inferring and Self-Evolving
Soung Hun You, We Duke Cho(Ajou University, Korea)
P32: 5W1H: Modeling Unified User-Centric Context
Seiie Jang(1), Dongoh Kwang(2), Woontack Woo(1)
(1 GIST, Korea) (2 ETRI, Korea)
P33: Community Snowglobe: Interacting with the Social
Memory of a Space
Chao-Ming (James) Teng, Pattie Maes(MIT, USA)
P34: Rogue Signals: A Location-Aware Game for Studying
the Social Effects of Information Bottlenecks
Zachary O. Toups, Andruid Kerne, Daniel Caruso, Erin Devoy, Ross Graeber, Kyle
Overby(Texas A&M University, USA)
P35: Turntroller: A "Turn" Operational Controller
in the Ubiquitous Computing Environment
Shunsuke Suzuki, Itsuki Shibata, Tetsuya Hamada, Naohito Okude(Keio University,
P36: Bluetooth Pooling to Enrich Co-Presence Information
Rahul Nair, Marc Davis(Yahoo! Research Berkeley, USA)
P37: Service Recommendation for Conflict Resolution in
Context-Aware Media Services
Choonsung Shin(1), Inho Park(2), Woontack Woo(1)
(1 GIST, Korea)(2 SEC Digital Solution Center, Korea)
P38: Using Mobile Phones for Domain Specific Information
Albrecht Schmidt, Enrico Rukzio, Dominik Schmidt(University of Munich, Germany)
P39: JaGD - A Photo Oriented Learning and Gaming Platform
for Mobile Phones
Albrecht Schmidt, Enrico Rukzio, Eva Vodvarsky, Alexander De Luca(University
of Munich, Germany)
P40: Enabling Seamless User Experiences over Personal
Zhigang Hua, Hanqing Lu(Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
P41: Toward Collaborative Browsing of Web Content by
Coordinated Handheld Devices
Zhigang Hua(1), Yutaka Kidawara(2), Katsumi Tanaka(2), Hanqing Lu(1)
(1 Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)(2 National Institute of Informaiton and
Communication Technology (NiCT), Japan)
P42: Human Interaction with a Wall-Sized Display using
a Stereo Camera
Hideki Koike, Masataka Toyoura, Masayuki Ebata(University of Electro-Communications,
Japan), Kenji Oka, Yoichi Sato(University of Tokyo, Japan)
P43: Awase-E: Photo-based User Authentication System
Hideki Koike(1), Tetsuji Takada(2), Takehito Onuki(1)
(1 University of Electro-Communications, Japan)(2 National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)
P44: A Context-Oriented Application Switching Mechanism
for Daily Life Supports
Kengo Koizumi, Hiroshi Sakakibara, Masayuki Iwai, Hideyuki Tokuda(Keio University,
P45: Orientation Estimation Method and Orientation-Location
Based Service Using Wireless LAN
Seigo Ito, Nobuo Kawaguchi(Nagoya University, Japan)
P46: Proposal of a Semantic Information Distribution
Model for Real World Objects
Masaru Honjo, Daisuke Morikawa(KDDI R&D Laboratories, Japan), Akira Yamaguchi(ATR,
Japan), Masayoshi Ohashi(KDDI Corporation, Japan)
P47: QR-QB:Camouflaged Interfaces in Natural Environment
Hiroya Tanaka(Keio University, Japan)
The Posters category provides researchers with an opportunity to present
work in a forum that facilitates open discussion, and enables authors
to interact directly with conference attendees. In the Posters category,
we encourage the submission of late-breaking, preliminary, or exploratory
work, smaller projects or results not suitable for a full paper,
and any other research that authors wish to present in an interactive,
open forum.
Poster submissions should include an extended abstract of no longer
than 2 pages in the ACM SIGCHI conference publications format (, including
all figures and references. Submissions may also include an optional
single page describing or illustrating the proposed poster. This
page is should convey to reviewers visual aspects of the poster
that may not come across in the abstract, for example including
a key graphic to be used in the poster. This supplemental page is
for review purposes only and will not be published.
Accepted 2-page Poster abstracts will be published in a Conference
Supplement that will be distributed to attendees at the conference;
they will not be incorporated into the main UbiComp 2005 Conference
Submissions should be sent as .pdf files to by June 10, 2005.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
June 10, 2005
Acceptance Notification: July 22, 2005
Final Version Due: August 5, 2005


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