UbiComp '15- Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Keynote speakers

Visualizing and manipulating brain dynamics

Mitsuo Kawato

Behind the scenes

Daito Manabe

SESSION: Novel sensing techniques

SoQr: sonically quantifying the content level inside containers

Mingming Fan, Khai N. Truong

MagnifiSense: inferring device interaction using wrist-worn passive magneto-inductive sensors

Edward J. Wang, Tien-Jui Lee, Alex Mariakakis, Mayank Goel, Sidhant Gupta, Shwetak N. Patel

MyoVibe: vibration based wearable muscle activation detection in high mobility exercises

Frank Mokaya, Roland Lucas, Hae Young Noh, Pei Zhang

DoppleSleep: a contactless unobtrusive sleep sensing system using short-range Doppler radar

Tauhidur Rahman, Alexander T. Adams, Ruth Vinisha Ravichandran, Mi Zhang, Shwetak N. Patel, Julie A. Kientz, Tanzeem Choudhury

SESSION: Quantifying and communicating through wearables

Object hallmarks: identifying object users using wearable wrist sensors

Juhi Ranjan, Kamin Whitehouse

Landmark identification with wearables for supporting spatial awareness by blind persons

Wallace Ugulino, Hugo Fuks

Discovery of everyday human activities from long-term visual behaviour using topic models

Julian Steil, Andreas Bulling

Quantifying reading habits: counting how many words you read

Kai Kunze, Katsutoshi Masai, Masahiko Inami, Ömer Sacakli, Marcus Liwicki, Andreas Dengel, Shoya Ishimaru, Koichi Kise

SESSION: Tracking user's health

SymDetector: detecting sound-related respiratory symptoms using smartphones

Xiao Sun, Zongqing Lu, Wenjie Hu, Guohong Cao

Evaluating tooth brushing performance with smartphone sound data

Joseph Korpela, Ryosuke Miyaji, Takuya Maekawa, Kazunori Nozaki, Hiroo Tamagawa

SleepTight: low-burden, self-monitoring technology for capturing and reflecting on sleep behaviors

Eun Kyoung Choe, Bongshin Lee, Matthew Kay, Wanda Pratt, Julie A. Kientz

RunBuddy: a smartphone system for running rhythm monitoring

Tian Hao, Guoliang Xing, Gang Zhou

SESSION: Cameras, circuits and interfaces

HyperCam: hyperspectral imaging for ubiquitous computing applications

Mayank Goel, Eric Whitmire, Alex Mariakakis, T. Scott Saponas, Neel Joshi, Dan Morris, Brian Guenter, Marcel Gavriliu, Gaetano Borriello, Shwetak N. Patel

Reading between lines: high-rate, non-intrusive visual codes within regular videos via ImplicitCode

Shuyu Shi, Lin Chen, Wenjun Hu, Marco Gruteser

Printing multi-key touch interfaces

Çağdaş Karataş, Marco Gruteser

Interconnection and double layer for flexible electronic circuit with instant inkjet circuits

Tung Ta, Masaaki Fukumoto, Koya Narumi, Shigeki Shino, Yoshihiro Kawahara, Tohru Asami

SESSION: Development tools and frameworks

EnTrack: a system facility for analyzing energy consumption of Android system services

Seokjun Lee, Wonwoo Jung, Yohan Chon, Hojung Cha

Prime: a framework for co-located multi-device apps

David Chu, Zengbin Zhang, Alec Wolman, Nicholas Lane

Supporting mental model accuracy in trigger-action programming

Justin Huang, Maya Cakmak

Enhancing mobile apps to use sensor hubs without programmer effort

Haichen Shen, Aruna Balasubramanian, Anthony LaMarca, David Wetherall

SESSION: Design and experimental approaches

From computational thinking to computational making

Jennifer A. Rode, Anne Weibert, Andrea Marshall, Konstantin Aal, Thomas von Rekowski, Houda el Mimoni, Jennifer Booker

Supporting reflection through play: field testing the home trivia system

Tao Dong , Mark W. Newman , Mark S. Ackerman , Sarita Schoenebeck

Getting quizzical about physical: observing experiences with a tangible questionnaire

Sarah Gallacher , Connie Golsteijn , Lorna Wall , Lisa Koeman , Sami Andberg , Licia Capra , Yvonne Rogers

Evaluating smartphone-based user interface designs for a 2D psychological questionnaire

Muhsin Ugur , Dvijesh Shastri , Panagiotis Tsiamyrtzis , Malcolm Dcosta , Allison Kalpakci , Carla Sharp , Ioannis Pavlidis

SESSION: Sensing with smartphones

DeepEar: robust smartphone audio sensing in unconstrained acoustic environments using deep learning

Nicholas D. Lane , Petko Georgiev , Lorena Qendro

SmartGPA: how smartphones can assess and predict academic performance of college students

Rui Wang , Gabriella Harari , Peilin Hao , Xia Zhou , Andrew T. Campbell

IDyLL: indoor localization using inertial and light sensors on smartphones

Qiang Xu , Rong Zheng , Steve Hranilovic

Monitoring building door events using barometer sensor in smartphones

Muchen Wu , Parth H. Pathak , Prasant Mohapatra

SESSION: Interacting with animals and flying robots

Dancing with horses: automated quality feedback for dressage riders

Robin Thompson , Ilias Kyriazakis , Amey Holden , Patrick Olivier , Thomas Plötz

Designing an emergency communication system for human and assistance dog partnerships

Charlotte Robinson , Clara Mancini , Janet van der Linden , Claire Guest , Lydia Swanson , Helen Marsden , Jose Valencia , Brendan Aengenheister

Diri - the actuated helium balloon: a study of autonomous behaviour in interfaces

Diana Nowacka , Nils Y. Hammerla , Chris Elsden , Thomas Plötz , David Kirk

Drone & me: an exploration into natural human-drone interaction

Jessica R. Cauchard , L. E. Jane , Kevin Y. Zhai , James A. Landay

SESSION: Secruity tricks

Physical media covert channels on smart mobile devices

Ed Novak , Yutao Tang , Zijiang Hao , Qun Li , Yifan Zhang

Knock x knock: the design and evaluation of a unified authentication management system

Eiji Hayashi , Jason I. Hong

Checksum gestures: continuous gestures as an out-of-band channel for secure pairing

Imtiaj Ahmed , Yina Ye , Sourav Bhattacharya , N. Asokan , Giulio Jacucci , Petteri Nurmi , Sasu Tarkoma

One-button recognizer: exploiting button pressing behavior for user differentiation

Henning Pohl , Markus Krause , Michael Rohs

SESSION: Low-power systems and devices

Low-power pervasive wi-fi connectivity using WiScan

Tianxing Li , Chuankai An , Ranveer Chandra , Andrew T. Campbell , Xia Zhou

Sandra helps you learn: the more you walk, the more battery your phone drains

Chulhong Min , Chungkuk Yoo , Inseok Hwang , Seungwoo Kang , Youngki Lee , Seungchul Lee , Pillsoon Park , Changhun Lee , Seungpyo Choi , Junehwa Song

Experiences with eNav: a low-power vehicular navigation system

Shaohan Hu , Lu Su , Shen Li , Shiguang Wang , Chenji Pan , Siyu Gu , Md Tanvir Al Amin , Hengchang Liu , Suman Nath , Romit Roy Choudhury , Tarek F. Abdelzaher

Self-localizing battery-free cameras

Saman Naderiparizi , Yi Zhao , James Youngquist , Alanson P. Sample , Joshua R. Smith

SESSION: Reshaping UbiComp environments

A comparison of artificial driving sounds for automated vehicles

David Beattie , Lynne Baillie , Martin Halvey

"If god gives me the chance i will design my own phone": exploring mobile phone repair and postcolonial approaches to design in rural Kenya

Susan Wyche , Tawanna R. Dillahunt , Nightingale Simiyu , Sharon Alaka

Reducing users' perceived mental effort due to interruptive notifications in multi-device mobile environments

Tadashi Okoshi , Julian Ramos , Hiroki Nozaki , Jin Nakazawa , Anind K. Dey , Hideyuki Tokuda

L'evolved: autonomous and ubiquitous utilities as smart agents

Harshit Agrawal , Sang-won Leigh , Pattie Maes

SESSION: Combating negative experience and feelings

cStress: towards a gold standard for continuous stress assessment in the mobile environment

Karen Hovsepian , Mustafa al'Absi , Emre Ertin , Thomas Kamarck , Motohiro Nakajima , Santosh Kumar

Visualization of time-series sensor data to inform the design of just-in-time adaptive stress interventions

Moushumi Sharmin , Andrew Raij , David Epstien , Inbal Nahum-Shani , J. Gayle Beck , Sudip Vhaduri , Kenzie Preston , Santosh Kumar

Using physiological sensors to detect levels of user frustration induced by system delays

Brandon Taylor , Anind Dey , Daniel Siewiorek , Asim Smailagic

Towards a mobile and wearable system for predicting panic attacks

Jonathan Rubin , Hoda Eldardiry , Rui Abreu , Shane Ahern , Honglu Du , Ashish Pattekar , Daniel G. Bobrow

SESSION: Urban dynamics

Forecasting urban dynamics with mobility logs by bilinear Poisson regression

Masamichi Shimosaka , Keisuke Maeda , Takeshi Tsukiji , Kota Tsubouchi

Hybrid participatory sensing for analyzing group dynamics in the largest annual religious gathering

Shuja Jamil , Anas Basalamah , Ahmed Lbath , Moustafa Youssef

CityMomentum: an online approach for crowd behavior prediction at a citywide level

Zipei Fan , Xuan Song , Ryosuke Shibasaki , Ryutaro Adachi

Bike sharing station placement leveraging heterogeneous urban open data

Longbiao Chen , Daqing Zhang , Gang Pan , Xiaojuan Ma , Dingqi Yang , Kostadin Kushlev , Wangsheng Zhang , Shijian Li

SESSION: For the better workplace

Tiny habits in the giant enterprise: understanding the dynamics of a quantified workplace

Akhil Mathur , Marc Van den Broeck , Geert Vanderhulst , Afra Mashhadi , Fahim Kawsar

Wearables in the wet lab: a laboratory system for capturing and guiding experiments

Philipp M. Scholl , Matthias Wille , Kristof Van Laerhoven

Pick from here!: an interactive mobile cart using in-situ projection for order picking

Markus Funk , Alireza Sahami Shirazi , Sven Mayer , Lars Lischke , Albrecht Schmidt

From research to industry: interactive mobile services for accelerating logistics processes

Wolfgang Narzt , Gustav Pomberger , Otto Weichselbaum , Reinhard Draxler , Markus Welser

SESSION: Engagement and disengagement

Activity tracking: barriers, workarounds and customisation

Daniel Harrison , Paul Marshall , Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze , Jon Bird

When fitness trackers don't 'fit': end-user difficulties in the assessment of personal tracking device accuracy

Rayoung Yang , Eunice Shin , Mark W. Newman , Mark S. Ackerman

Why we use and abandon smart devices

Amanda Lazar , Christian Koehler , Joshua Tanenbaum , David H. Nguyen

No longer wearing: investigating the abandonment of personal health-tracking technologies on craigslist

James Clawson , Jessica A. Pater , Andrew D. Miller , Elizabeth D. Mynatt , Lena Mamykina

SESSION: Sensing with crowd

More with less: lowering user burden in mobile crowdsourcing through compressive sensing

Liwen Xu , Xiaohong Hao , Nicholas D. Lane , Xin Liu , Thomas Moscibroda

A field study comparing approaches to collecting annotated activity data in real-world settings

Yung-Ju Chang , Gaurav Paruthi , Mark W. Newman

CCS-TA: quality-guaranteed online task allocation in compressive crowdsensing

Leye Wang , Daqing Zhang , Animesh Pathak , Chao Chen , Haoyi Xiong , Dingqi Yang , Yasha Wang

SakuraSensor: quasi-realtime cherry-lined roads detection through participatory video sensing by cars

Shigeya Morishita , Shogo Maenaka , Daichi Nagata , Morihiko Tamai , Keiichi Yasumoto , Toshinobu Fukukura , Keita Sato

SESSION: Persuasive and personal

MyBehavior: automatic personalized health feedback from user behaviors and preferences using smartphones

Mashfiqui Rabbi , Min Hane Aung , Mi Zhang , Tanzeem Choudhury

Mindless computing: designing technologies to subtly influence behavior

Alexander T. Adams , Jean Costa , Malte F. Jung , Tanzeem Choudhury

A lived informatics model of personal informatics

Daniel A. Epstein , An Ping , James Fogarty , Sean A. Munson

Personalization revisited: a reflective approach helps people better personalize health services and motivates them to increase physical activity

Min Kyung Lee , Junsung Kim , Jodi Forlizzi , Sara Kiesler

SESSION: DIY tools and strategies

Learning from the experts: enabling and studying DIY development of location-based visitor experiences

Ben Bedwell , Peter Slack , Chris Greenhalgh

Connecting the things to the internet: an evaluation of four configuration strategies for wi-fi devices with minimal user interfaces

Michael O. Jewell , Enrico Costanza , Jacob Kittley-Davies

User experience in do-it-yourself-style smart homes

Jong-bum Woo , Youn-kyung Lim

ConductAR: an augmented reality based tool for iterative design of conductive ink circuits

Koya Narumi , Steve Hodges , Yoshihiro Kawahara

SESSION: Are you busy or bored?

Interruptibility prediction for ubiquitous systems: conventions and new directions from a growing field

Liam D. Turner , Stuart M. Allen , Roger M. Whitaker

Designing content-driven intelligent notification mechanisms for mobile applications

Abhinav Mehrotra , Mirco Musolesi , Robert Hendley , Veljko Pejovic

When attention is not scarce - detecting boredom from mobile phone usage

Martin Pielot , Tilman Dingler , Jose San Pedro , Nuria Oliver

Boredom-computer interaction: boredom proneness and the use of smartphone

Aleksandar Matic , Martin Pielot , Nuria Oliver

SESSION: Social life

Social (media) jet lag: how usage of social technology can modulate and reflect circadian rhythms

Elizabeth L. Murnane , Saeed Abdullah , Mark Matthews , Tanzeem Choudhury , Geri Gay

Need accurate user behaviour?: pay attention to groups!

Kasthuri Jayarajah , Youngki Lee , Archan Misra , Rajesh Krishna Balan

FamiLync: facilitating participatory parental mediation of adolescents' smartphone use

Minsam Ko , Seungwoo Choi , Subin Yang , Joonwon Lee , Uichin Lee

Who should I invite for my party?: combining user preference and influence maximization for social events

Zhiwen Yu , Rong Du , Bin Guo , Huang Xu , Tao Gu , Zhu Wang , Daqing Zhang

SESSION: Indoor localization

Transferring positioning model for device-free passive indoor localization

Kazuya Ohara , Takuya Maekawa , Yasue Kishino , Yoshinari Shirai , Futoshi Naya

Calibration-free fusion of step counter and wireless fingerprints for indoor localization

Suining He , S.-H. Gary Chan , Lei Yu , Ning Liu

You're where? prove it!: towards trusted indoor location estimation of mobile devices

Jacob T. Biehl , Adam J. Lee , Gerry Filby , Matthew Cooper

PinPlace: associate semantic meanings with indoor locations without active fingerprinting

Xuan Bao , Bin Liu , Bo Tang , Bing Hu , Deguang Kong , Hongxia Jin

SESSION: Localization and navigation

COBWEB: a robust map update system using GPS trajectories

Zhangqing Shan , Hao Wu , Weiwei Sun , Baihua Zheng

Non-obstructive room-level locating system in home environments using activity fingerprints from smartwatch

Seungwoo Lee , Yungeun Kim , Daye Ahn , Rhan Ha , Kyoungwoo Lee , Hojung Cha

WISDOM: an efficient framework of predicting WLAN availability with cellular fingerprints

Shuai Wang , Xiaofeng Yu , Junqing Xie

Enhancing wifi-based localization with visual clues

Han Xu , Zheng Yang , Zimu Zhou , Longfei Shangguan , Ke Yi , Yunhao Liu

SESSION: People, traces and behaviors

Household occupancy monitoring using electricity meters

Wilhelm Kleiminger , Christian Beckel , Silvia Santini

PerCCS: person-count from carbon dioxide using sparse non-negative matrix factorization

Chandrayee Basu , Christian Koehler , Kamalika Das , Anind K. Dey

puffMarker: a multi-sensor approach for pinpointing the timing of first lapse in smoking cessation

Nazir Saleheen , Amin Ahsan Ali , Syed Monowar Hossain , Hillol Sarker , Soujanya Chatterjee , Benjamin Marlin , Emre Ertin , Mustafa al'Absi , Santosh Kumar

Improved activity recognition by using enriched acceleration data

Isabel Suarez , Andreas Jahn , Christoph Anderson , Klaus David

SESSION: Sensing and recognition

Attitudes toward vehicle-based sensing and recording

Manya Sleeper , Sebastian Schnorf , Brian Kemler , Sunny Consolvo

A practical approach for recognizing eating moments with wrist-mounted inertial sensing

Edison Thomaz , Irfan Essa , Gregory D. Abowd

Let's (not) stick together: pairwise similarity biases cross-validation in activity recognition

Nils Y. Hammerla , Thomas Plötz

I did not smoke 100 cigarettes today!: avoiding false positives in real-world activity recognition

Le T. Nguyen , Ming Zeng , Patrick Tague , Joy Zhang

SESSION: Smarter homes and vehicles

Harvesting green miles from my roof: an investigation into self-sufficient mobility with electric vehicles

Jacky Bourgeois , Stefan Foell , Gerd Kortuem , Blaine A. Price , Janet van der Linden , Eiman Y. Elbanhawy , Christopher Rimmer

EVHomeShifter: evaluating intelligent techniques for using electrical vehicle batteries to shift when homes draw energy from the grid

A. J. Bernheim Brush , John Krumm , Sidhant Gupta , Shwetak Patel

The potential and challenges of inferring thermal comfort at home using commodity sensors

Chuan-Che (Jeff) Huang , Rayoung Yang , Mark W. Newman

A model-based approach to support smart and social home living

Shoko Nakamura , Saeko Shigaki , Akihito Hiromori , Hirozumi Yamaguchi , Teruo Higashino

SESSION: Understanding and protecting privacy

Using text mining to infer the purpose of permission use in mobile apps

Haoyu Wang , Jason Hong , Yao Guo

AnonyCast: privacy-preserving location distribution for anonymous crowd tracking systems

Takamasa Higuchi , Paul Martin , Supriyo Chakraborty , Mani Srivastava

Spatial subterfuge: an experience sampling study to predict deceptive location disclosures

Shion Guha , Stephen B. Wicker

How private can i be among public users?

Elham Naghizade , James Bailey , Lars Kulik , Egemen Tanin

SESSION: Skills development

Exploring feedback strategies to improve public speaking: an interactive virtual audience framework

Mathieu Chollet , Torsten Wörtwein , Louis-Philippe Morency , Ari Shapiro , Stefan Scherer

Beyond activity recognition: skill assessment from accelerometer data

Aftab Khan , Sebastian Mellor , Eugen Berlin , Robin Thompson , Roisin McNaney , Patrick Olivier , Thomas Plötz

ROC speak: semi-automated personalized feedback on nonverbal behavior from recorded videos

Michelle Fung , Yina Jin , RuJie Zhao , Mohammed (Ehsan) Hoque

Vowel shapes: an open-source, interactive tool to assist singers with learning vowels

Cynthia Ryan , Katherine Ciesinski , Mohammed (Ehsan) Hoque

SESSION: Smartphone apps & usage

ZapDroid: managing infrequently used applications on smartphones

Indrajeet Singh , Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy , Harsha V. Madhyastha , Iulian Neamtiu

Revisitation analysis of smartphone app use

Simon L. Jones , Denzil Ferreira , Simo Hosio , Jorge Goncalves , Vassilis Kostakos

A mixed-methods study of mobile users' data usage practices in South Africa

Arunesh Mathur , Brent Schlotfeldt , Marshini Chetty

Understanding usage states on mobile devices

Chakajkla Jesdabodi , Walid Maalej

SESSION: Public displays

An in-the-wild study of learning mid-air gestures to browse hierarchical information at a large interactive public display

Christopher Ackad , Andrew Clayphan , Martin Tomitsch , Judy Kay

A laboratory-based study methodology to investigate attraction power of large public interactive displays

Victor Cheung , Stacey D. Scott

GlobalFestival: evaluating real world interaction on a spherical display

Julie R. Williamson , Daniel Sundén , Jay Bradley

Analyzing visual attention during whole body interaction with public displays

Robert Walter , Andreas Bulling , David Lindlbauer , Martin Schuessler , Jörg Müller

SESSION: Tracking in the wild

Mobile activity recognition for a whole day: recognizing real nursing activities with big dataset

Sozo Inoue , Naonori Ueda , Yasunobu Nohara , Naoki Nakashima

Mining consumer impulsivity from offline and online behavior

Fuzheng Zhang , Nicholas Jing Yuan , Kai Zheng , Defu Lian , Xing Xie , Yong Rui

Trajectories of depression: unobtrusive monitoring of depressive states by means of smartphone mobility traces analysis

Luca Canzian , Mirco Musolesi

How do we engage with activity trackers?: a longitudinal study of Habito

Rúben Gouveia , Evangelos Karapanos , Marc Hassenzahl