Call for Papers & Notes

Call for papers in .txt

The 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2015) invites submission of full papers and notes describing original research. UbiComp is a premier interdisciplinary venue in which leading international researchers, designers, developers, and practitioners in the field present and discuss novel results in all aspects of ubiquitous and pervasive computing. This includes the design, development, and deployment of ubiquitous and pervasive computing technologies and the understanding of human experiences and social impacts that these technologies facilitate. UbiComp 2015 will be held from September 7 to 11 in Osaka, Japan, and as in past years will be co-located with ISWC 2015 (with a single registration fee).

In the papers and notes track, we welcome high quality submissions that describe original and unpublished research contributions advancing the frontier of pervasive and ubiquitous computing. Relevant research topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Systems & infrastructures: descriptions of the design, architecture, deployment, and evaluation of systems and infrastructures that support ubiquitous computing
  • Devices & techniques: descriptions of the design, architecture, usage, and evaluation of devices and techniques that create new capabilities for ubiquitous computing
  • Applications & experiences: descriptions of the design and/or empirical study of applications that leverage Ubicomp devices and systems
  • Methodologies & tools: new methods and tools applied to studying or building Ubicomp systems and applications
  • Theories & models: critical analysis or organizing theory with clear relevance to the design or study of Ubicomp systems
  • Visions & wildcards: well-argued and well-supported visions of the future of ubiquitous computing; non-traditional topics, viewpoints and perspectives that convincingly bring something new to ubicomp research and practice


A submission (full paper or note) should clearly compare and contrast how the work relates to previous research and knowledge, what aspects of the work are new, and the major contributions it makes. Authors should write their paper for an interdisciplinary, international audience. Submissions must not have been previously published nor be under concurrent submission for publication for an archival track of any other conference, journal, workshop or other publication that is part of a formal repository (such as the ACM digital library). More details can be found in our policy on Novelty.

Submission Guidance

Submissions must adhere to the ACM double-column format. The page limit is 10+2 for full papers and 4+1 for notes: to allow for more complete and fully formatted reference lists, bibliographic references do NOT count toward the page limit of 10 pages for full papers and 4 pages for notes. However the overall limit including the bibliography is 12 pages for full papers and 5 pages for notes (with only references allowed in the additional pages). Author names/affiliations must not appear in the title area of a paper-in-submission. Further anonymization is at the authors' discretion but authors must ensure that their own prior work of relevance to the submission is fully referenced in the bibliography.(That para is then correctly followed by the paragraphs on ethics and accessibility)

Notes will be held to the same scientific quality as full papers, albeit for a shorter contribution. The note category is intended for mature, albeit succinct, contributions to the field, and not for "works in progress".

UbiComp 2015 will use a relaxed anonymization policy. Author names/affiliations must not appear in the title area of a paper-in-submission, but further anonymization is at the authors' discretion. Please note, using a black background to hide author names does not work (they can be cut and pasted). More details can be found in our policy on Anonymization.

Submissions should follow the ethics review policies of the relevant institutions/countries/funding bodies. More details can be found in our policy on Ethics Review.

We also ask authors of UbiComp papers to take steps where possible to improve the accessibility of their submissions. This is not mandatory but is highly encouraged. As ACM CHI 2015 has an excellent guide on this topic, we ask authors to visit that guide and follow the steps:

Review Process

All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee and external experts to reach a decision on acceptance. In selected cases, the Program Committee may also decide to invite authors to "revise & resubmit" to allow flawed papers with significant potential a second chance at acceptance. However, note that an invitation to revise and resubmit does not guarantee acceptance.

Paper Template

Submissions must be formatted according to the following template:

Submissions can be made at

Important Dates for UbiComp 2015 Papers and Notes track

  • Submission deadline: 2 March 2015, 17:00 PST
  • Author notifications (incl. "revise & resubmit" notifications): 21 May 2015
  • Revised papers/notes submission deadline: 25 June 2015, 17:00 PDT
  • Author notifications for revised submissions: 9 July 2015
  • Camera-ready deadline: 17 July 2015