Demos are an important part of UbiComp 2015 program. They provide researchers with an opportunity to present their latest, cutting-edge research. Demos can cover preliminary or exploratory work within the field of ubiquitous and pervasive computing, report about smaller projects or results that are still maturing towards a full paper submission, or present any other research that would encourage discussion.
Demo Deadlines
May 29, 2015**extended to June 5, 2015: Submission of demo proposal video and/or 1-2 page abstractJune 19, 2015**extended to June 26, 2015: Notification of acceptanceJuly 3, 2015**extended to July 10, 2015: Camera Ready Extended Abstract Due
Demo CFP/Process
What are Demos at Ubicomp/ISWC?
Demos are an integral part of the Ubicomp/ISWC conference. It is an opportunity for you to showcase your early implementations, prototypes work in-progress systems and even commercial products not previously described in the research literature to a broad audience. It is your chance to engage the attendees and media representatives at a personal level and let them see, touch and experience the future of Ubicomp and ISWC. Whether you are coming with new what-if scenarios, developing new technologies or using existing ones in novel ways, your submissions are welcome.
Demos should be brief and repeatable so that it can be efficiently shown repeatedly to a large number of attendees. We particularly encourage demos that people can interact with, have physical sensors or artifacts and in general keep the audience engaged.
The demo track is a “curated” track. In a curated track, content is highly selective but does not necessarily follow a reviewing process by a committee. Curated content will be selected from submissions by the demo chairs and a small number of domain experts. Authors who submit to curated tracks should not expect to receive formal feedback on their submission other than the selection decision.
Demo Submission Guidelines
Note: It is OK to submit demos of research work that has been published elsewhere, however this should be explicitly made clear in the submission. In particular, we encourage demo submissions from authors of accepted Notes and Papers to complement their research publication at the conference. This allows attendees to get a hands-on experience of your innovation in addition to the technical presentation. Demo submissions should be submitted electronically through the UbiComp Online Submission System (PCS).
The submission process is 2-step:
Step-1: Your demo submission begins with a submission of a short video or a 1-2 page abstract explaining the demo that you propose to present at Ubicomp/ISWC. The video should be 1-4 minutes in length and must clearly explain the demo concept. The primary purpose of the video or the short abstract is to communicate to the demo selection committee what the demo is about and whether it is a relevant fit for the Ubicomp/ISWC community. You may even supplement the 1-2 page abstract with a short video. If you choose to submit a video, please note that your video must show a working version of the system (software or hardware). Similarly, the 1-2 page abstract should convince the reader that the system works (pictures are highly encouraged). We understand that for many research prototypes, it may not always be feasible to demo the entire system (for example a system that requires sensors to be deployed throughout a home). In such instances, we encourage you to limit the scope of the system for the purposes of the demo and communicate clearly in the video or the abstract document how the demonstrated system is a small scale version of the overall innovation.
Please note that the video can be of informal quality (it just needs to show the concept) as it will only be used for selection process and will NOT be archived and/or published publicly, unless you submit a video as part of the camera ready.
Finally, as part of the first step, please also include the Demo Supplement Document containing a description of attendees’ interactions with the demo and technical requirements of the demo.
Step-2 (if your entry is accepted): If your proposed demo is accepted based on "Step 1" above, we require that you submit a 4-page extended abstract prepared using the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts template (Word, LaTeX). All accepted submissions will be included in UbiComp/ISWC 2015 Adjunct Proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library.
If you have any further inquiries, please contact
UbiComp/ISWC 2015 Demos Chairs