The final program for UbiComp 2002 is now available for download as a 508 k PDF file.


Disappearing Computer Jamboree Exhibition
All 16 projects in this European Union proactive research program will be present with interactive exhibits. For more information, visit  www.disappearing-computer.net

Poster Exhibition
Late-breaking results will be presented as posters in the conference venue. Click here to see the poster program.


9.00 - 17.00: Workshops
Visit the workshop information page for full details on how to attend workshops at UbiComp 2002.
Note that all workshop participants must be registered at the conference!

9.00 - 17.00 Doctoral consortium

19.00 - 22.00: Opening Reception at Restaurant Trappan, Folkets Hus.
The restaurant is immediately adjacent to the main conference venue. Many Swedish specialties will be served, including all the varieties of pickled herring and snaps we can find!

Conference lunches and refreshments are included in the registration fee.

8.15 - 8.30: Conference opening
Introduction to UbiComp 2002, by general chair Lars Erik Holmquist and program chair Gaetano Borriello

8.30 - 10.00: Opening key-note:
Programmable Matter

Wil McCarthy is the author of numerous science fiction novels, including Bloom and The Collapsium, and a contributor to Nature, Wired, and many other science periodicals. He will talk about Programmable Matter - substances that literally change their atomic makeup at the flick of a switch!
For more information on the keynote, click here.

10.00 - 10.30: Coffee and refreshments

10.30 - 12.00: Paper session I: Mobile and Context-Aware Systems

Chair: Anind Dey, Intel Research (Berkeley), USA

ComicDiary: Representing Individual Experiences in a Comics Style (full paper)
Yasuyuki Sumi (ATR Media Information Science Laboratories), Ryuuki Sakamoto (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Keiko Nakao (ATR Media Information Science Laboratories), Kenji Mase (ATR Media Information Science Laboratories)

Rememberer: A Tool for Capturing Museum Visits (tech note)
Margaret Fleck, Marcos Frid, Tim Kindberg, Eamonn O’Brien-Strain, Rakhi Rajani, Mirjana Spasojevic (Hewlett Packard Labs Palo Alto)

Context-Aware Computing: A Test Case (full paper)
Jenna Burrell (Intel Reserarch), Geri K Gay (Cornell University), Kiyo Kubo (Cornell University), Nick Farina (Cornell University)

Mobile Reality: A PDA-Based Multimodal Framework Synchronizing a Hybrid Tracking Solution with 3D Graphics and Location-Sensitive Speech Interaction (full paper)
Stuart Goose (Siemens Corporate Research), Heiko Wannin (University of Saarlandes), Georg Schneider (Fachhochschule Trier)

12.00 - 13.30: Lunch
With spotlight on the Disappearing Computer Jamboree

13.30 - 15.00: Paper session II: User Studies and Design
Chair: Joelle Coutaz, CLIPS-IMAG, Université Joseph Fourier, France

User Study Techniques in the Design and Evaluation of a Ubicomp Environment (full paper)
Sunny Consolvo (Intel Research Seattle)), Larry Arnstein (University of Washington), and B. Robert Franza (University of Washington)

Supporting Human Activities— Exploring Activity-Centered Computing (tech note)
Henrik Bærbak Christensen and Jakob E. Bardram (University of Aarhus)

Change Blind Information Display for Ubiquitous Computing Environments (full paper)
Stephen S. Intille (MIT)

Issues in Personalizing Shared Ubiquitous Devices (full paper)
Jonathan Trevor, David M. Hilbert, Bill N. Schilit (Fuji-Xerox Palo Alto Laboratory)

15.00 - 15.30: Coffee and refreshments

15.30 - 17.00: Paper session III: Perceptual Interfaces and Responsive Environments
Chair: GuangYou Xu, TsingHua University, China

Perceptual Components for Context Aware Computing (full paper)
James L. Crowley (INRIA), Joëlle Coutaz (Université Joseph Fourier), Gaeten Rey (Université Joseph Fourier), Patrick Reignier (INRIA)

Face-responsive interfaces: from direct manipulation to perceptive presence (full paper)
Trevor Darrell, Konrad Tollmar, Frank Bentley, Neal Checka, Loius-Phillipe Morency, Ali Rahimi and Alice Oh (MIT AI Lab)

Vision-Based Face Tracking System for Large Displays (tech note)
Yasuto Nakanishi (University of Electro-Communications – Tokyo), Takashi Fujii (University of Electro-Communications – Tokyo), Kotaro Kiatjima (University of Electro-Communications – Tokyo), Yoichi Sato (University of Tokyo), Hideki Koike (University of Electro-Communications – Tokyo)

The FindIT Flashlight: Responsive Tagging Based on Optically Triggered Microprocessor Wakeup (tech note)
Hongshen Ma and Joseph A. Paradiso (MIT Media Lab)

‘ForSe FIElds’ – Force Sensors For Interactive Environments (tech note)
Lisa McElligott (University Of Limerick, Media Lab Europe), Michelle Dillon (University Of Limerick, Media Lab Europe), Krispin Leydon (University Of Limerick), Bruce Richardson (University Of Limerick), Mikael Fernström (University Of Limerick), Joe Paradiso (Media Lab Europe, MIT Media Lab)

17.15-18.00: Ubiquitous Computing Town Hall Meeting
Participants are invited to discuss the UbiComp conference and provide feedback for this and next year's organizers. The meeting will be moderated by UbiComp 2003 general chair Joe McCarthy.

18.00 - 19.30: Video reception
Drinks and food will be served in the lobby of the Draken cinema.

19.30 - 20.30: Video program
The UbiComp 2002 video program will be screened in the Draken Cinema and consists of a broad selection of new and old ubiquitous computing videos, that were selected by a jury from over four hours of submissions.
Complete list of videos in the video program

21.00 - 23.00: Movie screening: Minority Report
Draken comes into its own as a state-of-the-art cinema, when we show the new Steven Spielberg movie Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise and based on a short story by legendary science fiction author Philip K. Dick!
Several well-known HCI and UbiComp researchers, including a number of MIT graduates, acted as advisors for the design of the futuristic technology featured in the film.
The screening will be introduced by UbiComp 2002 keynote speaker Wil McCarthy.


8.30 - 10.00: Papers session IV: Sharing and Accessing Information - Public and Private
Chair: Jim Crowley, INRIA Grenoble, France

Approximate Information Flows: Socially-based Modeling of Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing (full paper)
Xiaodong Jiang, Jason I. Hong, James A. Landay (University of California, Berkeley)

The Personal Server: Changing the Way We Think About Ubiquitous Computing (full paper)
Roy Want, Trevor Pering, Gunner Danneels, Muthu Kumar, Murali Sundar, John Light (Intel Research)

QueryLens: Beyond ID-Based Information Access (full paper)
Shin’ichi Konomi (University of Colorado)

Pin&Play: Networking Objects through Pins (tech note)
Kristof van Laerhoven, Albrecht Schmidt, Hans-Werner Gellersen (Lancaster University)

Social Aspects of Using Large Public Interactive Displays for Collaboration (tech note)
Daniel M. Russell, Clemens Drews, Alison Sue (IBM Almaden Research Center)

A Privacy Awareness System for Ubiquitous Computing Environments (tech note)
Marc Langheinrich (ETH Zurich)

10.00 - 10.30: Coffee and refreshments

10.30 - 12.00: Paper session V: Location, Location, Location
Chair: Barry Brumitt, Microsoft Research, USA

A Hybrid Location Model with a Computable Location Identifier for Ubiquitous Computing (full paper)
Changhao Jiang and Peter Steenkiste (Carnegie Mellon University)

A Novel Broadband Ultrasonic Location System (full paper)
Mike Hazas and Andy Ward (University of Cambridge)

Location of Mobile Devices Using Networked Surfaces (full paper)
Frank Hoffmann and James Scott (University of Cambridge)

SmartMoveX on a Graph – An Inexpensive Active Badge Tracker (tech note)
John Krumm (Microsoft Research Redmond), Lyndsay Williams (Microsoft Research Cambridge), Greg Smith (Microsoft Research Redmond)

A Generic Location Event Simulator (tech note)
Kumaresan Sanmugalingam and George Coulouris (University of Cambridge)

12.00 - 13.30: Lunch
With spotlight on the Disappearing Computer Jamboree

13.30 - 15.00: Paper session VI: Sensors and Applications
Chair: Joseph Paradiso, MIT Media Lab, USA

Context Acquisition Based on Load Sensing (full paper)
Albrecht Schmidt, Martin Strohbach, Kristof van Laerhoven, Adrian Friday, Hans-W. Gellersen (Lancaster University)

Proactive Instructions for Furniture Assembly (tech note)
Stavros Antifakos, Florian Michahelles, Bernt Schiele (ETH Zurich)

WearNET: A Distributed Multi-Sensor System for Context Aware Wearables (tech note)
P. Lukowicz, H. Junker, M. Stäger, T. von Büren, G. Tröster (ETH Zurich)

PlantCare: An Investigation in Practical Ubiquitous Systems (full paper)
Anthony LaMarca (Intel Research Seattle), Waylon Brunette (University of Washington), David Koizumi (Intel Research Seattle), Matthew Lease (Intel Research Seattle), Stefan B. Sigurdsson

Using Low-Cost Sensing to Support Nutritional Awareness (tech note)
Jennifer Mankoff, Gary Hsieh, Ho Chak Hung, Sharon Lee, Elizabeth Nitao (University of California, Berkeley)

15.00 - 15.30: Coffee and refreshments

15.30 - 17.00 Closing panel: Ubiquitous Computing in Domestic Environments
Organizer: Hans-Werner Gellersen, Lancaster University
Moderator: Jakub Wejchert, Future and Emerging Technologies,
European Commission
Gregory Abowd, Georgia Tech
Bill Gaver, Interaction Design Studio, Royal College of Art
Tom Rodden, Mixed Reality Laboratory, University of Nottingham
Staffan Truvé, GateSpace
This panel will bring together many different viewpoints on ubiquitous computing in the home, including technology,
design, ethnography, research and industry.

17.00 - 17.15: Announcing UbiComp 2003

By UbiComp 2003 general chair Joe McCarthy

18.00 - 22.00: Reception at Göteborg IT University
Boats run from the Rosenlund ferry terminal to Lindholmen.The trip takes approximately 5-7 minutes.
The main boat leaves at 18.10 and goes directly to Lindholmen.
Additional boats run from Rosenlund to Lindholmen (via Lundbystrand) at 18.06, 18.36, 19.06 and 19.36.
Return boats from Lindholmen to Rosenlund (via Lundbystrand) run at 20.14 and 14 minutes past every hour; last boat leaves at 00.14 (don't miss it!)
Full timetable (in Swedish)

Reception program:
19.00: Short welcome presentation
By representatives of the Göteborg IT University
19.15: Presentation of the up-coming Disappearing Computer 2 call
Jakub Wejchert of IST-FET will talk about the new funding call, which will be out in December. (This session is open for all conference delegates)
19.30: Disappearing Computer Jamboree closing session
Announcements and discussions of up-coming DC activities by the DC Steering Group and the DC community. (This session is open for Disappearing Computer delegates only)

Snacks and drinks will be served throughout the night.