Workshops provide a
great opportunity to present your work and meet people in a smaller
To apply for workshops, please follow the instructions given by the
on their workshop pages (below!)
To attend a workshop, you must be registered to
Ubicomp 2002 conference. Workshops are included in the conference fee;
is no extra charge to attend workshops.
that may accept extra participants are marked with a
star, * - contact the organizers if you are interested!
SUNDAY, 9 am-5pm, SEPTEMBER 29,
List of Workshops
There is rising
interest within the UbiComp community to research the roles of
interaction spaces and the elements they consist of,
and their effects on interaction, productivity, and satisfaction in
face-to-face collaboration. There are already several approaches to
support group work with adapted office
spaces and room elements, but none of them alone seems
to be an ultimate solution.
A key role for the success of these environments will
be in how they are realized. To build office environments
of the future it will not be sufficient to put traditional
PCs everywhere and expect them to foster interaction
and creativity among group workers. In contrast, collaborative
environments that adapt to the needs of group workers
would allow the computer as a device to disappear in
the architecture of office spaces, while its functionality remains
ubiquitously available.
Our motivation for this workshop is to bring together researchers who
are interested in face-to-face collaboration and how new kinds of
environments can support it. We
want to discuss previous results in this area and share
our experiences with the ultimate goal of finding emergent research
questions and future research directions.
Peter Tandler, Fraunhofer Integrated Publication and Information Systems
Institute (FhG-IPSI), Darmstadt, Germany.
Carsten Magerkurth, Fraunhofer Integrated Publication
and Information Systems Institute (FhG-IPSI), Darmstadt, Germany.
Sheelagh Carpendale, Department of Computer Science,
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Kori Inkpen, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie
University, Halifax, NS, Canada.
W2: User centered Evaluations for Ubiquitous
Computing Systems: Best Known Methods
evaluations must be performed on ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) systems
to determine if they are meeting their users' needs.
There has been a growing number of papers on ubicomp
systems in recent literature that have included user-centered
evaluations. In this workshop, we will leverage this
work to see if evaluation practices have evolved to
the point where we as a community can codify and publicize
a collection of "best known methods" and supporting
case studies.
Participants are asked to submit a position paper that suggests an
evaluation methodology and provides the methodology's advantages and
disadvantages. Details on
the format of the position paper can be found at
Participants should be ready to argue the validity of their approaches
and compare and contrast with other evaluative techniques. Prior to the
workshop, the organizers will group the proposed methodologies into
similar topics and select a participant from each topic to present
those methodologies. This requires pre-workshop interaction between the
participants and organizers. Position papers should not exceed 4 pages.
For more information, contact Jean Scholtz,
Jean Scholtz (NIST, USA)
Elham Tabassi (NIST, USA)
Sunny Consolvo (Intel Research, Seattle,
Bill Schilit (Intel Research, Seattle,
Workshop Homepage:
W3: Supporting Spontaneous
in Ubiquitous Computing Settings
A spontaneous
interaction is one in which human and/or computational participants
coincide temporarily at a location and interoperate to satisfy
immediate needs. For example, two users who have just met exchange
documents between their PD's, or one
shows the other a document on a nearby screen in a place
that neither has visited before. In this workshop, we
focus on the temporary and serendipitous nature of these interactions.
We intend to explore models of spontaneous interaction and understand
how to facilitate and manage
it even though, by its nature, we cannot allow the set-up
costs typically tolerated in our systems today, and
any human involvement needs to be made very straightforward.
This full day workshop aims to provide a forum for designers,
developers and users of ubiquitous systems to exchange experiences and
contribute to the elucidation
of research challenges and directions for spontaneous interaction in
ubiquitous settings. We welcome participants from a wide range of areas
of expertise including distributed systems, software engineering, and
John Barton, Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA;
Coulouris, University of Cambridge, Lab for
Communications Engineering;
Peter Dickman, Computing Science Dept, University of Glasgow;
Phil Gray, Computing Science Dept, University of Glasgow;
Tim Kindberg, Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA
W4: Emotions in the World
Facilitating and
utilizing emotions and affect is becoming a more common concern
in design practice, research, and education. Fields such
as computer science, HCI and interaction design are
discovering emotions as a possible vehicle for driving
the interfaces of handheld and ubiquitous devices. There
is, however, a real need to focus the discussion and
to gain a better insight into the nature of human emotions
and what their role might be in relation to technological
What do we want these technologies to do for us and how
will they fit into our lives?
The overall goal of the workshop is to enrich the current debate on
emotions and design. In particular our aim
is to allow participants to explore how human emotions
relate to objects and services in the surrounding worlds
and how devices and services may be designed to express
and support individual and collective emotion states.
We are looking for submissions from designers, researchers, and
practitioners in the fields of computer science,
human sciences, interaction design, industrial design
and engineering. Please see
for submission details
W5: UbiCog '02: First International Workshop
on Ubiquitous Computing for Cognitive Aids
To date computer
systems designed to help people suffering from cognitive disabilities
due to aging, disease, or accidents have been rare and of limited
scope. Recently, however, researchers
in ubiquitous computing and artificial intelligence have
come together to envision systems that can act as pro-active partners
in increasing the independence and security
of people who have problems of memory, planning, and
carrying out tasks of everyday life.
Intelligent ubicomp systems for caretaking can take many physical
forms, such as sensor-filled intelligent homes
or hospitals, wireless PDA's, wearable computers, or combinations of
these. Goals of such systems include
``aging in place'' (allowing the elderly to live securely
in their own homes); prolonging or increasing the independence
of patients in traveling from place to place; performing household
tasks such as cooking or personal grooming; monitoring and reminding
patients to take medications;
and helping patients remain connected to the social fabric
of their extended family and community.
This workshop will bring together academic and industrial researchers
performing cutting-edge work in the intersection of ubicomp, artificial
intelligence, and/or patient care,
as well as representatives of some funding agencies.
W6: Workshop on Socially-informed
of Privacy-enhancing Solutions in Ubiquitous Computing
Privacy-enhancing solutions, both technical and social,
are needed to drive development of ubiquitous computing
in a socially acceptable direction. The goal of this
workshop is to develop an understanding of how social
studies can inform the design and evaluation of privacy-enhancing
solutions in ubicomp.
When engaging a ubicomp system to interact with another agent, whether
user or system, users have to concern themselves with the
trustworthiness of the other agent,
the environment they are in, and the controller of the environment.
Many actors are involved, each with different incentives to gather and
use information about the user.
It is unrealistic to assume clean separations between technical,
behavioral, legal and social factors influencing privacy.
This workshop aims to provide a forum for ubicomp system developers,
security researchers, social scientists (including legal experts) and
consumer privacy advocates
to collaboratively explore the future of socially-informed
privacy-enhancing solutions (technical approaches and complementary
laws and policies) in ubiquitous computing. Questions from other
disciplines other than computer
science (e.g., economics, sociology, law, public policy)
will contribute significantly to the workshop.
John Canny, University of California, Berkeley
Anind Dey, University of California, Berkeley &
Intel Research
Marit Hansen, Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein
, Germany
Scott Lederer, University of California, Berkeley
W7: Security in Ubiquitous Computing
The questions that Ubiquitous computing may introduce
to security can be associated with the central themes
or buzz words of ubiquitous computing. For example, the
concept of ubiquity of resources and services certainly
raises questions for confidentiality, authorization and
access control, while augmented reality leads us to
wonder about the resultant augmentation of security threats.
Many of the issues regarding privacy and context awareness
are focused on location, however, context information
goes beyond location such that a breech of privacy may
also be in jepoardy of revealing more than location.
The concepts of the Invisible COmputer and Smart Items
indicate a need to re-think technologies and notions
surrounding trust, ownership, accountability and non-repudiation.
Furthermore, with increased Mobility and Portability
there is increased distribution and diversity of operating
platforms and inter-networks. Therefore, what will an
infrastructure supporting end-to-end security resemble
in these environments?
As Ubiquitous Computing seeks to move computers into
the background while using them to enhance human endeavors,
we have to thouroughly evaluate and determine the likelihood that
society will indeed accept and trust this successor
to interactive computing. Furthermore, the balance between
the usability that ubiquitous computing seeks to facilitate
and the complexity of security needs to be resolved.
This workshop therefore contributes to this field by
bringing together professionals prepared to address and
brainstorm over these important issues for security in
ubiquitous computing.
Joachim Posegga, SAP Corporate Research
Refik Molva, Institut Eurécom
Philip Robinson, SAP Corporate Research
& Tele-cooperation Office (TecO),
W8: Concepts
for Ubiquitous Computing
Ubicomp has
many innovative and exciting systems and applications
alongside broad visionary viewpoints. However, more generic
design focused concepts and models will become essential
as ubicomp moves from an exploratory research area to
being the normal pattern of human–computer interaction.
This workshop is for those interested in developing the generic
understanding of interaction needed to make sense
of ubiquitous environments. This will include those
developing new interactive approaches and metaphors,
those reflecting on experience of development and those
constructing supporting software architectures.
We wish to bring together researchers interested in the fundamental
principles of ubiquitous interaction. This
will include system-orientated architectural and device
models; user orientated cognitive models; new paradigms
and metaphors; and discussions of the nature of user’s understanding.
The breadth of scope is based on experience within the user-interface
community where there is a considerable overlap between conceptual
and architectural models of interaction.
The experimental systems designed today are unlikely
to be those used in 5–10 years time or beyond, but the
lessons they teach us will be of enduring value. This
workshop will be the first of an ongoing series of international
workshops aimed at making these generic lessons explicit.
Tom Rodden – Nottingham University, UK
Alan Dix – Lancaster University, UK,
Gregory Abowd – Georgia Tech, USA
W9: Design and Evaluation of
Notification Interfaces for Ubiquitous Computing
Advances in computing and networking technology during recent years
have pervaded many environments in many
forms. The computer has evolved from a solitary, desk-bound
box that demanded the user’s entire attention to a collection
of smaller, ubiquitous information and communication
appliances connected to a host of other such appliances
and users, approaching Weiser’s vision of the pervasive
and invisible computer. At the same time, users want
these devices to be both highly informative and ecologically
unobtrusive, keeping the user aware what is going on
in various ways without unduly disrupting the current
social or environmental context.
Notification systems attempt to
deliver current, important information to the computer
user in an efficient and effective manner. Notifications
are involved in alerts, presence and awareness updates,
location and context awareness, communication initiation,
instant messaging, and information-on-demand (information
that is “pushed” to the device according to a standing
request from the user). All notification systems require
that the user attend to them to at least some degree
if they are to succeed. It is becoming apparent that
the design of appropriate notifications is an important
aspect of ubiquitous computing applications. However,
to date there has been little formal design or evaluation
of notification interfaces in this area. In this workshop
we would like to focus on the nature of notifications
such as alerts, messaging and presence information on
portable computer, PDA and cell phone users, and how
to optimize their design.
Lyn Bartram, Colligo Networks Inc. CANADA
Mary Czerwinski, Microsoft Research, USA
Workshop Homepage: