NOTE: All regular deadlines
are now passed.
However, you can still submit to the workshops
that take place the day before the conference!
The UbiComp conference brings together research practitioners in all
disciplines developing this new paradigm of computing, the successor to
interactive computing, that moves computers into the background while
using them to enhance human endeavours.
UbiComp 2002 seeks to unite all the different research communities
involved in making ubiquitous computing a reality, the technical
program will address the myriad aspects of ubiquitous, pervasive,
invisible, mobile, and wearable computing, including:
- Applications
of ubiquitous computing in everyday environments (e.g.,
office, home, mobile), task-focused domains (e.g., maintenance and
repair, training), or to promote new forms
of learning, participation, and creativity (through the merging of the
physical and the virtual
Methods for interaction design and user-centered studies of ubiquitous
computing applications, designing of user experiences that are both
coherent and engaging in space and time
- Techniques
and research issues for
non-traditional interaction styles, including both input (e.g.,
recognition-based pen, voice, motion) and output (e.g., ambient
displays, actuation
- Mobile,
handheld, wireless and wearable technologies and devices, such
as information appliances and cellular phones
- Methods
for embedding computation in everyday objects and research on
new functionality and uses emerging from collections of interacting
smart objects
Context-aware computing and the adaptavity of applications to the state
of users and objects
Automated capture of live
experiences including techniques for organizing and indexing
Middleware and distributed computing issues for ubiquitous computing,
including wireless technologies
Intelligent, aware, proactive, and attentive environments
Perception and modeling of the environment, including sensing devices
and techniques
Evaluation methods for the use, configuration, and maintenance of
ubiquitous computing applications
- Social
implications of ubiquitous computing including privacy,
security, and effect of human values
conference is arranged in cooperation with ACM SIGMOBILE, ACM SIGSOFT and ACM SIGCHI. |
to Ubicomp 2002 must be original, unpublished work and may
not be simultaneously submitted to any other conference or journal.
All submissions will be handled electronically. You should prepare your
submission as an Adobe PDF file.
technical notes will appear
in the conference proceedings published by Springer Verlag in the
series Lecture
Notes in Computer Science. The proceedings will also be made
through digital libraries including the ACM Digital Library.
must be in the format specificed for Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science. Page limits for papers and technical notes refer to this
Full instructions and templates for this format are available at:
adjunct compendium, containing summaries for posters and videos, will
be published at the conference. This will be in A4 format (equivalent
to US letter). There are no restrictions on the formatting for these
submissions, but we suggest you use the SIGCHI conference
publications format or an equivalent 2-column format.
We recevied 136 full paper submissions. Authors have been notified and
the list of accepted papers will be announced soon.
Chair: Gaetano Borriello,
University of Washington and Intel Research Seattle.
E-mail: gaetano@intel-research.net
Page limit: 18 pages in the Springer LNCS
Deadline: April 17 (passed)
We received about 60 technical notes. Authors have been notified and
the list of accepted tech notes will be announced soon.
Chair: Larry Arnstein,
University of Washington.
E-mail: larrya@cs.washington.edu
Page limit: 8 pages in the Springer LNCS
Deadline: May 19 (passed)
Authors have been notified and we will announce
the workshops soon.
Albrecht Schmidt, Lancaster University.
E-mail: albrecht@comp.lancs.ac.uk
Page limit: 4 pages
Deadline: May 19 (passed)
Posters offer the opportunity to present preliminary or controversial
results in an informal setting. The deadline is set very close to the
conference date to encourage truly late breaking submissions. Posters
will be presented during the main conference and a summary will appear
in an adjunct conference publication. Submissions will be reviewed with
the goal of creating a poster program that represents the breadth of
disciplines and diversity of methods in ubiquitous computing
Chair: Peter Ljungstrand, PLAY,
Interactive Institute.
E-mail: peter@viktoria.se
Deadline: July 1
Posters submission page
To take advantage of the unique setting in a movie theatre, UbiComp
2002 will have a special "popcorn and movies" night. We encourage the
submission of all kinds of videos that present interesting
applications, systems, environments, scenarios and products in
ubiquitous computing. In addition to newly-produced videos, we also
welcome historic videos that help illustrate the evolution of
ubiquitous computing. The video program will be shown on the Draken
cinema's gigantic screen, followed by an exciting science fiction movie
with a UbiComp theme (title TBC).
Submissions will be reviewed with the goal of creating a
video program that represents the breadth of ubiquitous computing
applications. No time limit is imposed, but the shorter and crisper
the video is in its message and format, the larger its chance of being
Chair: Peter Ljungstrand, PLAY,
Interactive Institute.
E-mail: peter@viktoria.se
Formats accepted: AVI or MPEG on a CD/DVD, or
a VHS tape (any TV system).
Deadline: July 1 (passed)
videos and disks to:
Peter Ljungstrand
UbiComp 2002 video chair
PLAY research studio
c/o Viktoria Institute
Box 620
SE-405 30 Goteborg
The doctoral consortium provides an opportunity for students to outline
their disseratation plans in a workshop format and receive constructive
feedback from seasoned UbiComp researchers. The consortium takes place
on the day before the conference. Submissions are published in the
adjunct conference publication and are presented as posters during the
main conference. Financial support will be offered for travel, thanks
to our sponsor Intel Research. Full instructions can be found at the Doctoral Consortium submission page.
Chair: Anind K. Dey,
Intel Research Berkeley.
E-mail: anind.k.dey@intel.com
Deadline: July 1 (passed)
Student volunteers provide the backbone of any successful conference.
Accepted volunteers are expected to work in scheduled sessions
during the conference, but will also be given great opportunities to
atttend the program and socialize. All student volunteers will receive
a free registration to the conference (including meals & special
events). The conference will provide travel support for international
volunteers, thanks to our sponsor Nokia.
To apply, send the student volunteers chair a short description of
yourself and why you would like work as a volunteer at UbiComp
Chair: Johan Lundin, Mobile
Informatics, Viktoria Institute.
E-mail: lundin@viktoria.se
Deadline: July 1 (passed)