Template Information2022-07-30T09:19:14+00:00

UbiComp / ISWC 2022

FAQ Related to Template changes

Last update: 30 July 2022, 11:00 (CEST)


UbiComp / ISWC full papers need to be submitted in a single-column format to the IMWUT journal (IMWUT Submissions) following the IMWUT author guidelines. Contributions to UbiComp / ISWC workshops, doctoral symposium, posters, and demos as well as ISWC notes, briefs, and the design exhibition have to be submitted through the PrecisionConference system in the single-column format specified below in UbiComp / ISWC Submissions.
IMWUT Submissions

UbiComp / ISWC Submissions

  • UbiComp / ISWC workshops, doctoral symposium, posters, and demos
  • ISWC notes, briefs, and the design exhibition
  • Single-column format, please follow the guidelines below

UbiComp / ISWC Submissions

Quick Facts

    • We will be using The ACM Publication System (TAPS) process supported by an external vendor, Junction Publishing.
    • The correct template for submission is: single column Word Submission Template and single column LaTeX (using the “manuscript,review,anonymous” style available in template).
    • The correct template for publication in the DL is: single column Word Submission Template and LaTeX template using “sigconf” style in acmart.
    • Both papers and extended abstracts will use the same publication formats.
    • You can download the Word/LaTeX Master Article templates.

Ubicomp/ISWC 2022 will use ACM Master Article Templates AND Publication Workflow for publication of BOTH the proceedings and extended abstracts. This ACM page gives a rationale behind the change. This is a significant change, so please carefully read the following instructions. Additional Information is also provided in the later half of this page.

Quick Links

Ubicomp/ISWC 2022 Proceedings Format

We will follow the workflow defined by the ACM, so please read the instructions on the ACM page carefully. A key difference is that the ACM workflow requests authors to produce final versions by themselves, but Ubicomp/ISWC 2022 will hire a vendor to complete this process.

Upon acceptance of an article, authors revise the manuscript and submit publication ready source files (Word or LaTeX) to PCS.


All articles, including workshops, should be prepared in a one-column format. The Microsoft Word submission template prepares your content in a single column by default. TAPS will convert the one-column Word document to the familiar two-column article format – a PDF document – when the Word document is processed, as well as a responsive HTML5 version. Both will be made available in the ACM Digital Library.


Your article should be prepared in a one-column format. You must add the “manuscript” parameter to the \documentclass command:


when you prepare your article for submission to a conference or journal for review. Additionally, please include this command in the preamble of your document:


so that no rights information is generated.

If and when your article is accepted for publication, you must remove the “manuscript” parameter prior to delivering the source of your article to TAPS. TAPS will convert the LaTeX source into the familiar two-column article format – a PDF document – as well as a responsive HTML5 version. Both will be made available in the ACM Digital Library.

Authors must approve these proofs and can request layout changes if necessary.

For more information regarding the template, please refer to https://www.siggraph.org/preparing-your-content/author-instructions/ or to Word and LaTeX instructions.

Ubicomp/ISWC 2022 Extended Abstracts Format

We eliminate the traditional extended abstract format (landscape) and use the same template as full papers. So, please read and follow the instructions above. An important difference is that THERE ARE PAGE LIMITS for extended abstracts. Please follow instructions in the respective call for submissions regarding page limit.

Digital Accessibility

The Ubicomp/ISWC conference committee is asking all authors to work on improving the accessibility of their submissions. Please see the Guide to an Accessible Submission for more details.


If you have any questions or concerns with regards to publication templates, please contact Ubicomp/ISWC publication chair publication-chairs-2022@ubicomp.org

Meghan Haley, Junction Publishing

Additional Information on the New Publication Workflow

The main motivation behind the new ACM publication workflow is to support accessibility and multi-format representations (here is an example). To that end, ACM decided to move to the new publishing culture that separates content from presentation. Another motivation is to reduce the manual work of editors to detect and fix problems in manuscripts for production. TAPS and the new template (partially) automate it.
The aim of this page is to provide an explanation and additional details caused by the change. This page concludes with Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

A critical change is that we eliminate the traditional Ubicomp/ISWC extended abstract format (landscape). We use the same format as full papers (portrait) for extended abstracts. The author’s submit their work in the ACM’s submission format (1-column pdf). If accepted, the authors upload publication ready source files (1-column Word or LaTeX) to PCS and our vendor, Junction Publishing, will produce publication versions (pdf and html) using TAPS. The publication (pdf) will be in two-columns.

Estimated Word Count Number of Figures Number of Tables Estimated Formatted Page Count
8200 5 2 11
7980 7 4 14
6750 3 2 9
6310 2 3 8
5030 3 1 6
4350 3 2 5

Figure 1: ACM approximation of the correlation between word count and page length in terms of pages.

Any transition of this significance will require work of people to adopt new practices. We recognize that some authors and reviewers will bear more of this work than others. We appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation. To be better prepared, we strongly encourage authors to test the new template early and familiarize themselves with it. If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them to publicity-chairs-2022@ubicomp.org. As volunteers we will try to provide you with help and support.

publication flow

Figure 2: A SIGCHI diagram highlighting the different people and systems involved in publication.

Summary of what paper authors should do

    1. Prepare your source material for ‘review’ using Word or LaTeX, starting with the Word submission template or a LaTeX document that uses the “acmart” document class. The submission version is one column, with minimal styling of content.
    2. Submit your article for review via PCS [https://new.precisionconference.com/sigconf].
    3. If your article is accepted for publication, Meghan Haley from Junction Publishing will ask you to complete the ACM rights form, then prepare a final version of your article and submit the source to PCS Final Submissions. Your final source file(s) will be sent to ACM TAPS for processing on your behalf. **It is important to note that all final submissions and source files must be submitted to PCS on the camera-ready deadline. They are not submitted to ACM TAPS by the authors as indicated on some ACM webpages.
    4. Review the PDF and HTML versions of your article generated by TAPS, sent via email ~2 weeks following the camera-ready deadline, correct errors necessary and, once you deem the output as acceptable, approve your article via the email that will be sent to you. The proceedings production editor, Meghan Haley from Junction Publishing, will also review the final material prior to and after your approval of the output and request changes based on the requirements of the specific publication.