ACM UbiComp 2014 Policy on Conflicts of Interest
A person has a conflict of interest with a paper if:
- They are an author
- They work at an institution named on the paper as being affiliated to
one of the authors.
- They work at an institution that one of the authors has subsequently
moved (NB internships and other short visits do not count as "moving"
unless the person is working with the author during the internship/visit).
- They have a significant relationship (i.e. more than professional
acquaintances) with one of the authors, e.g. they have a familial or
financial relationship.
- They have co-authored papers (in progress or published) with one of
the authors in the past 2 years before the submission deadline, or had
a management relationship with the author in a similar period (e.g. as
internship supervisor).
- They were a primary supervisor of the PhD (or other doctoral-level
degree) of any author, or an author was a primary supervisor of their PhD
(or other doctoral-level degree).
- They would stand to significantly benefit or lose out from either the
acceptance or rejection of the paper (being cited does not count as a
significant benefit).
- They feel they have a conflict of interest (self-declaration).
A person who has a conflict of interest with a paper must not (a) have any influence on the
paper throughout the review process, or (b) ever find out who is involved with reviewing the
paper. This includes PC chairs.
The (non-conflicted) PC chairs should be consulted if any clarification is required.