Student Volunteers
What is a Student Volunteer (SV)?
Student Volunteers are an integral part of the Ubicomp conference and essential for it's success. Each volunteer puts in several hours (usually a few hours each day of the conference) to help with various conference management activities. These include, but are not limited to, technical assistance in setting up conference talks, helping conference speakers with stage preparation, registration, setting up posters and demo sessions, etc. As an SV, you will have an opportunity to interact with the conference organizers, presenters and industry professionals, as well as make new friends and contacts from all over the world that will last for your entire career. Future industry and academic leaders are highly encouraged to apply. We are looking for students who demonstrate commitment, leadership, and a passion for Ubicomp!
Who is eligible to be an SV?
Any full-time student may become an SV at Ubicomp 2012. All undergraduate, Masters, and Doctorate students are welcome. It is essential that you provide us with your university details when applying. Students who have an accepted paper or poster at Ubicomp are also welcome to apply as an SV.
What's in it for me?
Awesomeness. In addition to making invaluable research contacts and meeting the top minds in the field of Ubicomp, as a student volunteer you will have admission to Ubicomp 2012's complete program, that is a free registration to the conference, free meals, invitation to the grand banquet, a custom made t-shirt and on top of that an invite to the coveted student volunteer party!
What kinds of work will I perform as an SV?
The work can vary. It may involve working at the registration booth to help register attendees and organize welcome packages, while at other times it may be setting up the stage for an upcoming talk. You may be tasked with ensuring that people entering the conference hall have a conference badge. You may be tasked with taking photographs of various events.
Do I need to be present for the whole conference to be an SV?
The short answer is no, but we prefer students who are available on all conference days. We understand that travel plans may change and you may have other commitments. Even if you cannot be present at the conference venue for all days, you are encouraged to apply. If selected as an SV, inform us of your schedule so that we can plan optimally.
How do I apply?
Please complete the online application by June 30. You will be notified by the end of July whether you have been selected.
Please feel to contact the student volunteer chairs with any questions at: