Call for Workshop Papers
Workshops at UbiComp provide an opportunity to discuss and explore emerging areas of ubiquitous computing research with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners. This year at UbiComp we are particularly happy to announce a strong workshop program, with both well-known recurrent workshops that address core UbiComp topics, as well as new exciting workshops picking up on novel fascinating themes.
Workshop attendees need to explicitly register for the workshop, which will include a separate workshop fee, in addition to registering for the main conference. Workshop titles and organizers are listed below. General questions about the workshops can be addressed to the Workshop Chairs (; specific questions about any individual workshop should be directed to the organiser(s) of the workshop.
Accepted Workshops
- Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN 2012)
- Situation, Activity, and Goal awareness (SAGAware 2012)
- Systems and Infrastructure for the Digital Home (HomeSys)
- Ubiquitous Mobile Instrumentation (UbiMI)
- Methodical approaches to prove the effects of subliminal perception in Ubiquitous Computing Environments
- Digital Object Memories for the Internet of Things (DOMe-IoT)
- Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems (CASEMANS 2012)
- Computer Mediated Social Offline Interactions (SOFTec 2012)
- Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction (PETMEI 2012)
- Adaptable Service Delivery in Smart Environments
- Evaluating Off-the-Shelf Technologies for Personal Health Monitoring
- Smart Gadgets Meet Ubiquitous and Social Robots on the Web (UbiRobs)
Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN 2012)
Organizers: Jason Hong and Yu Zheng
Workshop website:
The advances in location-acquisition and mobile communication technologies foster location-based social networks (LBSNs), where people can share location-related information and expand their social structure with the interdependency derived from their locations. As location is one of the most important components of user context, extensive knowledge about an individual's interests, behaviors, and relationships with others can be learned from her locations. LBSNs enable many novel applications that change the way we live, such as travel planning, location recommendations, friend suggestion, and community discovery, while offering many new research opportunities to the community, including link prediction, human mobility modeling, and user activity recognition, privacy, and computer human interaction. The objective of this workshop is to provide professionals and researchers with a single forum where they can discuss and share the state-of-the-art of LBSNs development and applications, present their ideas and contributions, and set future directions in emerging innovative research for LBSNs.
Situation, Activity, and Goal awareness (SAGAware 2012)
Workshop website:
In recent years, sensing, interpretation and integration of events, behaviours and environmental states have been keys to the success of various ubiquitous systems. The proposed "mini-track" workshop follows the goals of last year's successful SAGAware workshop and the organisers are committed to organize this workshop in the coming years. The proposed workshop intends to bring together researchers and practitioners from relevant fields to present and disseminate the latest research on Situation, Activity and Goal Awareness (SAGAware) and their novel application in ubiquitous computing. The workshop will be organized in a proactive versatile format, containing a mixture of invited talks, oral presentations and open panel discussions. The workshop organizers will set up a programme committee consisting of high profile researchers in relevant research areas. The accepted paper will be published in ACM digital library.
Systems and Infrastructure for the Digital Home (HomeSys)
Organizers: Tom Rodden and Anmol Sheth
Workshop website:
Ubiquitous computing has often presented the digital home as a mix of rich computing, networking and sensing infrastructure that seamlessly interacts with the inhabitants to enable new and enjoyable experiences. Today's reality is far from this. The digital home is a complex mix of heterogeneous technologies, operating with limited coordination, and certainly not offering the set of services originally imagined. Furthermore the complexity involved in managing, troubleshooting and securing digital technology continues to grow as additional connected devices with varying functionality enter the home.
Overcoming these barriers requires adopting a user-centered approach to developing systems for the digital home. HomeSyS aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from multiple disciplines to share new ideas and experiences and discuss challenges posed by todays and future digital home technology. HomeSys builds upon the two successful ACM SIGCOMM HomeNets workshop (2011, 2010) and aims to be the premier workshop for user-centered digital home technology.
Ubiquitous Mobile Instrumentation (UbiMI)
Organizers: Denzil Ferreira, Vassilis Kostakos, Jonna Hakkila, Tom Lovett, and Emiliano Miluzzo
Workshop website:
Thanks to the rapid development of mobile technologies, smartphones allow people to be reachable anywhere and anytime. In addition to the benefits for end users, researchers and developers can also benefit from the powerful devices that participants potentially carry on a daily basis. This workshop brings together researchers with an interest on using mobile devices as instruments to collect data and conduct mobile user studies, with a focus on understanding human-behavior, routines and gathering context.
Methodical approaches to prove the effects of subliminal perception in Ubiquitous Computing Environments
Organizers: Andreas Riener, Myounghoon "Philart" Jeon, Miriam Reiner, and Pierre Chalfoun
Workshop website:
There has been much debate around perception of subliminal cues, and their effect on human behavior, especially whether such an effect indeed exists or is only a false marketing myth. As the prevention of additional cognitive workload in HCI is a topic of increasing importance, new forms or modalities of interaction between humans and interfaces need to be explored. One promising approach is to use subliminal stimulation or the "injection" of information below aware perception. To throw light on this issue, the workshop is centered on the questions how subliminal effects can be scientifically supported or how a certain claim could be empirically refuted.
Researchers are welcome to submit position papers by May 28th, 2012. Papers must describe the approach and experimental setting used for testing subliminal interaction in HCI, as well as provide a discussion whether or not the effect could have been scientifically supported. Detailed information about aim, submission and review process, etc. is available at the workshop website.
Digital Object Memories for the Internet of Things (DOMe-IoT)
Organizers: Alexander Kröner, Jens Haupert, Chris Speed, Fahim Kawsar, Thomas Ploetz, and Daniel Schreiber
Workshop website:
Digital Object Memories (DOMe) comprise hardware and software components, which together provide an open and universal platform for capturing and interacting with the digital information of connected objects - including storage, documentation and provision of information concerning actions an object is or might be involved in. Things will be enabled to make suggestions and propositions to human users - which implies that an object may have a level of agency. The latter concept is a striking possibility that may change the way that we further relate to objects. The goal of this continuation of an established workshop series is to twofold: 1.) initiate a conversation concerning the potential for objects to develop agency; and 2.) explore how data that is associated with an object may leverage real-world actions. Here, DOMe 2012 provides a hybrid interdisciplinary workshop format that will combine traditional presentations and discussion with practice-based experimentation.
Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems (CASEMANS 2012)
Organizer: Waltenegus Dargie
Workshop website:
We are witnessing the generation and sharing of various types of data at an unprecedented scale. People everywhere are using various pervasive devices and platforms to capture and share events of great and lasting consequences. Present day mobile devices can capture, process, and communicate audio and video data; integrate a large number of sensors such as accelerometer sensors, gyroscope, temperature sensors, humidity sensors, tilt sensors, infrared proximity sensors, and GPS, providing a great opportunity of interfacing computers with the physical world. Complementary to these, there are also wireless sensor nodes, adding a host of biological and chemical sensors that can be used for applications in healthcare, precision agriculture, supply-chain, and many more areas.
The CASEMANS workshop investigates modeling, reasoning, and representation techniques to process and transform raw sensor data into meaningful abstractions of real world phenomena that can trigger context-aware and self-managing systems to carry out an actuation task.
Computer Mediated Social Offline Interactions (SOFTec 2012)
Organizers: Nemanja Memarovic, Marc Langheinrich, Vasillis Kostakos, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, and Elaine M. Huang
Workshop website:
The proliferation of social networking sites and mobile technology allows us to follow the latest news, find out what our friends and family are doing, or let everybody know that we 'checked-in' to our favorite restaurant – anytime and anywhere! While advantageous, however, the ability to be constantly online and connected can have a negative impact on our offline interactions. It is not uncommon these days to see people who are sharing a table at a bar or restaurant ignore each other for stretches at a time, while each of them interacts with far-away friends through smartphones or tablet computers.
The goal of this workshop is to examine how we can build technology that can help to promote offline interactions. We plan to discuss how offline interactions can be spurred within different social groups and different settings through currently available devices and technologies, including today's prevalent online social networking platforms. We also plan to explore how such technologies can be built and used for different types of offline engagement (e.g., playful vs. serious). The workshop aims to establish a community interested in computer mediated offline interaction.
Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction (PETMEI 2012)
Organizers: Andreas Bulling, Geert Brône, Shiwei Cheng, Päivi Majaranta
Workshop website:
Recent developments in mobile eye tracking equipment and automated eye movement analysis point the way toward unobtrusive eye-based human-computer interfaces that are pervasively usable in everyday life. We call this new paradigm pervasive eye tracking - continuous eye monitoring and analysis 24/7. The potential applications for the ability to track and analyse eye movements anywhere and any time call for new research to further develop and understand visual behaviour and eye-based interaction in daily life settings.
This workshop provides a forum for researcher from human-computer interaction (HCI), context-aware computing, and eye tracking to discuss techniques and applications that go beyond classical eye tracking and stationary eye-based interaction. We aim to discuss the implications of pervasive eye tracking for context-aware computing and to identify the key research challenges of mobile eye-based interaction. The long-term goal is to create a strong interdisciplinary research community linking these research fields together and to establish the workshop as the premier forum for research on pervasive eye tracking.
Adaptable Service Delivery in Smart Environments
Organizers: Bessam Abdulrazak and Charles Gouin-Vallerand
Workshop website:
Ubiquitous computing, context awareness and artificial intelligence techniques can transform human habitats into smart environments able to provide assistance, contextual help and remediation by the environment. To assist these users in their daily living activities, dynamic and intelligent mechanisms are required to deploy assistive services on the different devices present in the smart environments, such as smart phones, tablets, desktop computers, laptops, embedded computers, etc. Service provision/delivery systems must take in account a whole set of context parameters and be able to deliver dynamically and autonomously software components in a large set of devices. Moreover, users are often the center of attention in such systems. Thus, such delivery processes must take in consideration users' interaction capabilities, preferences and background. Therefore, this workshop focuses on the presentations and discussions of novel approaches in providing services and software in smart environment settings, such as smart homes, smart cities and open smart spaces.
Evaluating Off-the-Shelf Technologies for Personal Health Monitoring
Organizers: Kay Connelly, Kelly Caine, Katie A. Siek, Julie A. Kientz,Daniel O. Kutz, Rima Hanania, Danish U. Khan, Eun Kyoung Choe
Workshop website:
There is growing interest in ubiquitous tracking technology for personal health and wellness. Research in this area is rapidly producing many innovations. However, with such growth there arises a need to evaluate the functionality and success of these innovations. The purpose of this workshop is to provide an opportunity for the UbiComp community to work together on a comparative evaluation of a wide spectrum of personal-health tracking technologies. The evaluation will yield recommendations for what metrics provide the most insights into the use, design, and functionality of features, data fidelity, research system integration, and user experience. Applicants will submit proposals to evaluate specific technology. If accepted, they will be provided with pre-defined and collectively proposed metrics to carry out those evaluations. The results from all evaluations will be discussed and compared at the workshop. We will broadly disseminate evaluation methods and outcomes to the greater pervasive health informatics communities.
Smart Gadgets Meet Ubiquitous and Social Robots on the Web (UbiRobs)
Organizers: Abdelghani Chibani, Craig Schlenoff, Edson Prestes, and Yacine Amirat
Workshop website:
Ubiquitous robots are smart software or physical service providers within ambient intelligence environments. The integration of these robots within cloud computing and ubiquitous computing technologies will enhance our daily lives. Ubiquitous robots as cognitive entities have been able to add value to services compared to traditional systems. They are able to coordinate their activities with other physical or logical entities, move around, sense and explore the environment, and decide, act or react to the situations they may face anywhere and anytime.
In this multidisciplinary workshop, we would like to facilitate the discussions and build a bridge to strengthen the relationship between the ubiquitous computing, robotics and human-computer interaction communities. To allow for that, the workshop program will have invited speeches and papers from these communities that discuss the future trends, impacts and challenges for these fields and their combination, in addition to submitted papers and presentations. Without being restrictive, the workshop will cover the following topics:
- Ubiquitous computing frameworks vs. ubiquitous robotics frameworks
- Interaction techniques for ubiquitous computing and ubiquitous robotics
- Context awareness and cognitive capabilities
- Ubiquitous robots integration within the semantic web and cloud computing
- Novel application fields of ubiquitous computing and ubiquitous robotics
Workshop Chairs
- Andreas Bulling, University of Cambridge / Lancaster University, UK
- Youn-kyung Lim, KAIST, Korea
If you have any further inquiries, please contact
Important Dates
- See indivdual workshops for specific deadlines.
- Workshops: September 8, 2012
Call for Workshop Proposals
The deadline for Workshop Proposals has passed, but the original call can be found here.