Call for Workshop Proposals
Ubicomp 2012 invites proposals for the workshop program of the 14th International ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. Workshops provide a forum for attendees to discuss topics of special interest. The day-long workshops will be held on Saturday, September 8, 2012, after the main conference.
We are soliciting workshop proposals in all areas related to Ubiquitous Computing. We are aiming for a balanced workshop program that avoids overlapping themes. Workshop organizers are expected to be active in the area of their workshop proposal. In addition to workshops that explore new research areas, we would especially encourage more ambitious workshops of three types.
The first type of workshops is academic in nature and can be viewed as mini-tracks to the main conference. These workshops should have the potential to be sustainable and re-occur in the coming years. Hence, we are looking to host workshops with the ambition of setting up a program committee and aim for publication for improved versions of the workshop papers.
The second type aims at building ubiquitous systems or applications during the day at the workshop and thus providing hands-on experiences. Hence, this type of workshops is a place for people to meet and design, build, or integrate ubiquitous systems. This may range from physical design mock-ups containing no technology, to a video prototype, to building an application on a hardware toolkit provided by the organizers.
The third type of workshop aims at developing new interdisciplinary collaborations to better define a subarea of research related to Ubicomp systems. Hence, workshop proposers should come from the various disciplines necessary for the workshop with a plan on how to recruit participants from multiple disciplines to create a productive, collaborative environment.
Pre-proposal Submission Inquiries
Should you wish to discuss ideas for a workshop proposal prior to the submission deadline, feel free to contact the chairs of the Workshops Program at
Workshop Proposal Content
The workshops should include a proposal of how to transfer results from the workshop to the main conference. It is important that the workshop activities can be transplanted to other conference activities. Thus, proposals should specifically address how workshops can provide input and contribute to the main conference. Each workshop will be provided a 1-minute talk slot at the main conference to advertise the significance of the workshop and also the primary activities that will be conducted in the workshop.
Workshop proposals should include a main document and an appendix. The main document should include:
- Workshop title
- The type of the workshop (mini tracks, hands-on, or interdisciplinary)
- Organizers as the article authors
- Introduce the area
- Describe related literature
- Proposed results of the workshop
The workshop proposal abstract should be the SIGCHI archival format, up to 4 pages. ALL accepted workshop papers will be included in the ACM digital library and the supplemental proceedings. Depending on the workshop type, the organizers could decide not to put papers in ACM digital library. This should be clearly described in the workshop proposal. Please note that the workshop organizers can specify the page counts for their workshop papers, but all papers should be in the SIGCHI archival format and be ready for inclusion into ACM digital library and the supplementary proceedings by July 6, 2012.
The appendix should describe more process-oriented parts of the workshop, in a format that the authors deem appropriate. The appendix should:
- Include a summary (no more than 150 words) describing the theme(s) of the workshop
- Describe the workshop format, activities, and goals (e.g., traditional workshop format with publishable papers, oral presentations only, posters, prototyping, etc.)
- List the specific topics of interest
- Provide names, affiliations, and research interests of the organizers. International teams of organizers from different institutions for each workshop are encouraged.
- Describe whether the workshop papers will be put into ACM digital library, and alternative plans (if any) for publishing the workshop papers
- Describe envisioned workshop attendees (e.g., areas of expertise)
- Explain how the organizers plan to attract submissions and/or participants
- Provide an estimate of how many workshop participants the organizers expect
- Describe how the organizers will facilitate discussion among workshop participants
- Clearly define the expected outcome of the workshop
- Outline the planning of the workshop (e.g., participant selection, time line, type of contributions)
- Propose an expected agenda for the workshop
- Proposed Request for Workshop Papers (if appropriate)
Workshop Organizers' Responsibilities
The organizers of each workshop are expected to:
- Publicize the workshop with a call for participation via the Ubicomp website and email
- Setup a web site for the workshop containing more details on the workshop, including CFP, workshop format, strategies for publication (if any), participants, program, etc. In particular, the CFP should clearly specify that accepted papers must be in the SIGCHI archival format and will be published in the Ubicomp 2012 supplemental proceedings. Organizers should mention if the publications will be published anywhere else in the future (e.g., a special issue journal).
- Encourage potential participants to submit papers
- Work with the Ubicomp Publication Chairs to include workshop papers in the ACM digital library and the supplementary proceedings
- Work with the Ubicomp Workshop Chairs to arrange the workshop
- Actively run the workshop
Note that workshops are an integral part of the Ubicomp conference. Hence, workshop organizers and attendees are expected to register for the workshop in addition to the conference.
Submitting Your Proposal
Please email your proposal, as two separate PDF attachments, directly to the workshop chairs at The deadline for submission is April 6, 2012. Workshop proposals should be no longer than 4 pages for the main document. There is no limit for the appendix. Please download and use the required templates to prepare your submission.
Workshop Chairs
- Andreas Bulling, University of Cambridge / Lancaster University, UK
- Youn-kyung Lim, KAIST, Korea
If you have any further inquiries, please contact
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: April 6, 2012
- Notification of acceptance: April 13, 2012
- Distribution of all accepted workshop CFPs: April 27, 2012
- Camera-ready version of workshop and all workshop papers due: July 6, 2012
- Workshops: September 8, 2012