All submissions should be submitted to the Ubicomp Online Submission System (PCS). Accepted submissions will be included in the ACM Digital Library.
The Ubicomp 2011 adjunct program track provides researchers with opportunities to present their cutting-edge work in an interactive fashion. Posters can cover preliminary or exploratory work within ubiquitous computing, report smaller projects or results not mature enough for a full paper, or present any other research that would encourage discussion. Demos should exhibit novel ubiquitous computing technologies, especially in scenarios involving innovative and creative solutions that participants can try out for themselves. Videos should present practical application of research into ubiquitous computing systems, visualizing the outcome of research and development projects, or show inspiring visions of future systems.
Multi-Presentation Submission Process
Posters, demos and videos are an integral part of the Ubicomp conference. Following last year’s success we will be adopting a multimodal process, where the three types of submissions are integrated. This approach provides participants with more opportunities to showcase and discuss their work with others. A multimodal submission also increases its chances of acceptance. If you submit your work to multiple tracks, the individual formats will be reviewed independently according to the criteria of each track. Making a combined poster, demo and video submission thus gives you three chances at acceptance.
Submission Instructions
The basis of your Ubicomp 2011 adjunct program submission is an extended abstract. It should describe what you wish to present and discusses the novelty and distinguishing ideas or approaches that it brings to the ubiquitous computing community. Only one abstract is required for a multimodal submission. The abstract should be up to 2 pages, in the Ubicomp 2011 adjunct proceedings format, including all figures and references. It should also be self-contained, i.e., it must be understandable even without seeing the poster, demo, or video.
Please make sure that your submitted abstract complies with all the formatting guidelines and is ready for publication, since there will be no time to make major revisions. Accepted submissions will be published in a Conference Supplement that will be distributed to attendees at the conference; they will not be incorporated into the main UbiComp 2011 Conference Proceedings. All submissions should be submitted to the Ubicomp Online Submission System (PCS).
In addition to the 2-page abstract, poster submissions may include an optional poster supplement that describes or illustrates the proposed poster. The poster supplement can be used to convey to reviewers any visual aspects of the poster that may not be captured in the abstract, such as a key graphic to be used in the poster. This supplemental page is for review purposes only and will not be published. Poster submissions (i.e., the 2-page abstract plus optional poster description) should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file through the PCS submission system. Poster submissions should not be anonymized.
Accepted posters will be given an A0 (841 × 1189 mm) stand and will be on display throughout most of the conference. Poster authors are required to present their poster in person during at least one session (subject to the final conference schedule).
Poster Chairs:
- Mike Chen, Taiwan University, China
- Tim Sohn, Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto, USA
If you have any further queries please contact
In addition to the 2-page abstract, demo submissions must contain a demonstration supplement that details how the demo will be executed in practice, and how visitors will interact with it during the conference. The interaction can be described in the form of a short usage scenario, a storyboard sketch, or with the help of a few screenshots, illustrations, or photos. The demonstration supplement can also include (or link to) movies or other supporting materials. Last but not least, the demo supplement must also describe the technical requirements of the demo, such as the preferred settings (lighting, acoustical constraints), the space requirements, the power supply needed, the wired or wireless networking options, and any other special equipments. Demonstration supplement materials are for the purposes of review only and will not be published. However, in order to make a successful demo submission, you need to have a strategy to present the main points to visitors in a short time. You must also convince the committee that you are capable of installing and running the demo at the conference. Demo submissions (i.e. the 2-page abstract plus the demo supplement) should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file through the PCS submission system. If the supplementary material contains video files or other multimedia material, a single ZIP file may be used instead that contains both the PDF and those additional files. Demo submissions should not be anonymized.
Upon acceptance you will be required to install your demonstration in the conference venue and keep it running for at least one session (subject to the final conference schedule). The conference will at minimum provide you a space for demo, including a table, chairs, and a power connection (220V). If you need any special equipment you should provide it by yourself, including power converters, projectors, audio amplification, wireless LAN, etc.; please specify this in your demonstration supplement so that we can plan the demo area accordingly.
Demo Chairs:
- Darren Edge, Microsoft Research Asia, China
- Yongqiang Lv, Tsinghua University, China
If you have any further queries please contact
We welcome the contribution of videos which demonstrate the practical application of research results and the functionality of ubiquitous computing systems, visualize the outcome of research and development projects, or describe inspiring visions of future systems that are grounded in today’s reality. We encourage the submission of videos either as new material or as supplemental to paper submissions (e.g. in order to illustrate particular aspects of a system). In order to be eligible, videos should not have been previously presented in any other formal video program.
Your submission should include:
- a 2-page abstract: formatted according to the required template
- a self-explanatory video: that does not require the viewer to read the abstract
Your video should adhere to these guidelines:
- format: accepted formats are MPEG1 and MPEG2, AVI file with MPEG4 (DivX codecs) and Apple QuickTime. However, the MPEG2 format is strongly encouraged.
- resolution: at least 320px x 240px.
- length: between 4-8 minutes.
- size: no greater than 150 MB.
Submissions (i.e., the 2-page abstract plus the video) should be submitted through the PCS submission system as a single ZIP file that contains both the PDF and the video file. Video submissions should not be anonymized.
Videos will be judged primarily on the quality of their content, the clarity of their presentation, quality of production, their interest and relevance to Ubicomp. If the video is accepted, a high-quality format, suitable for DVD production, will be required for the final version. The authors will have to grant Ubicomp 2011 the right to redistribute it freely, which means that it must not contain any material subject to copyright.
Last year's videos can be found in the ACM Digital Library, e.g.:
If authors have any questions regarding potential submissions, including copyright issues, please contact the Ubicomp 2011 video chairs.
Video Chairs:
- Jiming Guo, Qualcomm, China
- Julie Maitland, National Research Council of Canada, Canada
- Gang Pan, Zhejiang University, China
If you have any further queries please contact
Important Dates:
- June 22, 2011 - Submission deadline (23:59 GMT)
- July 6, 2011 - Accept/reject notifications
- July 11, 2011 - Final version due