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Sponsoring UbiComp 2004

We are pleased to offer companies the opportunity to be corporate sponsors for the Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, which will be held in Nottingham on September, 2004. UbiComp 2004 is the premier venue for presenting research and development achievements in the design, implementation, deployment and evaluation of computing technology that migrates beyond our desktops onto our hands, heads and clothing, and becomes increasingly embedded in a wide variety of other objects, such as walls, cars and appliances. With the explosion of popular interest in topics such as handheld computers, mobile telephony and radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, this conference plays an important role in framing and extending the discussion about how technology will affect the way we work, play and live in the future. The conference program includes invited speakers, papers, panels, workshops, videos, demonstrations, and a doctoral consortium.

If your company supplies products or services that take advantage of ubiquitous computing technology, then this conference will be of interest to you. Sponsoring this conference stakes your claim as a leader in this field and provides a unique opportunity to access and recruit experts in the field. Conference attendees include leading researchers and developers in this exploding field. UbiComp 2003 attracted over 500 attendees from 26 countries, representing the computer industry, telecommunications, research institutions, and major users of technology including government and education. The Conference Proceedings, published by Springer Verlag, are distributed worldwide. The conference also receives press coverage.

The conference recognizes two levels of contribution – Corporate Benefactors and Corporate Sponsors. We urge you to consider becoming a Corporate Benefactor of UbiComp 2004, with a contribution of 10,000 euros. Benefactors are very important to the conference, and the conference committee ensures that their contribution is well recognized (the benefits are listed below). If you are unable to support us at the Benefactor level, we hope you will at least be able to support the conference as a Corporate Sponsor with a contribution of 5,000 euros. Your contribution will help ensure that we can maintain the highest quality throughout all aspects of what promises to be a truly great conference.

We hope you will be part of UbiComp 2004!


General Chair:
Tom Rodden
(University of Nottingham, UK)


Sponsors (5,000 euros or greater contribution)

  • A small image of your company name and logo will appear on the UbiComp 2004 conference tote bag. Most attendees carry these bags throughout the conference.
  • A small image of your company name and logo will be listed on the conference Web page, acknowledging your support as a Sponsor, with a link to your company home page, if desired.
  • Your support will be acknowledged during the opening and closing plenary sessions of the conference.
  • You will receive special acknowledgement as a Sponsor in the conference Final Program.
  • You will be invited to participate in the Conference Demo and Exhibit Evening.
  • You will receive one complimentary conference registration.

Benefactors (10,000 euros or greater contribution) Corporate Benefactors receive all the benefits of sponsors as well as the following additional benefits:

  • A large image of your company name and logo will appear on the UbiComp 2004 conference tote bag.
  • You may provide promotional material that will be inserted into the conference tote bags.
  • A large image of your company name and logo will be listed on the conference Web page, acknowledging your support as a Benefactor, with a link to your company home page, if desired.
  • You will receive special acknowledgement as a Benefactor in the conference Final Program.
  • You will receive two complimentary conference registrations.

Exhibition Sponsorship (500 euros or greater contribution; limited space available)

  • You will be provided space at the Conference Demo and Exhibit Evening (Monday evening). Please contact us for availability and arrangements.

If you are interested in sponsoring UbiComp 2004 or have questions, please contact the Conference Chair: email