UbiComp / ISWC 2024

Call for Nominations:
UbiComp/IMWUT Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student Award

Submission Deadline: June 14, 2024

The UbiComp Steering Committee is pleased to announce the nomination process for the 2024 Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student award. Named in honour of the late Gaetano Borriello, this award recognizes a PhD student who is making outstanding contributions to academia and society, and is making strong and rounded contributions to the field of Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing.

The student receiving this award will be recognized during the UbiComp/ISWC 2024 conference in Melbourne, Australia, 5th-9th October. They will receive a small financial reward and a certificate to celebrate their achievement.


  1. Nominees must be pursuing a research-based degree in any country in a field related to ubiquitous and pervasive computing.
  2. Nominees must have been a co-author and major contributor to at least 1 UbiComp and/or IMWUT paper (any year).
  3. The nominee should be a current student in good standing as of the time of the nomination.

Nomination Process

For students to be nominated, there are two steps.

Step One: please create a single PDF that includes all of the following materials, and upload it to: https://tinyurl.com/gaetano24.

  • A cover letter that includes:
    • Your name, contact email address and affiliation.
    • Expected graduation date of your graduate program (Year/Month).
    • The date you started your doctoral program (Year/Month).
    • A statement of your rationale as to why you should be considered. This can include:
      • 1) intellectual contributions to the academic field in Ubicomp/IMWUT
      • 2) important societal, environmental or other benefits arising from your work
      • 3) service to the conference/ journal community. In honour of Gaetano this award especially seeks to recognise work of societal importance, e.g. tackling issues of global equity, social and environmental justice.
    • A table summarizing a list of contributions to Ubicomp/IMWUT, e.g. DOIs to papers in the main proceedings; demos, posters or workshops in the adjunct proceedings.
    • The number of the students publications in UbiComp adjunct proceedings (e.g., demos, posters, and workshops).
    • The history of your service to IMWUT and UbiComp, and your broader research community.
  • Up to a 2-page summary of research (can be a dissertation proposal abstract or similar).
  • A brief academic CV.

Step Two: students must have a recommendation letter from their research advisor, submitted separately. The letter should confirm the eligibility of the student and briefly state your rationale for supporting the nomination. In addition, students may have an optional, additional recommendation letter from other members of the UbiComp research community.

Endorsers, please upload your recommendation letter to the following URL by June 14, 2024 (AoE): https://tinyurl.com/gaetano24-letters.

After the deadline, students who have made complete nominations will be sent a confirmation of receipt by email. In case you submit your nomination but do not hear from us within 1 week of the deadline, please send an email to awards-2024@ubicomp.org.

The award is decided jointly by a committee of domain experts recruited by the award co-chairs. Our combined judgement is final. Members with a known or self-declared conflict of interest will not participate in reviewing conflicted nominations and in the final decisions of awards.

The student winning the award will be notified by mid-July, and the award recipient will be announced during the conference.


Submission Deadline:
June 14, 2024 (AoE)



UbiComp / ISWC

Past Conferences

The ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) is the result of a merger of the two most renowned conferences in the field: Pervasive and UbiComp. While it retains the name of the latter in recognition of the visionary work of Mark Weiser, its long name reflects the dual history of the new event.

The ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing (ISWC) discusses novel results in all aspects of wearable computing, and has been colocated with UbiComp and Pervasive since 2013.

A complete list of UbiComp, Pervasive, and ISWC past conferences is provided below.