welcome to ubicomp 2018
NOTE: The banquet will take place at Summit 1 and 2 in Suntec this evening.
Ubicomp 2018 will again be multi-track and we aim to include a broad multidisciplinary program, encompassing any work that one would previously expect to see at either the ubicomp or pervasive conferences. Workshops will be held on 8th and 12th October 2018. The main conference will be held between 9th - 11th October, 2018 and is collocated with the ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC'18).
The UbiComp Steering Committee is pleased to have given the following awards at #ubicomp2018 this year in Singapore. More information about awards can be found here
#ubicomp2018 10-Year Impact Award:
- Flowers or a Robot Army? Encouraging Awareness & Activity with Personal, Mobile Displays. S. Consolvo, P. Klasnja, D.W. McDonald, D. Avrahami, J. Froehlich, L. LeGrand, R. Libby, K. Mosher, J.A. Landay. Ubicomp 2008. https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1409644
- Pedestrian Localisation for Indoor Environments. Oliver Woodman, Robert Harle from Ubicomp 2008. https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1409651
- Detecting Human Movement by Differential Air Pressure Sensing in HVAC System Ductwork: An Exploration in Infrastructure Mediated Sensing. Shwetak Patel, Matt Reynolds, Gregory Abowd from Pervasive 2008. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-79576-6_1
#ubicomp2018 Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student Award Winner:
Alex Mariakakis from University of Washington.
Finalists: Yomna Abdelrahman, Jean Costa, RĂºben Gouveia, and Edward Wang. https://atm15.github.io/
The main conference program is out! Check here for detailed schedule information.
The Early Registration deadline has been extended till 7th September, 2018. Check here for details, and register online here.
The papers invited for oral presentations at UbiComp'18 ara available here. Detailed information on the program will be available soon. Don't forget to register here by the Early Bird deadline (
Ubicomp/ISWC 2018 is happy to announce travel grants for students and junior faculty/post-docs. Applications due August, 25th 2018.
Check out the list of accepted workshops here.
The upcoming deadline for the Doctoral Colloquium is July 9th, 2018. Please see here for more information.
The upcoming deadline for submitting Demos and Posters is
The deadline for workshop proposals has been extended by a week. The new deadline is May 11, 2018. Please see here for details.
The programs this year will be held at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Center. Please see here for more information.
The upcoming deadline for applying for the ACM SIGCHI Gary Marsden Student Development Fund is May 15th. Please see here for more information.