UbiComp 2010 Author Kit
This web page will acquaint you with submission instructions for the final version of your paper, the required fields, and how and where to submit your signed ACM copyright form. Please read the whole page.
Submissions that do not conform to the ACM standards, specifications, and formats will be returned to the author for corrections and/or alterations
Submission Deadlines and Preparation of Copy
All ACM sponsored proceedings will be included in the ACM Digital Library as well as prepared for printed publication. All papers for the conference must be submitted in an electronic format which conforms to ACM specifications and must be received no later June 30, 2010. Any paper that is not submitted by this date will not be included in the proceedings. The page limit for Full Papers is ten (10) pages. The page limit for Notes is four (4) pages.
Mandatory Sections
The following sections instructions are mandatory for your paper to be accepted for publication and inclusion in the ACM Digital Library:
- Categories& Subject Descriptors - the address for the ACM Computing Classification Scheme is: www.acm.org/class/1998/. For example:
- H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Miscellaneous
- C.5.3 Microcomputers: Portable devices (e.g., laptops, personal digital assistants)
- General Terms: This is an ACM requirement to provide a broader classification of the nature of your work. One of the following 16 terms must be chosen to appear on the first page of your paper: Algorithms, Design, Documentation, Economics, Experimentation, Human Factors, Languages, Legal Aspects, Management, Measurement, Performance, Reliability, Security, Standardization, Theory, Verification.
- Keywords: This section is your choice of terms you would like to be indexed by.
- Title of Your Submission Should be Initial Caps -- meaning first letter of main words should be made a capital letter.
Files to Submit (Source, Postscript, and PDF)
- Source File -- We need the source file (tex or doc) for each submission, be sure your submission is formatted for US Letter (8.5x11 inches).
- PDF File (.pdf)
- Naming Scheme of All Files -- Please name all your files to be submitted with your Paper IDENTIFIER Number and the LEAD author's last name in all lower case letters. For example, if your paper number is UbiComp055, and your name is "mccarthy", please name the files you are submitting UbiComp055-mccarthy.tex, UbiComp055-mccarthy.doc, UbiComp055-mccarthy.pdf, and UbiComp055-mccarthy.ps.
Page Size & Page Breaks
Submissions that do not conform to the ACM SIG standards, templates, and formats will be returned to the author for corrections and/or alterations. The page size for this ACM publication is US Letter (8-1/2x11 inches).
Page Numbers, Headers and Footers
Your final submission SHOULD NOT contain any footer or copyright string information in the footer area, headers or page numbers (but the correct ACM copyright notice should appear on the first page in the lower-left, see templates below). The papers will be paginated in a determined order by the chairs and added to the bottom upon finalization.
1. Use the Word template (right click to download file).
2. Name your .doc file using your UbiComp Paper # with the lead author's last name (example: ubicomp055-mccarthy.doc). Be sure to format your document for American Letter (8-1/2x11). Please check that your submission adheres to the set page limit for your type of submission. Check PCS for your submission id #.
3. Insert the ACM copyright statement (UbiComp-blurb.txt, right click and download to cut and paste into your paper). This statement should appear in 8 pt. Times New Roman, justified text, with UbiComp'10 italicized.
4. Upload your file at the PCS website. on or before June 30. Go to http://precisionconference.com/~ubicomp, then go to submissions in progress, then submit final version.
5. ACM Copyright: U.S. Government employees or contractors please contact Lisa at Sheridan Printing for the correct copyright statement and information for your submission. You will need to supply us the name of each author, their affiliations, and which program (word or latex) you are using to produce your submission to receive the proper copyright statement and information (or class fil
*Note: Only one form is usually needed and can be signed by the lead or contact author. A second form may be requested from co-authors depending on any US government affiliations.
1. LaTex user, you MUST use Type 1 fonts for your submission, for help see: http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/sigfaq.htm#a14 for help. If you still have difficulty check with your system administrator. PDF LaTex can be used to create a pdf file for your submission, but all fonts MUST be embedded. If all the fonts are not embedded in the pdf you submit, will we distill the mandatory PS file that is submitted. Be sure to see the recommendations for your figures and images above (item #D).
2. Please include all text (including references from the .bbl file) into one complete .tex document. We do not want a directory of multiple files, only one .tex file with all text from your submission. We do not need the figures. We do NOT recompile your submission, we are only using the one (single-complete) source file to extract text and data that we need to complete the metadata for the ACM digital library.
3. Name your .tex, .pdf, and .ps file using your UbiComp Paper # with the lead author's last name (example: ubicomp055-mccarthy.tex / ubicomp055-mccarthy.pdf and .ps). Be sure to format your document for American Letter (8-1/2x11). Please check that your submission adheres to the set page limit for your type of submission.
4. You need to upload your .tex and .pdf/ps files to the PCS website on or before June 30. Go to http://precisionconference.com/~ubicomp, then go to submissions in progress, then submit final version.
5. ACM Copyright: U.S. Government employees or contractors please contact Lisa at Sheridan Printing for the correct copyright statement and information for your submission. You will need to supply us the name of each author, their affiliations, and which program (word or latex) you are using to produce your submission to receive the proper copyright statement and information (or class file).
*Note: Only one form is usually needed and can be signed by the lead or contact author. A second form may be requested from co-authors depending on any US government affiliations.
Publication Chairs
If you still have questions or problems, contact the publication chairs below.
Marshini Chetty, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Email: pubchair2010@ubicomp.org