- Schedule (.pdf)
- Keynote
- Accepted Papers and Notes
- Accepted Workshops
- Accepted Posters
- Accepted Demos
- Accepted Videos
- Doctoral Colloquium
Venue Information:
Student Volunteers:
UbiComp 2008 Student Volunteers
Important Dates
Application Deadline |
June 27th 2008 (23:59 PST)
Student Volunteers
UbiComp 2008 is celebrating its 10th year this year, and will continue the tradition of calling for student volunteers who assist in managing the small but important details during a conference. In doing so, student volunteers provide the backbone of a successful conference.
Accepted volunteers are expected to work in multiple functions during the conference, but will also be given great opportunities to attend the program and socialize. All student volunteers will receive a free registration to the conference (including meals & special events).
The deadline for SV applications for UbiComp 2008 is June 27th, 2008.
To apply to be a student volunteer, please submit the online application. Notification of acceptance will be by July 18th, 2008.
Contact the student volunteer chairs for more information: Seungwok Han, Yoosoo Oh, and Julie Kientz, svchairs2008@ubicomp.org
Locally organized by Sungkyunkwan Univ. and UCN
The Proceedings will be published by ACM