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- Doctoral Colloquium
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Dr. Shim Yoon, Realizing the Ubiquitous City
It has been several years since we first heard about the Ubiquitous City (or u-City). Is it something that is really happening or just a dream? Korea has a lot of plans for new city construction and renovation of existing cities. From the combination of the needs of construction industry, strong telecommunication infrastructure, and IT services, u-city in Korea is becoming a reality. In this keynote, we will share the urban paradigm shift, some of u-City practices in Korea, and the ubiquitous services offered by the city. Also, we will offer a future vision of the u-City and consider the best strategies and technologies to realize it.
Dr. Shim Yoon is Vice President of Samsung SDS, where she heads the Emerging Business Development Center , or ‘Incubation Center’. She is responsible for developing innovative IT service offerings based on emerging technologies, and identifying and executing new businesses. She currently focuses on the areas of Ubiquitous City (u-City), RFID, and Content Services and leads several representative u-City projects in Korea. Before that she has been involved in various projects on information retrieval, knowledge management and Internet-based customer support systems. Dr. Yoon received the MS (DEA) and Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6) in Paris, France.
Locally organized by Sungkyunkwan Univ. and UCN
The Proceedings will be published by ACM