- Schedule (.pdf)
- Keynote
- Accepted Papers and Notes
- Accepted Workshops
- Accepted Posters
- Accepted Demos
- Accepted Videos
- Doctoral Colloquium
Venue Information:
Student Volunteers:
UbiComp 2008 Call for Workshop Proposals
The UbiComp 2008 Workshop Co-Chairs invite proposals for the workshop program of the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. Workshops provide a forum for attendees to discuss topics of special interest. The day-long workshops will be held on Sunday, September 21st prior to the main conference.
Submission is Closed
Important Dates
Submission deadline (workshop proposals) |
Friday 4 April 2008, 23:59 GMT
Acceptance notification (workshop proposals) |
Friday 9 May 2008
Distribution of accepted workshop CfPs |
Friday 30 May 2008
Proposed submission deadline (workshop position papers) |
Friday 27 June 2008
Proposed acceptance notification (workshop position papers) |
Friday 25 July 2008
Workshops |
Sunday 21 September 2008
UbiComp Main Conference |
22 – 24 September 2008
Pre-Proposal Submission Inquiries
Should you wish to discuss ideas for a workshop proposal prior to the submission deadline, contact the workshop co-chairs, Sunny Consolvo and Hyung Kyu Song, at workshops2008@ubicomp.org.
Proposal Content
We are soliciting workshop proposals in areas related to Ubiquitous Computing. We are aiming for a balanced workshop program that avoids overlapping themes. Workshop organizers are expected to be active in the area of their workshop proposal.
Workshop proposals should be no longer than 2 pages in ACM SIGCHI format. Please note that this format is different than the format used in previous UbiComp conferences. It is the same format being used for full and short papers at UbiComp 2008.
- Workshop proposals should include the following:
- Name of the workshop and proposed URL of site to host CfPs, program, etc.
- A summary (no more than 150 words) describing the theme(s) of the workshop
- A description of the workshop format, activities, and goals (e.g., oral presentations, posters, discussion groups, etc.)
- A list of the specific topics of interest
- Names, affiliations, and research interests of the organizers. International teams of organizers from different institutions for each workshop are encouraged.
Workshop proposals should also address:
- Who do the organizers expect will attend the workshop?
- How do the organizers plan to attract submissions and/or participants?
- How many workshop participants do the organizers expect?
- How will the organizers facilitate discussion among workshop participants?
- What is the expected outcome of the workshop?
- What plans, if any, do the organizers have for publishing the workshop position papers? (or, for example, will the policy of the workshop be that position papers will not be considered as publications?)
- How do the organizers plan to organize the workshop? (e.g., participant selection, time line, type of contributions)?
- What is the expected agenda for the workshop?
Submitting your proposal
Please email your proposal, as a PDF attachment, directly to the workshop co-chairs, Sunny Consolvo and Hyung Kyu Song, at workshops2008@ubicomp.org. The deadline for submission of workshop proposals is Friday, April 4th, 2008 at 23:59 GMT. Please note that the format for proposals this year is the ACM SIGCHI format—this is a new format for the UbiComp conference. It is the same format being used for full and short papers this year.
Organizers’ responsibilities
The organizers of each workshop are expected to:
- Publicize the workshop with a call for participation via the Web and email
- Encourage potential participants to submit position papers
- Select workshop participants based on submitted position papers
- Actively run the workshop at the UbiComp 2008 conference on Sunday, September 21st, 2008
- Optionally prepare the accepted workshop position papers for inclusion in the digital handout provided to UbiComp 2008 attendees
Workshop support
The UbiComp 2008 organizing committee will
- Announce accepted workshops via the UbiComp 2008 email distribution list
- Publicize abstracts of the workshops on the UbiComp 2008 Web site and provide links to individual workshop URLs
- Provide private rooms and A/V equipment for each workshop at the UbiComp 2008 conference
- Provide the option of including workshop position papers in the digital handout that will be provided to UbiComp 2008 attendees
Workshop co-chairs
Sunny Consolvo, Intel Research Seattle & University of Washington’s Information School
Hyung Kyu Song, Sejong University
Email address for the workshop co-chairs: workshops2008@ubicomp.org
Locally organized by Sungkyunkwan Univ. and UCN
The Proceedings will be published by ACM