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Submissions Closed
UbiComp 2008 Call For Papers
Tenth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
COEX, Seoul, South Korea
September 21 - 24, 2008
Paper and Note Submissions are Closed. We recommend you read the open calls on the left.
Important Dates:
Submission deadline for Full Papers (10 pages) and Notes (4 pages): | Friday 4 April 2008, 23:59 GMT |
Submission deadline for other tracks: | June 27th 2008 (23:59 PST) |
Notification of acceptance: | Friday 13 June 2008 |
Camera-ready deadline: | Friday 11 July 2008 |
UbiComp 2008: | 21-24 September 2008 |
UbiComp 2008 welcomes original, high-quality research contributions that advance the state of the art in the design, development, deployment, evaluation and understanding of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) systems. Ubicomp is an interdisciplinary field of study that includes pervasive, wireless, embedded, wearable and/or mobile technologies that bridge the gaps between the digital and physical worlds, useful applications that incorporate these technologies, infrastructures that effectively support them, human activities and experiences these technologies facilitate, and conceptual overviews that help us understand – or challenge our understanding of – the impact of these technologies. The UbiComp conference is a premier international venue in which novel results in these areas are presented and discussed among leading researchers, designers, developers and other practitioners in this field. Questions about this call can be directed to Joe McCarthy, James Scott, and Woontack Woo via pcchairs2008@ubicomp.org.
Relevant areas of inquiry include (but are not limited to):
- devices - descriptions of the design, architecture, usage and evaluation of new sensors or other devices that create valuable new capabilities for ubicomp systems
- systems – applications that incorporate or integrate ubicomp devices in ways that offer compelling value for users, and algorithms and infrastructures that effectively support such applications
- user experiences - empirical investigations of the use of new or existing ubicomp technologies with clear relevance to the design and deployment of future ubicomp systems
- theories & models - critical analysis or organizing theory with clear relevance to the design or study of ubicomp systems
- methodologies & tools - new methods and tools applied to studying or building ubicomp systems
Although it is expected that papers will focus on one or a small number of these areas, authors should write for the broader ubicomp audience, and make clear how their work contributes to the field as a whole.
Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, significance of the contribution to the field, technical correctness and presentation. Submissions must not have been previously published or be under simultaneous review for any other conference, journal, workshop or other publication with an ISBN, ISSN, or DOI number. Authors with questions about whether previous publications would disqualify a prospective submission are encouraged to contact the Program Co-Chairs well in advance of the submission deadline. If a submitted paper may appear to overlap with the previously published or simultaneously reviewed work, the authors should email the Program Co-Chairs directly to explain how the new work represents a unique and substantial new contribution.
This year, UbiComp is re-introducing short papers (Notes) into the conference program. Full Papers (10 pages) and Notes (4 pages) will be reviewed by the same committee and using the same review process to ensure a uniform quality between Papers and Notes and enable authors to submit to the track which better fits the scope and contribution of their work. Guidelines for deciding whether a Paper and Note is the most appropriate for your submission are described below.
Full Papers
A Full Paper must break new ground and provide substantial support for its results and conclusions as a significant contribution to the field. Successful submissions typically represent a major advance for the field of ubicomp. As such, Full Papers should include a thorough survey of related work, a comprehensive, detailed and comprehensible explanation of a device, system, study, theory or method (sufficient for replicability), and a compelling validation of the work.
Full Papers must be no longer than 10 pages, including the abstract, all figures and references, and must be formatted according to the detailed submission instructions found here.
A Note must report new results and provide support for the results as a novel and valuable contribution to the field. Notes are intended for more succinct work that is nonetheless in a mature state ready for inclusion in archival proceedings. They will be held to the same standard of scientific quality as Full Papers, albeit for a shorter contribution, and must still state how they fit with respect to related work, and provide a compelling explanation and validation.
Notes must be no longer than 4 pages, including the abstract, all figures, and references, and must be formatted according to the detailed submission instructions found here.
All papers (Full Papers and Notes) should clearly compare and contrast how the work relates to previous research or experience, what aspects of the work are new, and the major contributions it makes. They will be evaluated on the basis of originality, significance of the contribution to the field, quality of research, quality of writing, and contribution to conference program diversity. The different length of Full Papers (10 pages) and Notes (4 pages) allows authors to choose an appropriate submission based on the amount of contribution or scope of the work. Accepted Full Papers will be allocated longer presentation time slots than accepted Notes at the conference.
Papers should be formatted according to this Word or Latex template. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by ACM Press and included in the ACM Digital Library. At least one author is required to attend the conference to present accepted work. Papers must include an abstract of no more than 100 words.
Paper submissions must be anonymized to facilitate a double blind review process. Authors are encouraged to take care throughout the entire document to minimize statements that may reveal the identity of the authors or their institutions. Relevant references to an author's previous research should not be suppressed but instead referenced in a neutral way.
All paper submissions will be handled electronically by the Precision Conference Support (PCS) system. Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format and conform to the guidelines specified here.
Program Co-Chairs: pcchairs2008@ubicomp.org
Joe McCarthy, MyStrands Seattle, United States
James Scott Microsoft Research Cambridge, United Kingdom
Woontack Woo, GIST, South Korea
Locally organized by Sungkyunkwan Univ. and UCN
The Proceedings will be published by ACM