- Schedule (.pdf)
- Keynote
- Accepted Papers and Notes
- Accepted Workshops
- Accepted Posters
- Accepted Demos
- Accepted Videos
- Doctoral Colloquium
Venue Information:
Student Volunteers:
UbiComp 2008 Call for Panel Proposals
Important Dates
Submission Deadline |
June 27th 2008 (23:59 PST)
Notification of acceptance |
July 25, 2008
Final Version Due |
August 8, 2008
Call for Panel Proposals
You are invited to submit proposals for Panels for Ubicomp 2008
It has been over 15 years since Mark Weiser talked about ubiquitous computing. In the intervening years, many applications, services and devices have been designed and developed, and many have made their way from the lab into the world. But the vision of calm technologies that are invisibly woven into our everyday lives is still far from fully realized.
We seek proposals for panels for Ubicomp 2008 that take a retrospective look at research and development in ubiquitous computing over the past 15 years, and that outline possible futures for our field of research and development. We invite panels that address technological, design, social, and cultural issues related to the realization of ubiquitous computing into our surroundings, now and in the future. The best panels involve debate. We actively encourage panel proposals that deal with controversial issues.
Panels will be up to 90 minutes long. Proposers should seek to invite up to four panel participants and be willing to frame the issues and moderate discussion, or propose a separate moderator who will do so. The objective of panels is an examination of the subject matter at hand, with an invitation to audience members to actively participate through the posing of questions to panelists.
Possible Topic Areas:
- Identifying and assessing the gap(s) between laboratory ubicomp and real-life ubicomp
- Establishing and forecasting the directions of real-life ubiquitous computing – for example, panels that look at what could be coming in the next 15 years
- Critically addressing the guiding principles of contemporary research and propose alternative frameworks and approaches;
- Addressing legal and ethical issues in emerging ubiquitous computing technologies
- Addressing differences the effects of social and cultural context of adoption and adaptation of ubiquitous computing technologies.
- Redressing the technocentric bias of many discourses of ubiquitous computing
Panel proposals should be no more than 4 pages, and should follow this format: <link to template>
To submit a proposal and for more information please contact the Panels co-chairs at panel2008@ubicomp.org Emails to the co-chairs should all use the subject header "Ubicomp Panels 2008:" followed by the subject of your email, e.g. "Ubicomp Panels 2008: Submission" or "Ubicomp Panels 2008: Query regarding submission".
Locally organized by Sungkyunkwan Univ. and UCN
The Proceedings will be published by ACM