- Schedule (.pdf)
- Keynote
- Accepted Papers and Notes
- Accepted Workshops
- Accepted Posters
- Accepted Demos
- Accepted Videos
- Doctoral Colloquium
Venue Information:
Student Volunteers:
UbiComp 2008 Doctoral Colloquium
Important Dates
Submission Deadline |
June 27th 2008 (23:59 PST)
Notification of acceptance |
July 25, 2008
Camera Ready Papers |
August 8, 2008
Doctoral Colloquium in Seoul South Korea |
September 21, 2008
Call for Papers
We invite PhD students and candidates to present, discuss and defend their work-in-progress or preliminary results in an international and renowned audience of researchers and developers at UbiComp 2008 conference is Korea. The scope of the doctoral colloquium is equivalent to the conference and hence includes all major aspects of ubiquitous computing. We invite students that are beyond the idea-phase their PhD studies and who have not yet finished their thesis (at least 6 more months to go), so that they can sill incorporate the advice and suggestions discussed in the colloquium.
Participants will be expected to give short, informal presentations of their work during the colloquium, to be followed by a discussion.
The doctoral colloquium submission (max. 3000 word) should clearly state:
- The original key idea of the thesis
- The problem domain and the specific problem addressed
- An overview of related work in the area of the PhD work
- Mmethodological approach
- Research carried out
- The (expected) contribution made in the field of ubiquitous computing
Please use the doctoral colloquium template (http://ubicomp.org/ubicomp2008/ubicomp-dc-template-pending.doc ) and follow the outline. Submissions should be formatted according to the ACM SIGCHI guidelines and submitted via the Precision Conference submission system.
Doctorial Colloquium Chairs
Ho-Joon Kim, Handong University, South Korea
Albrecht Schmidt, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Doctoral Colloquium Advisory Committee
To be published soon
Locally organized by Sungkyunkwan Univ. and UCN
The Proceedings will be published by ACM