- Schedule (.pdf)
- Keynote
- Accepted Papers and Notes
- Accepted Workshops
- Accepted Posters
- Accepted Demos
- Accepted Videos
- Doctoral Colloquium
Venue Information:
Student Volunteers:
COEX, Seoul, South Korea
September 21 - 24, 2008
Locally organized by Sungkyunkwan Univ. and UCN
UbiComp 2008 offers a forum for sharing research contributions that advance the state of the art in the design, development, deployment, evaluation and understanding of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) systems. Ubicomp is an interdisciplinary field of study that includes pervasive, wireless, embedded, wearable and/or mobile technologies that bridge the gaps between the digital and physical worlds, useful applications that incorporate these technologies, infrastructures that effectively support them, human activities and experiences these technologies facilitate, and conceptual overviews that help us understand – or challenge our understanding of – the impact of these technologies. The UbiComp conference is a premier international venue in which novel results in these areas are presented and discussed among leading researchers, designers, developers and other practitioners in this field.
Although the conference is over, there are a number of sources for more information about the conference.
- There are a a limited number of printed Conference Proceedings available; please contact the General Co-Chairs at confchairs2008@ubicomp.org if you are interested in purchasing a copy.
- The Adjunct Proceedings are available online Adjunct Proceedings.
- The proceedings from the workshops are available as well, Workshops.
- A number of presentations given at the conference are available on SlideShare, with the tag ubicomp2008
- Photos from the conference have been posted on Flickr, with the tag ubicomp2008.
We wish to thank everyone who helped make UbiComp 2008 such a success - our Conference and Program Committees, the external reviewers, the authors, the presenters and the attendees. We look forward to seeing you in Orlando next fall at UbiComp 2009!
Conference Chairs:
General Co-Chairs: confchairs2008@ubicomp.org
Hee Yong Youn, Sungkyunkwan Univ., South Korea
We-Duke Cho, Ajou Univ. & UCN, South Korea
Program Co-Chairs: pcchairs2008@ubicomp.org
Joe McCarthy, Strands Labs Seattle, United States
James Scott Microsoft Research Cambridge, United Kingdom
Woontack Woo, GIST, South Korea
Locally organized by Sungkyunkwan Univ. and UCN
The Proceedings will be published by ACM