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UbiComp 2006 Corporate Support

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Want to support UbiComp 2006?

Your organization's financial support of Ubicomp 2006 is proof positive of its commitment to contribute to the next generation of computing systems. As the premier conference in the field, Ubicomp attracts the best talent in industry and academia. Supporting Ubicomp activities is an excellent way to increase your organization's visibility at the forefront of computing and communications technology. Your generosity will help us expand Ubicomp’s program and events. All Corporate Support donors will have their logo linked to their Web site on the Ubicomp 2006 Web site, and will have access to students for potential employment opportunities.

Corporate Support Levels

Our primary goal is to make sure that you get a return on your investment in Ubicomp. As such, the benefits you get from your support, and the form such support takes, are all negotiable. The following are examples that illustrate possible combinations (all amounts are in U.S. dollars):

Level Amount Perquisite
Gold up to $25,000
  • Recognition as Gold supporter in print, on the web, on registration brochures and on conference program.
  • Advertisement in video proceedings.
  • 20' x 10' exhibit space.
  • Three company-provided items placed in conference tote bag.
  • Logo displayed on signage at entrance to Ubicomp 2006.
  • Logo on banners in atrium.
  • Five complimentary registrations and special corporate support ribbons for your staff.
Silver up to $15,000
  • Recognition as Silver supporter in print, on the web, on registration brochures and on conference program.
  • Advertisement in video proceedings.
  • 10' x 10' exhibit space.
  • One company-provided item placed in conference tote bag.
  • Logo displayed on signage at entrance to Ubicomp 2006.
  • Two complimentary registrations and special corporate support ribbons for your staff.
Bronze up to $7,500
  • Recognition as Bronze supporter in print, on the web, on registration brochures and on conference program.
  • One-page insert placed in conference tote bag.
  • Logo displayed on signage at entrance to Ubicomp 2006.
  • One complimentary registration and special corporate support ribbons for your staff.

Additional Opportunities

Additional opportunities for Corporate Support involve one or more of these Ubicomp-related activities:

  • Breaks: for example, $10,000 each
  • Evening receptions: for example, $30,000 each
  • Student volunteers: for example, $1,000 per student
  • Doctoral Symposium: for example, $15,000
  • Bookseller Special (exhibit space only): for example, $4,000 for 40' x 10'; $3,000 for 20' x 10'; $2000 for 10' x 10'
  • Wireless Internet access: for example, $5,000
  • Lanyard space: for example, $5,000
  • Conference audio-visual: for example, $30,000
  • Company-provided items placed in conference tote bag: for example, $2,000 per item.

For More Information

For more information about supporting Ubicomp 2006 in any of these capacities, please contact the conference General Chair Cristina Lopes (lopes@ics.uci.edu) or the conference office:

Ubicomp’06 c/o Prof. Cristina Lopes
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697, USA

Ubicomp Conference Historical Data

Year Place Number of participants
1999 Karlsruhe, Germany 200
2000 Bristol, UK 200
2001 Atlanta, Georgia, USA 225
2002 Göteberg, Sweden 450
2003 Seattle, Washington, USA 500
2004 Nottingham, UK 400
2005 Tokyo, Japan 530

Past Corporate Sponsors