Registraton Information
If you are unable to use the online registration system, you can fax or email the
registration form.
For registration problems, changes or cancellations please contact the
Conference Registration Service at:
UBICOMP Conference c/o Deb Bartlett
dbartlett [at] executivevents [dot] com
1-888-714-5544 or +1-303530-4879
(Colorado timezone, GMT-7)
General Visa Information:
The sites and have information about obtaining a visa for those traveling to the United States. Both sites have links to websites for U.S. embassies and consulates
worldwide. The embassy and consulate websites have very helpful information about procedures, timelines, communities served, required documentation, and fees.
Letters from conference organization:
International registrants should be particularly aware and careful about visa requirements, and should plan travel well in advance. Please send your request for a letter in support of a visa application to Marty Beach (mbeach [at] ics [dot] uci [dot] edu), and include your name, mailing address, and fax number. (Authors of papers/posters/etc. should also include the title).
Participants must register for the conference before such letter will be sent out to them.