Call for Videos
Videos are increasingly becoming an integral part of the UbiComp conference series: they offer the chance to showcase emerging technologies, prototype systems, and new approaches to using ubiquitous computing. Videos are especially useful for illustrating complex systems and new interactions with systems in special environments that would not easily be presented as demonstrations at the conference.
We encourage submission of videos both as new material and as supplementals to paper submissions (e.g., in order to illustrate particular aspects of a system). As with other submission categories, video submissions should not have been previously presented in any other formal video program.
The video program will be shown at a special session at the conference, and will be published on a DVD and distributed to conference attendees (although copyright will be retained by the authors). A panel of international reviewers will review videos for their technical content, interest, and relevance to the ubiquitous computing community. Other important review aspects will be the video's communication effectiveness and production quality.
Accepted electronic submission formats are: MPEG1 and MPEG2, AVI file with MPEG4 (DivX codecs) and Apple QuickTime with high resolution. MPEG2 format is strongly encouraged. For other electronic formats and for tape formats please contact the video chairs in advance. Video submissions should be 4 to 8 minutes long. Longer videos will be subject to stricter review criteria. Rough videos in progress will be considered, but will (if tentatively accepted) be subject to a second review process after final production. If the video is accepted, a high quality format, suitable for DVD production, will be required for the final version.
In addition to submitting a video file, authors must also submit a short paper with a maximum of 2 pages in the ACM SIGCHI conference publications format, including all figures and references, for each video submission (though you don't need to leave space for the copyright notice). This should include the title, authors, affiliations and an abstract of no more than 150 words. Papers of accepted videos will be published in the Adjunct Proceedings that will be circulated to attendees at the conference; they will not be incorporated into the main UbiComp 2006 Conference Proceedings.
Video submissions and corresponding papers should be uploaded to an FTP server; contact Marc Langheinrich via email (langheinrich at inf-dot-ethz-dot-ch) for more detailed instructions on how to access the server."
Louise Barkhuus
Marc Langheinrich (
UbiComp2006 Video Co-chairs
Formats accepted:
- MPEG (MPEG1 and MPEG2),
- AVI with MPEG4,
- QuickTime files
Abstract Page limit: 2 pages (ACM SIGCHI conference publications format, no need for the copyright notice though):
Submission Deadline: June 16, 2006
Acceptance Notification: July 14, 2006
Final Version Due: July 21, 2006