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Selected Volunteers and the Waitlist (as of 9/14/2006)

Richard Arthur Brigham Young University US
Yaw Anokwa University of Washington US
Judy Chen UC Irvine US
Eugen Yu RWTH Aachen - Germany DE
Alireza Sahami Shirazi RWTH Aachen University DE
Yusuke Sato Shibaura Institute of Technology JP
Johanna Brewer UC Irvine US
Erika Shehan Georgia Institute of Technology US
Charlotte Tang University of Calgary CA
Matthias Kranz University of Munich DE
Nick Noack Unviersity of California Irvine US
Julie Kientz Georgia Institute of Technology US
Arianna Bassoli The London School of Economics GB
Shadi Shariat UC Irvine US
Iqbal Mohomed University of Toronto CA
David Nguyen UC Irvine US
Timothy "Scott" Saponas University of Washington US
Paul DiGioia UC Irvine US
Amanda Williams UC Irvine US
Ankur Gupta NJIT IN
Jeff Hughes University of Washington US
Sameer Patil University of California, Irvine US
Tammy Toscos Indiana University US
Amaya Becvar UC San Diego US
Man Lok (Simon) Yau University of California, Irvine US
Saranya Saetang University of Bath GB
Daniel Avrahami CMU, HCII US
Susan Wyche GVU Center @ GaTech GB

The updated waitlist, sorted by rank:

Max Van Kleek MIT US
Hung Quoc Ngo Kyung Hee University KR
Di Ma UC Irvine SG
Yufen Jiang Simon Fraser UNiversity CA
Marcela Musgrove Technical University Eindhoven NL
Ashok Kumar Pant Pokhara University NP
Dikaios Papadogkonas Birkbeck College University of London GB
Urs Bischoff Lancaster University GB
Silvia Lindtner UCIrvine DE
Monica Tentori CICESE MX
Myrna Selene Zamarripa Parra CICESE MX
Furquan Kidwai University of Bristol GB
Noah Keating University of Southern California - Interactive Media Division US
Sven Kratz RWTH Aachen DE
Sandra B Fan University of Washington US
Sheena Lewis Georgia Institute of Technology US
Marshini Chetty Georgia Institute of Technology US
Jim Wallace Dalhousie University CA
Jon Froehlich University of Washington US
John Roberts UCSB US
Rex Chen UC Irvine US
Nicolai Marquardt Bauhaus University Weimar DE
Kevin Li UC San Diego US
Steve Ricken NJIT US
Roshni Malani UCSD US
David Hsiao University of Michigan US
Mahsa Jenabi RWTH Aachen University DE
Jam Jenkins Duke University US
Yevgeniy Medynskiy Georgia Tech US
Yong Liu Indiana University Bloomington US
Susanna Nilsson Computer Science, Human-centred systems SE
Min Kyung Lee Carnegie Mellon University US
Yee-Loo FOO Univ. of Tokyo JP
Louise Welfare University of Sussex, Brighton GB
Nima Motamedi Simon Fraser University CA
Shivam Goyal Georgia Institute of Technology US
Kashif Iqbal Digital Enterprise Research Institute, NUI,Galway IE
Hyoseok Yoon Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology KR
Dalia Khader university of bath GB
Kenghao Chang UC berkeley this fall, current Natl Taiwan Univ. US
Cindy Stanford Wichita State University US
Olga Khroustaleva University of Michigan US
Achir Kalra New Jersey Institute of Technology US
William R. Hazlewood Indiana University School of Informatics US
Yang Wang UC-Irvine CN
Chayan Chakrabarti University of California, Irvine US
Leif Oppermann University of Nottingham GB
Riad Lemhachheche Oregon State University US
Daniel Ashbrook Georgia Tech US
Anna Vallg�rda IT-University, Copenhagen DK
Tingfan Wu (will be in August) Dept CSE, UCSD TW
Abdullah Al Mahmud Technische Universiteit Eindhoven(TU/e) NL
Hannah Regier Art Center College of Design US
Heather Wiltse IUPUI US
Jay Summet GaTech US
Jenn Thom-Santelli Cornell US
Michael Massimi University of Toronto CA
Jennifer A. Rode University of California, Irvine US
Kimberly Tee University of Calgary CA
Cristen Torrey Carnegie Mellon University US
Elba Abigail Morales UABC University MX
Jessica L'Esperance Michigan School of Information US
Yoosoo Oh GIST U-VR Lab. KR
June Zhang Stanford University US
Lan Guo Georgia Tech US
lucy dunne University College Dublin IE
Rich Schuler New Jersey Institute of Technology US
Sejin Oh GIST KR
Jessica Elliott Georgia Tech US
N Rajitha ISS College of Engg & Tech IN
Bernard Ghanem University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US
Miten Sampat Virginia Tech US
Scott Davidoff Carnegie Mellon US
Katherine Mancuso Emory University US
Zahid Anwar University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US
Karen Tang Carnegie Mellon University US
Eric Baumer UC Irvine US
Jun Gong Northeastern University US
Anne Faber Indiana University US
Greg Elliott University of California, Irvine US
Dan Perkel UC Berkeley US
Steven Dow Georgia Institute of Technology US
Alan Liu University of Washington US
Germine Seide Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology JP
James Gilpin University of the arts London (London college of communication) GB
Abdullah Al Moti Sifuddin Royal Institute of Technology SE
Amy Hurst Carnegie Mellon University US
Jonathan Diehl RWTH Aachen DE
Leonardo Galicia CICESE MX
Abdel Mejía CICESE MX
Ali Reza Sahami RWTH Aachen University DE
David Boladji university of jos ZA
Faisal GIST KR
Nithya Sambasivan Georgia Tech US
Sanil Paul NJIT US
Manish Agarwal Indian School of Mines IN
Nathaniel Laws New Jersey Institute of Technology US
Gunny Lee Stanford US
Xianghua Ding UCI US
Yi-Chao Chen National Taiwan University TW
Andrea Moed UC Berkeley School of Information US
Anupama Sharma San Francisco State University US
Jennifer Carter CATLAB - ECE - UNH US
Edward Bourbeau, CATLAB - ECE - UNH US
Christopher Gaudreau CATLAB - ECE - UNH US

Call for Student Volunteers

Student volunteers provide the backbone of any successful conference. Accepted volunteers are expected to work in scheduled sessions during the conference, but will also be given great opportunities to attend the program and socialize. All student volunteers will receive a free registration to the conference (including meals & special events).

The deadline for SV applications for UbiComp 2006 is July 10. Notification of accepted and waitlisted SV's should be two weeks later. The sign up for the positions is now online at http://gillianhayes.com/ubiSV/UbiSVapplication.html.

Contact the student volunteer chairs for more information: Amir Haghighat (ahaghigh@ics.uci.edu) or Gillian Hayes (gillian [at] cc [dot] gatech [dot] edu)